Take 1 Pill Every 8 Hours How Many Days Should

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I was prescribed 30 percocet and was told to take 1 tablet every 4-6 hours as needed...how many days is that suppose to last if i am taking them every 5 hours for pain? ## Hello, Jona! How are you? How many days supply does your pharmacy list it as being? The issue here is that it's an 'as needed' prescription and not a strict dosing schedule, so apparently your doctor thinks you'll only need to take one occasionally, so they may expect it to last a few weeks, or as long as a month. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. When is your next appointment?

1 REPLY Filed under Percocet

It says take 2 pills every 4 hours and I have 80 pills how many days is that? ## 2 pills every 4 hours and 80 pills how many dsys ## Approximately 7 days supply, to be more precise, it would come out to be 6.6 days. Unless the instructions say it's to be taken on an as needed basis, if that is the case, then your doctor may think they should last longer. The FDA defines PRN in a very similar manner. What medication is it? Maybe I can provide more precise information if you can post back with the name of it. ## My prescripción saya take 2 tramadol every 4to 6 hous for pain as needed for coronación pain. How long does 75 pilla last

3 REPLIES Filed under Tramadol

I take 1 Percocet every 6 hours for pain and I have 60 tablets how long should they last? ## Hello, Penny! How are you? If you take them every 6 hours, then 60 tablets would last 15 days. However, if the prescribing instructions from your doctor say to take as needed, then your doctor may expect them to last longer. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## If the doctor prescribes every 4 hours that 6 pills a day six times 10 is 60....Meaning 10 days 60 pills where the hell did you get 15 ## I received 120 pills on January 9 and I take them every 6 hours today is January 30 bow many pills ...

6 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

how long will these pills last and how many days ## Hello, Carla! How are you? If you're supposed to take it on a regular dosing schedule, then that would be a 10 day supply, because you'd be taking 3 a day. However, as explained by the NIH, if you are supposed to take it on an 'as needed' basis, then they may be intended to last you longer than that. How is it prescribed? ## I have 20 pills and it says to take ever 6 hoursas needed so how would I do that and how many days?


What does it mean "take 1 tablet by mouth every 8 hours × 2 days" should i only take it for 2 days or every 2 days?? ## Hello, Miri! How are you? According to the FDA prescription writing information, that would be taking one every 8 hours for 2 days. Which medication is it? Perhaps I can provide you with more information on it, if you post back and clarify! ## Take hydrocodone every 12 hours as needed for pain - how many pills should be prescribed? ## What does it mean to take 2 tablets every four hours? My doctor prescribed me some sinuend tablets to take 2 every 4 hours. How many must I take in a day? ## However many they want. When my friend broke her ankle they gave her 3 days worth.

4 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

take one tablet by mouth once a day with morning meal for seven days then twice a day with meals. is that breakfast and dinner or two with breakfast,. perhaps every twelve hours? ## Hello, Michael! How are you? What medication has been prescribed? This information would enable me to be more precise. Can you please post back and clarify? Going by what you've listed from the instructions, though, according to the FDA, that would be taking one tablet, twice a day, usually with breakfast and dinner.


If I have taken 7 hydrocodone a day for the past week and my prescription is for 10/325 every 4 hrs.. will I b ok? ## My prescriptions is to take every 12 hours an I have 60 hydrocodone pills. How many should I have left after 28 days ## If you took 2 a day (every 12 hours) multiply that by 28 days and you would have taken 56 pills. That would leave you with 4. Are the pills extended release? ## Tom, if you were experiencing an overdose, you'd have noticed by now, and been forced to seek medical attention. However, you should make sure to inform your doctor of the error, so they can watch you for any signs of possible ill health effects. You will likely also run out sooner than you should. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side...

