Axana Bar

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barmicil compuesto cream 30 g

BETAMETASONA & CLOTRIMAZOL & GENTAMICINA ## Have been using Barmicil Compuesto Cream which I purchased at Walmart in Acapulco....Is this a safe cream and, if so, where can it be purchased in the USA???? ## I have been using Barmicil for several skin problems such as sores, pimples, rosacea, ringworms, and gotten excellent healing of ailments, with no skin scarring. I buy it in Progreso, MX for about $3.00 a tube. This lasts for months. I also keep an extra tube handy, so that if I encounter someone with dire need of skin help, I can offer it to them. ## For everyone's reference, I believe the active ingredients of this medication translate to: Betamethasone + Clotrimazole + Gentamicin From what I have seen the closest equivalent available in the US contains 2 of the active i......

Filed under Betamethasone
Barmicil compuesto creme

Information on Barmicil compuesto creme ## Sorry, I cannot find any drug listing under this name. ## This is a medication from Mexico which is used to treat a variety of skin conditions. It contains Betamethasone + Clotrimazole + Gentamicin. ## it's similar to LOTRISONE available in the US by prescription. Betamethasone (a steroid, like hydrocrotisone) is only available by prescription in the US. That's why you won't find it over-the-counter in the US. The BARMICIL Compuesto (Compound) preparation is made by Laboratorios Quimica Son's in Puebla, Mexico. It's is VERY inexpensive ($3-5 for 30g) in most Mexican farmacias. It might be found occassionally in some Mexican grocery stores in the US as they may not realize it's by 'scrip only. ## Gentamicine, also inc......

Filed under Betamethasone
Baralgin m 500 mg uses

What are Baralgin m 500 mg tablets used for? ## Baralgin M is a brand name of Metamizole, which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (pain reliever, fever reducer). Metamizole was banned from the United States in 1977, but continues to be available in many other parts of the world. For more information about this drug please see the page for Metamizole Details. ## what is baralgin m 500mg tablet used for ## How many tabs should one take per day? Is there any side effect? I am diabetic. ## can baralgin give to 9year old pain ## What are the side effects of Baralgin M? If you are taking anti-coagulants can you take Baralgin M? ## i have back pain taking sudalud and voltaren pain is still there today is now the fifth day and doctor said it is back sparsum i also use a heating bag did ......

Filed under Voltaren

what type of illness does baralgin 500mg used for ## Baralgin is a non-naroctis pain reliever. It is mainly used for treatment of pain with spasms, from kidney stones, intestinal spasms, and migraines. Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## I WANT TO KNOW THE SIDE EFFECTS OF IF ANY OF BARALGIN 500MG ## what is the baralgin drops what type of illness ## does baralgin have any side effects? can you take baralgin if u have fibres? Can you take it with any other medician? can you take it if your emoglobin is low ## does baralgin have any side effects ## side effects of baralgin ## What would happen if I took 3 500mg baralgin tablets at once? ## can I use baraglin to treat diarreh ## can u take baralgin while taking warfarin ## Can I take BARALGI......

Filed under Warfarin
barrel shaped white 10|P

Found a small unmarked container of these. One side is blank the other says 10 P seperated by a line in the middle. Thanks for any help. I searched Google and all related sites to no avail. ## Found the same pills, did you ever find out what they were? ## I think it is a allergy pill call cetirizine hydrochloride. I have the same pill in a bubble pack with that name. ## Hi Mikey, Do you happen to know who manufacturers these or what the National Drug Code / DIN # is on the packaging? I've been searching for a way to cross reference your finding (re: cetirizine), but so far haven't located any specific details that would connect the dots so to speak... What dosage is it supposed to be? Also, are you based in the US? This is the country I reside in, so perhaps where ever you are t......

Filed under Cetirizine
Bariatric rny revision

Has any one having rny bariatric surgery looked into revision from malnutrition? If so, what procedure did you go with?#10yearsout# ## Hi Liz, By "revision from malnutrition" do you mean to say that malnutrition caused the obesity and subsequent need for Roux-en-Y (rny) gastric bypass? Not to sway off topic, but if that is the case, my thoughts would probably be more in line with making lifestyle changes to your diet and exercise habits; not only that but also taking on a new mindset that you can hold yourself accountable to in order to help you stick with your weight loss goals until you reach them would likely be beneficial as well. Taking on something new like changing your diet may seem drastic at first, but so does surgery for that matter. It just sounds to me like you may ......

Filed under Diet / Weight Loss

tablet ## searching for uses ## Sorry, this is a foreign medication, unavailable in the U.S. I can only suggest that you ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information. ## Commonly used in the caribbean for different types of pain. Great i dysmennorhea as it is also a muscle relaxant. Its a prescription drug. Can be taken with or without meals. Has been banned in the US because of its potential to cause aggranulocytosis. ## This was prescribed to me after I gave birth to help with the stomach after pains. ## umm....i just want to kno what are the side effects of taking baralgin... ## What is the generic, chemical and the trade name for baralgin...

Filed under Muscle Relaxer
barmicil compuesto for impetigo

I am an adult woman who suffers from a bout of impetigo. If you don't know what impetigo is please look it up. I don't get it all the time. I'll get it about once every three years. But it lingers for months. And it spreads quickly. It usually starts at the corner of my nose and makes it way clockwise to my chin then back at the other corner. It's a horrible, scaly, puss filled rash. If u scratch it too bad you spread it. It's normally found in children. Maybe I carry a strain. I don't know. Anyway, I've been prescribed so many antibiotics and antibiotic ointments. None seem to work well. It seems like me leaving it alone works better for me. But this summer I got the darn rash again. It's a bit embarrassing. The girls are always trying to clean my face f......

Filed under Antibiotics
barr 323 25

capsule pill half pink with writing barr 323 other half light pink and white on the tip number 25 ## This is 25 mg Hydroxyzine Pamoate ## That identification is correct, thank you, Joan! And to add more details... Hydroxyzine is an antihistamine that has several medical uses, it can treat allergic reactions, treat insomnia and be used as a calming sedative. Thus, it most predominant side effects are related, in that it can cause drowsiness, dizziness and sedation. Are there any questions? You can learn more Hydroxyzine details here. ## So basicly its a benadryl? ## I want to know why I keep getting switched to green caps when they get stuck in my throat. Pharmacy telling me out of stock again. This happened a year ago and took months to get Barr#032302. Is it the buyers at the pharmacy ......

Filed under Hydroxyzine
bar xanax

Who makes 2mg bar xanax ## It is made by many companies around the World. Pfizer held the patent at one time. ## Hi max, Eddy is correct, there are manufacturers all over the world who manufacture (2 mg) Xanax bars pills- or the generic equivalents; which contain smaller amounts of Alprazolam (the active ingredient in Xanax). To my knowledge, Pfizer like Eddy mentioned, Actavis (Watson) pharmaceuticals, as well as Qualitest pharmaceuticals, are all manufacturers of (2 mg) Xanax bars. Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do! You can learn more about this drug on the page for Xanax Details ## I just received xanax?? 2 mg bar scored to be broken in 4 pieces. The pill has GG 2 4 9. Is this authentic xanax Someone please advise Susan powell ## Yeas sa......

Filed under Xanax

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