Will Fentanyl Show Up In Drug Test As An Opiate (Page 13) (Top voted first)


Man the amount of people who have no clue what they are talking about yet spitting advice on it like they are an expert is bewildering. NO FENTANYL does not show up as an opiate on any test anywhere. In fact the only things that will show up as an opiate are morphine, codeine, and heroin and that is because heroin and morphine metabolize into morphine. Not even oxycodone or hydrocodone can be detected as an opiate they have to be specifically tested for as they metabolize differently, same with methadone, methadone has to be specifically tested for, it will not show up as anything but methadone. So unless the test you are taking is specifically testing for fentanyl then you will be fine. The question is whether or not the test you are taking is testing for fentanyl. I have yet to see a piss test that does test for it. Even if they sent it to a lab for testing they would have to tell the lab what to look for and that they specifically want to know if fentanyl metabolites are present. Anyone that tells you anything different from this has no clue what they are talking about or how opiates and their derivatives are detected after use. Drugs that have been taken are detected by looking for what they metabolize into, in the body and no two drugs metabolize the same unless they are from the same base as I explained in the beginning. Codeine, opium, heroin, and morphine are all detected as opiates because they are all made from opium. An opioid is not made from opium, they just have a somewhat similar structure and create the same effect by binding to the same receptors, but they in no way metabolize into the same metabolites which is essentially the by product of the chemical after the body has processed it. Hope this helps anyone who needs accurate information not just the random ramblings of nonsense.

274 Replies (14 Pages)

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U r so wrong I took a 12 panel urine test and it came back with fentanly in it!!

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Theres no panel test, other than pain management, that tests for fent.

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They do test for fentanly in pain management because it showed up on my urine test!!

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Suboxone does show up on a immediate test and a metabolic urine test

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It shows up for fentanly!! On a urine test screen because I failed a urine screen !! So at all pain clinics they test for fentanly!

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Wat happens is it dnt matter wat panel test is used as long as the comp. Doin the test dnt ask for fentyal test they dnt test for it same for saboxin

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No oxycodone comes as oxy i be been taking drug test for 5 yaers

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I was hoping to get advice from this with experience but after what i just read i dont know if i can..oxcycodone & hydrocodone do test positive for opiate methadone is the only thing i know so far to give that feeling but doesnt show up

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Actually, idk whether your information is correct or incorrect. But what I DO KNOW is that EVERY SINGLE drug test DOES test for any and all opiates except for suboxone/Bupenorphine/Naloxone. That does require a separate test altogether. Now, as for an opiate drug test, if it's for parole or probation then you bet your ass it WILL show up! Fentanyl, oxycodone (Percocet, Oxycontin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), hydromorphone (Dilaudid), heroin, and morphine. If the drug test/urine analysis is for a suboxone clinic or a methadone clinic, to make sure you are staying clean,then they also test for all of those things. Urine analysis' for getting hired for a job I am not so sure exactly what they test for. I would definitely assume that it's all of the above, but again, I'm not 100% sure. Just use your common sense, if you were the one hiring someone and drug testing them, what exactly would you test for? And with the massive opiate epidemic going on in America (and Europe as well) right now, I would certainly assume that the test would be for everything.

Bottom line is that all of the opiates that I mentioned will absolutely show up in 99/100 drug tests that you take. Don't be tricked into believing otherwise by someone who claims to know it all. You will find quite a few of those on sites like this. Me, I speak from experience only, and I have plenty of it. I've passed most of my drug tests, but I have also failed some, I've also cheated some. Which I don't recommend, but if you absolutely have to cheat a drug test, I can tell you what NOT to do. Don't ever try to drink a ton of water to dilute your urine. First off, it DOESN'T WORK, and more importantly, labs are getting smarter and smarter by the day and are catching on to pretty much all of the tricks. And diluting your urine is one of the old ones that they know all about and will not fall for it. They can tell if it's diluted and you will either fail (if it's for probation or parole you will automatically fail and probably go to jail) or you will have to retake the test immediately. Most likely though, it will count as a failure.

Drinking vinegar to pass a drug test is probably the biggest myth out there. It absolutely does not work and all you will get out of it is a severe case of diarrhea and some massive stomach pains (believe me, it's true). However, there IS a way that you can pass a drug test and get away with it scott-free. But you won't get away with it if your test is supervised. So don't even bother trying. What you do is find a new, unused condom, outdated is fine. Clean it out with warm water and soap do there is absolutely no chemicals or lubricant on it whatsoever. Next step is to find someone else's urine to use. Someone you can trust, who is 100% clean. It's better to use someone of the same sex, too. I don't think it really matters, but I've also heard different. So to be on the safe side....you know.
If your test is approaching soon, but you want to take meds, then what you do is use your OWN urine. Pee in a bottle or cup when you're clean and save it until the test. It's better if you use it within 24 hours, some even say 12 hours. Otherwise, bacteria will start to accumulate in the urine and it will start to smell like you wouldn't believe!

