Use Of Ri One V

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For what sickness is diclogem tablet used ## im using diclogem for head ache since last 2 yrs, please suggest is it harmfull as other medicines does not subsedise the pain,its only my right side of head n face pains including neck. pls suggest


I am having pain in both legs. Starts from the feet and goes upwards. Both my knee joints and right shoulder joint also ache. Can this medication help? ## Bone-C Plus is a multivitamin supplement, it contains Calcitrol, Calcium, Folic Acid, Methylcobalamin and Vitamin B6. It is sometimes given to people with certain types of joint and never pain, because a lack in vital nutrients can cause or aggravate the condition. ## I ran a half marathon on 1st Dec 2013 and since mid Jan 2014 my and knee and ankle of my left leg are in pain. I went to the doctor and was given Cipla Nicip plus. Can you advise if this tablet can resolve my pain issue?

2 REPLIES Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

ridiq is a small white pill , but what is it used for? ## Actually I spelt the word wrongly, it is Ridaq, and depending on the mg prescribed it can either be white or pink. ## Based on my research Ridaq contains the active ingredient Hydrochlorothiazide; which is a diuretic, used alone or together with other medications to treat high blood pressure and fluid retention (edema). You can learn more about this drug on the page for Hydrochlorothiazide Details I hope this info helps! Any thoughts on how well this medication works compared to the generic?

2 REPLIES Filed under Diuretic

hi i am swetha and i am 28 yrs,married for 2 yrs.I and my husband are planning for a child now.i am using ecosprin75 along with folvite tablets as prescribed by my will it help me in conceiving. ## Ecosprin contains the active ingredient Aspirin, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's also used for its blood thinning properties, but it will not do anything to help you get pregnant. Learn more Ecosprin details here. Are you sure that's why your doctor told you to take it? ## I am Vasker, 33 yrs from India. I have bilateral renal calculi on both the kidney. On the left there are two calculi measuring 4mm each and on the right there are four calculi measuring upto 8mm. Sometimes I got irritation on back side. What is the best way for treatment. And here i want ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Folvite

everytime i have inflamation on my knee and feet i take decilone forte and neo-pyrazone together, is there any contraindications since i take the medicine together ? ## Hi, Peter! Yes, there can be a problem with taking the Dexamethasone in the Decilone Forte with the Diclofenac in the Neo-Pyrazon. They can both increase the toxicity of the other, which increases the associated risks of both, such as stomach ulceration, nausea, liver damage and fluid retention. YOu can learn more Decilone Forte details here and there are more Neo-Pyrazon details here. Is your doctor aware that you are taking both? Do they monitor you regularly? ## hello,my husband take a decilone forte for allergy.but now every 3days he has a fever.what we do?

2 REPLIES Filed under Dexamethasone

My daughter is 3 and half years old. She is taking valparine 200 syrup for last one year when she suffering fits. Is there any side effect of this medicine? If I stop this syrup, will she affect again as fits? ## Hello JDR! How so she doing? She's only dosed when she has seizures? Does the doctor not have her on it to prevent them? And yes, all medications carry the risk of causing side effects, with this drug they may include nausea, dizziness and mood changes. Learn more Valparin details here. And yes, the seizures can recur.

1 REPLY Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

I had loose motion. Doctor prescribed Rifagut and also Vibact. Is it safe to take both? Please let me know if I can take Vibact along with Rifagut... ## It is always best to take the medications your doctor has prescribed. However, you should know that these antibiotics can cause loose motions as a side effect, according to the NIH, along with nausea, dizziness, headache, and non-allergic skin rash. Have you started taking them, yet?

1 REPLY Filed under Antibiotics

Please let me know what you take it for and how much does it help ## Hello, Theresa! How are you? Risperdal is a very potent antipsychotic medication that can be used to treat various mental health conditions. Learn more Risperdal details here. I've never taken it, but I know several people that have, including my ex-husband and they all had good results with it. Mostly, due to it's sedating effects, from what I can tell. Other side effects may include nausea, drowsiness and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Risperdal

Can human take rymadal ## Hello, JJ! How are you? No, Rimadyl is a medication that has been specially formulated for use in canines. It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat things such as joint pain and arthritis. Typical side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and seizures. It was actual originally also approved for human use, but it was pulled from the market for human ingestion years ago. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Rimadyl

IS RISPERIDONE USED FOR ANXIETY? ## No, it isn't typically used for just anxiety. Risperidone is a very potent atypical antipsychotic, which is most commonly used to treat schizophrenia and the manic episodes of bipolar disorders, as well as some other severe mental health problems. Its side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, sedation and weight changes. Learn more: Are there any other questions or comments? ## does anyone know if oyu can take hydrocondone/apap while taking Risperidone ? ## I do not believe there to be a problem taking them with hydrocodone or oxycodone. I know a couple people that take both combinations,and are prescribed by the same doctor. ## can risterione help a man with challenging behaviour disorder ## I'm taking 1mg Risperidone and 50mg of Zoloft. I...