3 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

I have a sore throat and have a little difficulty in swallowing. How many of the pota-vi-kin (800,000 u) should I take per day. I am now just coughing, and I feel better. I took one pota-vi-kin yesterday and I think it is making me feel better already. ## Dear Mae, is there directions on the bottle or package? I would follow them. If no directions, u can call any pharmacy and ask them, or, ask your Dr. ## @Mae, Were you diagnosed with a respiratory tract infection by chance? According to a drug monograph on nih.gov, the "usual" adult dosage recommendations for a mild to moderately severe respiratory tract infection is listed at 250 to 500 mgs (or 400,000 to 800,000 U) every 6 to 8 hours for 10 days. Under those dosing protocols, you'd end up taking 3 to 4 tablets throughout ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Antibiotics

I take 2 Percocet tablets every 6 hours. I got 30 prescribed to me. How many days should they last? ## Hello, Mana! How are you? What are the prescribing instructions on the label? Do they state that you are supposed to take one every 6 hours, or do they instruct you to take one every 6 hours, as needed? The answer will depend upon the precise details. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. If you are to take one every 6 hours regularly, then 30 tablets would only be a supply for 7 and a half days. However, if the directions instruct you to take them only as needed, then your doctor may expect them to last for a longer period of time.

1 REPLY Filed under Percocets

My orthopedic doc put me on 5/325mg percocets #40. How many days of supply is that? I had carpal tunnel surgery and am now having complications. ## What are the specifics of the prescription? Has it been prescribed to be taken ever 6 to 8 hours regularly? Or has it been directed that you only take it as needed? I'm sorry, but the answer depends on this additional information. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. Are you on any other medications? What complications are you experiencing? ## It's I tab q8* (every 8 hours) quantity 40 tabs was wondering how many days supply that is ## That's 3-4 per day. If you take 4 per day(1 every 6 hours) (24 ho...

3 REPLIES Filed under Percocets

How many days should 14 norcos that I'm supposed to take every 4-6 hours last me until I can ask for a refill? ## Hello, Nato! How are you? How was it prescribed, are you supposed to take it as needed, or does it tell you to take them regularly? I need this additional information in order to answer your question. The FDA classifies this medication as narcotic analgesic, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation. ## I have $120 for that the doctor gave me he told me to take one every 4 to 6 hours how many days should that last me

2 REPLIES Filed under Norcos

My mom was given Acyclovir 800 mg to take 5 times a day. What does that mean??? ## 24/5=4.8 hours or 288 minutes or 4 hours & 48 minutes ## Your math is right, but should we take the number of waking hours and divide by 5 rather than the entire 24 hour period? So accounting for sleep, 16 hours awake / 5 times = 3.2, so about every 3.5 hours? Update - I looked up the Acyclovir dosage guidelines on DailyMed, and it states "800 mg every 4 hours orally, 5 times daily for 7 to 10 days." ... So it seems like somewhere in the middle of both of our answers lol

2 REPLIES Filed under Acyclovir

I have RSD in both legs due to several back surgeries. I was diagnosed in 1993 and have lived in pain for many years. My question is, I was doing pretty good with hydrocodone, Tylenol (7.5/3.25) ev 4 hrs. Even missing a dose every now and then, my RSD was mostly under control. I was changed to pill form (10/3.25) ev 6 hrs and ever since then (3 days ago), I have been in severe pain, in my legs and now under my feet. What made the difference? My pharmacist will not get the liquid form for me due to the cost to them. I may have to go out of town to get it. We live in a small town. ## Your pain might be do to the change in dosage timing, since you went from 4 hours to 6 hours, but it is hard to say. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, c...

1 REPLY Filed under Hydrocodone

My endoscopy was done 1 week ago. And ulcers and H. Pyroli was found. Among other things sompraz 40mg was prescribed for 1 month. 1 before breakfast, and 1 before dinner everyday for one month. How many minutes or hours before food should i take this tablet? Should i take it 5 minutes before food, or 30 minutes before food or ? Thankyou. ## Sompraz contains the active ingredient Esomeprazole, it is a proton pump inhibitor that is used to reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach, to treat or prevent conditions such as yours. It may cause some side effects, such as: nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and flatulence. It should be taken with your meals, which means immediately when you start eating. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hello doctor i was done endoscopy 6 days be...

