
100+ Topics Found

is this a water pill ## Did you mean Lasix? If so, yes it contains the active ingredient Furosemide, which is a diuretic that's used to help remove excess fluid from the body. It can treat various medical conditions, such as hypertension, edema and congestive heart failure. Learn more Lasix details here.

1 REPLY Filed under Lasix
Lastolic Lercanidipine

Lercanidipine (trade name Zanidip, among others) is an antihypertensive (blood pressure lowering) drug. It belongs to the dihydropyridine class of calcium channel blockers, which work by relaxing and opening the blood vessels allowing the blood to circulate more freely around the body. This lowers the blood pressure and allows the heart to work more efficiently.[1] The drug acts more slowly than older dihydropyridines.[citation needed] It probably has fewer adv...

Lastacaft Alcaftadine

Alcaftadine is used to prevent eye irritation brought on by allergic conjunctivitis. It is a H1 histamine receptor antagonist.[2] It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in July 2010, under the trade name Lastacaft.[3] Contents 1 Pharmacology 2 Clinical relevance 3 Adverse effects 4 Pharmacokinetics 5 Sales 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Pharmacology Alcaftadine is an antagonist at three of the histamine receptors (1, 2 a...

Azelastine Drug Index

Azelastine, sold under the brand name Optivar among others, is a medication primarily used as a nasal spray to treat allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and as eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis.[3] Other uses may include asthma and skin rashes for which it is taken by mouth.[4] Onset of effects is within minutes when used in the eyes and within an hour when used in the nose.[5] Effects last for up to 12 hours.[5] Common side effect...

My husband took my last two xanax and put them in his wallet because I have a bad habit of forgetting I already dosed and have had to call this hospital from taking extra. Xanax really does a doozy on myemory but my doc doesn't seem concerned. Anyway he forgot to put them back in the bottle this morning and he works a very physical job so the got crushed in his wallet.he insist I could probably just put the powder in a small glass of water and drink it and it should be fine. Sounds logical enough but will it work the same? Thank god he didn't get pulled over ## Hello, Eliza! How are you? Yes, as long as they aren't the time released Xanax XR, there shouldn't be a problem. However, you do need to be careful, especially if you don't normally take 2 at once. When is it ...

1 REPLY Filed under Xanax

Does anyone know when the drug companies decided to change Azelastine nasal spray from 240 doses to 200 doses? And who is supposed to notify the prescriber’s when they do something like this? I had a huge argument with my allergist because the bottle started getting smaller sometime last year and they must not have believed me because they refused to accept that it was running out early because there were only 200 sprays instead of 240 and I’m pretty sure it’s been like this since June. Does anyone know who is supposed to alert the public if a bottle of nasal spray suddenly decreases the volume by 40 doses? ## How many doses does your pharmacy state should be in the bottle? The FDA warns that this medication may cause side effects, such as bitter taste, drowsiness, hea...

1 REPLY Filed under Azelastine

It's been 1 week, and 4 days since I last drank a dose. I feel more over whelmed than anything at this point. I'm going crazy in my own head doing anything to drowned out the thoughts constantly watching movies, listening to music, and complicating the positives and negatives well continuing school. It's been almost 6 years since I started taking opiates my body is decayed, malnourished and run down. What I thought was a short term program after trying to quit opiates several times at detox on my 17th birthday I joined the methadone clinic in desperate need. At this time in my life I can truly say I didn't want to get better I was diagnosed with PTSD, and social anxiety. my daily doses was 95 mg plus I still had been abusing OxyContin when available it took me a year and...

2 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

Hi there. This is my 1st pack of these pills n I missed a pill from the last active(white) pill yesterday morning, n had unprotected intercourse with my partner.. I took my 1 for today a bit n ddnt make up for the 1 I ddnt take ystrdy. What do I do nw? Panicking. Will I get pregnant? Wat do I do nw. Have 2 left b4 my red pills? Please advise. Thank u. ## Hello, Nana! How are you? You should have taken them both, but the chances of pregnancy are pretty slim, it's very rare that ovulation occurs form just missing one pill. However, you may want to take an emergency contraceptive, if they're available there to be sure. Are there any other questions or concerns?

1 REPLY Filed under Birth Control / Contraceptive

I am coming up on my last week before the set date it expires and to get it removed. My breasts have been really sore. Is this a side effect from the hormones? I am just worried because it is coming up on the expiration date. Is implanon less effective towards the last few weeks? ## It is most likely just due to fluctuating hormone levels, you may also experience headache, nausea, spotting, and PMS-like symptoms. However, if you are concerned, it never hurts to have yourself checked for pregnancy to be sure. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Implanon

How long should a script of 90 loratabs last if taken every 6 hours ## Hello, Missy! How are you? How is has it been prescribed? Do the directions say to take it every 6 hours, or is it written to be taken on an as needed basis? If it's supposed to be taken on a schedule regularly, then 90 tablets would last about 22 and a half days, but if it's to be taken as needed, then this was most likely intended to be a 30 day supply. The FDA lists this medication as being a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

1 REPLY Filed under Pain Relief

how long do op 20 last in hoursl ## Oxycontin contains the active ingredient Oxycodone and is a time released formulation that is supposed to slowly release over a period of 12 hours. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth. Learn more: Are there any other questions or comments?