5 REPLIES Filed under Risperidone

pl advise me the use of MOXOVAS 0.3 in case of my suffering from bp , protate or knee troubleat the age of 64? ## Sir, I am suffering from BP problems. My age is 55 and I'm female. Doctors advised me to take Moxovas 0.3. Is this right or wrong? ## This medication is used to help treat high blood pressure. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension. Have you started taking it, yet?

2 REPLIES Filed under Blood Pressure

round white, pliva 433 ## I was told Triazodone would help me sleep at night. How do they make you feel the next day? Please give me any information that you can about this pill. My son passed away almost 3 months ago and I am having trouble sleeping. Thank you! ## Trazadone, a generic for Desyrel, is an antidepressant that also causes sedation and drowsiness. When my husband was on this, as long as he took it at night, right before going to bed, there weren't any adverse effects the next day. Some of the most common side effects include: drowsiness, sedation, uncontrolled laughter and blurred vision. Very sorry to hear about your son. ## Thank you Verwon. So it sounds like this was a good choice for your husband. I appreciate your time! ## Very welcome, I am happy to help.

4 REPLIES Filed under Desyrel
Rimexolone Drug Index

Rimexolone is a glucocorticoid steroid used to treat inflammation in the eye.[1] It is marketed as a 1% eye drop suspension under the trade name Vexol by Alcon Laboratories, but was discontinued in the US and other countries.[2][3] Contents 1 Medical uses 2 Contraindications 3 Side effects 4 Pharmacology 4.1 Pharmacodynamics 4.2 Pharmacokinetics 5 References Medical uses Rimexolone is used to treat inflammation after eye surgery, to tr...

Is risperidone and Risperdone the same drug and used for the same illnesses ## Resperdone is a common misspelling for Resperidone Risperidone is used for treating schizophrenia for young ages. It also helps with treating anxiety and behavior disorders in children. For more in formation about this drug click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

1 REPLY Filed under Risperidone

I have a 7months baby girl she has white eachy circle on her chest they started when she was two months when she grows they become bigger at the clinic they gave me a cream called Vari- Hydrocortisone will it help her it been 2 weeks and thers no difference what else can help her ## If it hasn't helped after 2 weeks, then it likely isn't the right treatment choice. Have you consulted her doctor again? It may be some type of skin fungus, such as yeast and that would require an anti fungal medication. Learn more Yeast details here.

1 REPLY Filed under Hydrocortisone

Is anyone else worried about the possible side effects of tardives dyskinesia or akathesia or dystonia? Does anyone know how rare it is to get these on a lower dose of 50 mg. for sleep? Please share if you have encouraging info on this. I have anxiety & I worry every time I have any facial twitches or unusal sensations, likely caused by my anxiety. Otherwise, it does help for sleep. :~) I've taken it for 3 years for insomnia. ## They are very rare side effects, anyway, which means they would be even less likely to occur at the lower doses. I'm not going to try to tell you there isn't any risk, but if you've already been taking it for years, that means your risk of developing them is even lower. Learn more Trazodone details here. Have you discussed your concerns with ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Trazodone

I had brain surgery 3 mos. ago. Was almost off the oxycodone when I developed a bone infection in my skull. Went on very high dose. Came out of the hospital with a PICC line and on 20 mg ir oxycodone 6 x a day. Down to 5mg 6 x a day but now I am having a very hard time reducing anymore. Can I go down by half and not have any wd symptoms? Or should I come down slower. ## It might be best to taper slower, your doctor should be able to help you set up a proper schedule. Are you taking the regular release, or the time released formulation? The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.

1 REPLY Filed under Oxycodone

Does anyone know how to taper off this nasty drug? Take 15mg every night sometimes during day too. Have been on this drug for five years, prescribed 7.5mg from Dr (script of 14 every month). ## If you are only taking 14 a month, that is not a crazy amount, so you should be able to taper off of them, do so slowly is usually best. Have you informed your doctor that you want to stop taking it? They may be able to help you with a proper tapering schedule. How often do you take it? Do you take them right in a row, so you are out for the rest of the month, or do you space them out over the month? The NHS warns that this medication may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, hallucinations, and next day hangover-like effects. Ref: Zopiclone Information Are you on any other m...

1 REPLY Filed under Zopiclone

Can anyone advise on safe use of valium? I am taking it short term while waiting for my antidepressants to work but have gone through about 18 in 2 or 3 days. When is addiction likely to set in as that's the last thing needed right now having come off alcohol? I know 18 is a lot, but so is anxiety and trouble sleeping. Thanks. ## I can only say to stay safe, do so under a known Dr.s orders. (recommended by someone you know) Not 1 found in a directory either. With my PTSD, severe panic attacks, anxiety, endless insomnia a decent Dr. (my shrink of 14yrs) finally after having me do the rounds of SSRIs, then others, even xanax didn't work fully. It did, but never lasted more than a few hours. He had me take 2-3 of 10mg a day Val. Most days i only needed 2. Leaving me usually with ab...

3 REPLIES Filed under Valium

my mother had operation for tumor in her head before 9 mnths ago. Doctor giving levipil750 for a day twice. she continued 3 mnths then she stopped. Right now she is gud but we are visited that doctor for check up he told to us use levipil tablets again 6mnths. what is the use of levipills? is there any side effects if she continued long tima?

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