7 REPLIES Filed under Esomeprazole

If your supposed to take a med 1pill every 4 hours how many pills total is that a day? ## Is that like 6 total pills a day? ## Prescription says to take 1 tab every 6 hours...how many pills is that taking a day? I'm thinking thats 4 pills a day. The total qty is 120 for a month. 4 pills a day for 30 days is 120 pills total...right? ## Yes, every 4 hours would be 6 pills a day and every 6 hours would be 4 pills a day. However, it should be noted that you may not need to take that many of all medications. Some, such as pain medications, may be prescribed to be taken as needed and that means you can take it a maximum of that many times a day, but you don't have to take them all, if you don't need to do so. But for others, such as antibiotics or cardiac medications, you should t...

4 REPLIES Filed under Anxiety

If it's prescribed every four hours, how many times a day is it? ## If you take a dose first thing in the morning and then factor in 8 hours of sleep, that's 5 times in a day. Though technically every 4 hours covers 6 times in a 24 hour period. Using a simplified example: 8 am - wake up, take a dose 12 pm - take 2nd dose 4 pm - take 3rd dose 8 pm - take 4th dose 12 am - take 5th dose, go to sleep sleep until 8 am next day Of course the above is oversimplified. If you aren't sleeping through the night you might need a sixth dose in a 24 hour period. Something to work out with your doc. ## How many tablets are prescribed for how many days ? Every 4 hours in a 24 hour period is usually for those that just had surgery. All others that say every 4 hours usually means 4 times in a...

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

Hi. I have a script for #60 pills and am directed to take 1 every 8 hours. How many days is that for? ## What medication is it? Additionally, do the instructions say to take as needed, or to take exactly every 8 hours? The answer will depend on this additional information. The FDA prescribing instructions may vary according. ## It just says take one every eight hours for severe pain ## I got 20 Percocet tablets and I'm suppose to take 1 every 6 hours. How many days supply is that? I got it for a toothache. ## I filled my prescription for 20 percocets on the 19th of this month. How long is it supposed to last if I take two every 4-6 hours? ## How many day's supply of Percocet will I have taking two 5/325 tabs every 4 hours, if they gave me 50 tablets? ## Hello, my name is Sandy a...


How many doses would I be taking if I took them every 5 hours? Because if I started the time at 12am and went a full 24 hours, I'd take a dose at 8pm which is technically the last dose in 24 hours, because the next dose is at 1am which is passed the 24 hour mark; so wouldn't that be 4 in 24 hours? I'm confused here. ## If you take a dose every 6 hours, you'd be taking 4 in each 24 hour period, while some doses may overlap the given days, the most important part is to stay on that schedule of every 6 hours. I know it can be confusing, but time is purely a construct of man... so you are always going to have time periods that roll into each other. For example, I am a heart patient, I have one medication that I take every 8 hours, where those 8 hours fall doesn't matter,...


I don't know if prescription this is for 20 or 30 days ## Hello, JR! How are you? That means it's to be taken orally every 6 hours, as defined by the NIH. So, at a one tablet dosing, that would mean you'd take 4 a day and it would be a 60 day supply. If you're supposed to take 2 tablets each time, then that would be a 30 day supply. If you can post back with more details, such as which medication it is, I might be able to tell you more. Can you post back and clarify? Thanks! ## My medication 1to2 pills every 6hrs


I have 60 Tramadol pills and my prescription says to take 1 every six hours (only 4 max a day). How many days supply is that? ## That would be 15 days, if the prescription says you should take them regularly. However, this may be different if it is prescribed to be taken as needed, in that case, your doctor may expect it to last longer. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Tramadol

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