1 REPLY Filed under OxyContin

1st time taking oxycontin what can i expect? ## Hi thrillseeker, From what I've read, 40mg is considered to be somewhat of a high dose for a first time user. However, your reaction to it really depends a lot on your tolerance to narcotics. Someone who has taken them on a frequent basis and in higher doses will likely need to have more in order to notice any sort of effect on their pain levels. Also, you may want to be fully aware of the potential side effects that are commonly associated with narcotics (i.e. dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth, etc). A more complete list of side effects can be found here: Have you taken any other types of pain medications prior to getting oxycontin?

1 REPLY Filed under OxyContin

Started sub 3 months ago today at 12mg. Started tapering 2 months ago. 4 weeks ago I was at 4mg. and have dropped 1 mg per week. Took my last 1mg this morning. Noticed people been asking about coming off this stuff. I,ll keep you all informed about how my jump feels. Not expecting anything for a few days because of the half life. Just to let you know I didn,t feel much bettween tapers until I got down to 1mg. and I gotta tell you that it was just about nothing. Not thinking jump will be too bad, maybe mild discomfort I hope. I know it,ll be nothing like past oxy wds. ## Day 4: Hasn,t been too bad yet. Except for the sleep thing whitch I HAVE been getting some kind of feels like about a med. alcohol hangover. Those subs are some weird s#it. I ain,t knocking them because they helped me ge...

5 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone
4-Way Long Lasting Nasal Oxymetazoline

Oxymetazoline, sold under the brand name Afrin among others, is a topical decongestant and vasoconstrictor medication. It is available over-the-counter as a nasal spray to treat nasal congestion and nosebleeds, as eyedrops to treat eye redness due to minor irritation, and (in the United States) as a prescription topical cream to treat persistent facial redness due to rosacea in adults. Its effects begin within minutes and last for up to 6 hours. Intranasal use for longer than three days may c...

I was receiving inj's. for several years, felt great but was a pain. My doctor suggested I switch to Testopel as my insurance covered it 100%. However, I've burned thru 10 pellets in 5 weeks. I spiked pretty fast & dropped even faster. Doctor is puzzled since it was supposed to last 3-4 months. Now I have to supplement with inj's. to buy time until I can get on the schedule for more pellets. Will they last longer the 2nd time? Anyone else have this happen?

Filed under Testopel

Had total hip replacement 5 days ago. Percocet 10/325 only last 4 hrs before the pain starts to increase. I've tried to stick it out to at least 5+ hours, but it is too painful. Should I take a Lortab between doses to help me get to 5-6 hrs? Or should I just go ahead and take another percocet? (every 4 hr). ## Talk your dr. You may need something stronger short term. ## @DJ, Because these medications tend to affect each person differently, I believe only you can truly answer that question depending on how your body has responded to them in previous doses. However, over an extended period of time I'd probably be more concerned about acetaminophen toxicity than anything else. Maybe you can ask your doctor if s/he can prescribe something without acetaminophen in order to allow for ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

How long does opana 40mg work for in your system? I took half of one just because I had nothing else for the pain. Then I tried to take my regular medicine and it's like it stopped it from working. How long till this goes away and I can take my regular medicine? It is the ER tablets btw. ## Hi Brooke - the Extended Release Opana is meant to work in your body for about 12 hours, with a half life of about 9-11 hours.[1] May I ask what your other medicine is? It would be important to check for potential drug interactions too. And with a half life of up to 11 hours it would still take some more time to be fully metabolized in your body. Days I would think. [1]

1 REPLY Filed under Opana

my problem is my husband using me Oct.16.and the i got menstration 19.of oct...but i have menstration...on that day he use once only...but a got lots of blood..until 22..and 23...but my question why..until now...dec .19..i dont have menstration...last dec.11..i try to test a pregnancy test...but its negative....what happen...and what will...i do...until now...i dont have ## sir/maam may i know the answer of my questuon before.i want to know that plss....until now i dont have.menstratuon...ts two months.


My script it's for 100 pills 1 every 4 hours how long before I can get script filed again ## Hello, Collins! How are you? What medication is it for? As it prescribed to be taken 'as needed' every 4 hours, or are you just supposed to take it every 4 hours regularly? If it's an 'as needed' prescription, then this may be intended to be a month's supply. 100 tablets at 6 a day would be less than 17 days of pills, so that's not a typical amount that would be prescribed.


I have a strange response to Oramorph - I take 10ml for persistent hip pain two or three times a week. It takes about 2 hrs to kick in and lasts about 10-12 hrs. It is not slow-release. Sometimes I wonder if I'm imagining this or maybe it just relaxes me so the pain feels less. I would like to know if anyone (especially women as I've heard these drugs aren't evaluated on women), has had a similar experience? My doctor says it's impossible! Thanks. ## The length of time that any given medication works may vary from person to person, a lot of it depends on your own body chemistry and metabolism. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. And yes, th...

1 REPLY Filed under Oramorph

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