A few hours before your test, transfer the urine into the clean condom. Twist the condom a few times over, leaving a little bit of room just to make sure it doesn't burst. Tie the condom really well, 2 or 3 knots will do the trick. Put the condom in your underwear or boxers (panties for females). Note that for men, it's a good idea that you wear a pair of tightly whiteys that day so it doesn't fall out of your boxers of they are too loose. And believe me, it happens a little too often, so be careful either way. Some people, sites, or even videos may tell you to heat up or even boil the water beforehand. Trust me, not only is that not necessary, but it's dangerous because you do not want it to be too hot (or too cold). Just leave it at room temperature the entire time until a few hours before your test (2 hours minimum). Insert it into your underwear, and it's better to keep it between your legs and definitely against your body. What that does is it makes it adjust to your body temperature, and when it does, it will stay idle at that temperature the entire time. Which is vital for the test because 99.9% of the time, the first thing they check is the temperature.

The rest is self explanatory, but the way I do it is I either bring along a little paperclip or something very small to prick a tiny hole in the condom and put it into the cup. I've even had to bite a little hole into it before, which is actually the way I prefer it. It may sound a little gross, but if you pinch a little spot at the tip, it separates all of the urine for a minute. That's my preference because it's extremely easy to drop the condom or have it "roll" out of your hands. And if you use a paperclip, tack, etc. then you never know how big the hole/tear is going to be. I've heard stories of the urine spilling all over the place or dropping it into the toilet. Some people just can't take that chance. The first time I tried this trick I was nervous as hell. But after thinking it over, as long as the urine isn't too old (remember 24hours MAX at room temp) then in a way, it's almost like peeing into the cup. I mean, what's the difference? The pee is the correct temp, it's clean, it's not too old. So what's the difference between that pee and the pee in your bladder right then? Answer, nothing. In other words, there's really no way they can tell the difference at all. They may be high tech, but they are not miracle workers. And of course, they absolutely cannot have cameras in the bathrooms. And as long as it's not supervised, you're going to get away with it. As long as you do it correctly.

Trust me, I have been doing this for 5 years. Not every time, but only on occasion. And I have NEVER failed, not once. Good luck to everyone. Although I don't suggest to ever fake or cheat a urine test. Depending on what it's for, a job, probation, a suboxone/methadone clinic, etc. try to stay clean. It's hard for some, I know, but if you try hard enough, you can do it. This is all for educational and entertainment purposes only. Don't try this at home. And good luck!

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Fentanyl or any opioid for that matter have to be tested through the blood within 12 hours of using... they do have special urine tests but 99% of employers, doctors, methadone clinics, etc... will not pay for a specialty test nor would they have a reason to unless someone tells them you are using that particular drug. In my experience they would rather just get rid of you instead of putting money out for specialized drug test...

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Oxycodone and hydrocodone both are made from codeine. They will show up. They are partially man-made and partially derived from morphine.

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Roxie ask them to test for fentanyl specifically. If they try to tell you it would have shown up show them the 10000 web pages saying it doesn't. You'd be surprised how many people administering drug tests know nothing about them past how to read them.

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You are definitely wrong!! I was abusing straight fentanyl (not proud) the police said that was the strongest fentanyl they had seen.. Went to clinic to get help.. I tested positive for opiates.. Oxycodone shows up as opiates too.. Before the straight fentanyl was them damn oxycodone 30s.. So fentanyl and oxycodone DO show up as opiates!! The doctors said fentanyl takes only 3 days to get out of your system.. How come Ive been clean and sober for 21 days and I'm still testing positive for Fentanyl and Opiates?

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Everything shows up when its sent to the lab! Everything

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Re: Kimmie (# 223) Expand Referenced Message

Eating poppy seeds can text u positive... They told us not to eat then while testing and some other foods also.

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Well maybe you or someone can offer me advice. I have two scenarios for you to pick from. I have been taking fentynyl for months all negatives until a couple weeks ago where I tested positive on a Wednesday and Friday for oxycodone . Then next week my two tests were negative, and then the third week I tested positive on a Wednesday again for oxycodone. And have been negative again the past two weeks. Why? The only thing I've done besides the fentynyl is I've handled oxycodone a couple times randomly. So is it the fentynyl somehow coming up as oxy randomly? Or could somehow randomly touching a small amount of oxy in the summer time cause it to seep in my pores and make my tests positive? I'm baffled by this and would love any feed back

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Hey Elemental, you seem to be very educated about this issue. Can you tell me how it is you know so much cause I have an important question about *cheeking* a 25 fentanil patch

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I cut a 100 mcg into 5 strips and chew them will it show up on aUA? I have to test for CPS and was just wondering.....Thank you

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Have a question I am prescribed fetynal patches 75 mcg every two days and 7.5 hydrocodones for break thru. I will tell you I have not been taking my patches correctly and now my doctor wants me to take a urine. It's a small town family doc so I am not sure what kind of urine they run. Because I am out of my patch I have been taking MS 60's so I don't get sick. My question is 2 things. First I need to know if I take the test will it show that there isn't any fetynal in my system? 2nd how long will the morphine stay in my system? Will it just show that I have narcotics period in my system or will it show what exactly I have in my system and if I were to take it right now while on the morphine and not on the patch would I fail. Hope someone can help and soon. Thanks!

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Actually you are the one who does not know what they are talking about. I happen to take morphine, oxycodone and fentanyl, and guess what my pain management doctor has tested my urine right in front of me to see if those drugs are in my system. Yes they most certainly do show up in a urine drug screen. You have no business instructing anyone.

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