Snorting Nucynta (Top voted first)


Can nucynta be insufflated?

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I was prescribed Nucynta and wanted to know how people are using them to get high. I believe my son has stolen some cause I went through his text msg.s. I know he has snorted and smoked oxys can you do that with Nucynta too? I know I dont get a buzz when I take them, so how can he be getting high off them?

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Don't post unless you respond to someone because I'm trying to see if I can snort this thing and you're a tool for responding with absolutely no content don't judge people just answer.

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Ok, as much as I'd like to E-SLAP people for asking questions like this and these "seekers" making it so that legitimate people that are suffering from cancer to jump through hoops of fire in regulations and suspicion, for the sake of harm reduction, its better these people post these questions rather than truly hurt themselves. Harm reduction.

Ok, I have severe sciatica and am prescribed this medication that works OUTSTANDINGLY for neuropathic chronic pain. While I personally feel this powerful medication is less addictive than most pain killers, causes less tolerance (lower doses can be used over long periods of time), and has its own mechanisms which "limit" its dosing (severe negative side effects at higher doses), still this drug seems to be popular for attempting to abuse......because its a C-II so its apparently a junkies dream.

Let me get to the point. #1. This drug has powerful negative side effects if taken at high doses. I'm allowed to take 150mgs for breakthrough pain. Unless my pain is an 8 AFTER taking 1 75mg tablet, I will not use that option. Perhaps 1/2 of a second tablet, but almost never a full extra tablet for breakthrough pain. The side effects are nearly unbearable but I'll admit 150mgs drives even my worst pain down atleast a few numbers.
Auditory hallucinations, distant objects appearing then disappearing, extremely vivid closed eye visuals, panic attacks, strong nausea, sweating, rapid breathing are the result of taking a breakthrough 150mg dose. At 75mgs these symptoms IF they appear are mild and transient. I can only imagine snorting this would speed up the absorption and intensify the effects. If you enjoy having what feels like a panic attack in the twilight zone, be a dumba** and snort the stuff.

#2 I did my research after I was prescribed the medication because I want to know short and long term effects. Well I saw some postings of people that tried snorting it and they stated it burned badly for 30 minutes and wasn't worth the short 2 hour buzz. As for abusing it, people that abused large amounts stated the effects were scary and that they wouldn't do it again. LOOK IT UP!!!! Not worth abusing!

I post this NOT for the original poster but the other people that will try to abuse it. Please, don't do it. You have all kinds of other things you are already abusing, atleast leave something for us chronic pain patients that wont be scrutinized so we can have some f***ing relief. Thanks.

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To Croogen, then couldn't you have simply said something like, Hey dude, I am also an addict, but in recovery now, and I see your post and am thinking you are really just asking for advice on how to get high. I understand you aren't yourself when you are on drugs and it is sad, but these forums are not for that kind of thing. Maybe you could check out an NA meeting (Narcotics Anonymous) I hope you find the help you need man. ???? Huh, why not that if you are such an ex-junkie who can spot one. If that were the case, you would be more sensitive like me! Jerk. You are probably still a junkie and are mad about it so you are being nasty to others crying for help. Yeah he/she asked for instructions on how to snort a pill but to me that is desparation and I remember that, so you won't see me explaining a how to on addiction, but a hey this is what you can you do to get better. Take it or leave it.

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I am not prescribed any medication so that may be why... but I don't give a f*** I still make 80k a year, have a loving family, and put my kids first :P who are you to judge ANYONE at all?

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People need to chill out..all this person did was ask a question and if all you're going to do is judge them why even waste your time posting at all? To the person who posted the original question, I am prescribed to Nucynta 75 mg and I take it as prescribed and usually don't feel a "high". However, sometimes when I take it on an empty stomach I get a little dizzy so I'm assuming that if a person wanted to get high off of it they would take more than 75 mg.

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if they didnt want you to abuse them so they could sell more then theyd make all pils like the OPs were they cant be broke down and thats wrong to put someone else down when your just jumpin to a conclusion anyways especailly when i see how you assume things anyways 1+1 doesnt equal 4 just cause you said so

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LMAO at the snorters.. What about the good old days when you bit down on it before you took it

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You guys are all halarious!! No one answered the first persons question. You gius immediately jump to the first person that pushed your little buttons. haha For all here that is wondering.. No you cant get high off snorting Nucynta or ingesting it unless your extremely sensitive to medication. Take it how it's perscribed or risk severe interactions/ overdose.

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TO xxxsouthparkxxx

I take 150mg twice a day for chronic pain and even on an empty stomach I have never felt even dizzy or high. Please don't recommend people to take more than prescribed, all bodies and ability to take/absorbe medication is different, that's why people overdose.

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Dude are u serious? U were a former junky and ur gonna judge that dude for asking a question.. All be it the question is about insufflating pills and that is the one of the reasons why it is hard for us to get the mess we need. But who are u?? That is some hypocritical bs to say for real.. And I know ur gonna reply with some holier than thou remark about because u were once a bla bla bla and people judge all the time that's what we do.. Give it a rest dude for real. Old boy was asking a misguided question and u of all people don't need to give ur two cents...

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To the person asking if this "drug" can be abused by snorting, its true, you can snort and get "high". As a matter of fact it crushes pretty well and with ease. If your an IV drug user you can also "boost" this pill. I know these things becuz I've done these myself and watched others do the same. I don't recommend these tactics nor am I trying to justify in anyway, juz stating the facts for the original question.

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Everyone here just wasted my time, but I always did get a laugh out of listening to you babble on. But of angry ex dope heads wasting a blog that's meant to help people get answers not waste time reading want to be chemists. Hell yeah if a kid is stupid enough to take the drugs that way than he might as well stick them up his ass too. Hell get just as high according to croogen. If he pays the piper than his mistake is his own. To all the people abusing scirpts, you will eventually pay on down the line. They will keep on making it harder to get pain pills for people that have true cronic pain. Oh yeah those days are here now, and who th hell wants to rely on this s*** anyway, life is about living not dreaming about what you should be able to do... so get off the pills if you don't need them, Stop stealing from your family members, and like me get a damn safe to protect your kids from these drugs. I just want my life back, not to waste time being high. So I leave all you with this one thought: if you think your cool your not, and if you posted like a crazy man on here to every response, you have serious MoMMy issues. Not everyone here has time to caress you little ego much less want to touch it. Give the answer and get the hell out don't be a a**hole!

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To all that like to talk s*** on us who are trying to just have a good time shut the f*** up, but with this nucynta just take it orally, snorting this stuff isn't worth the pain it puts you through.

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I agree w/ Mel...people that are doing this are ruining lives in ways that cannot imagine (besides their own) I have lost my entire life to my disability & just recently after 7 years of suffering that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy found some kind of life. Nothing like what I used to have but compared to 24hrs in a bed & dreading having to just's amazing. I've done every surgery possible & there are none left. I finally found a medication that helped me & gave me this tiny little bit of life & bc of drug dealers & abusers I am losing the ONLY Medication that has ever helped. I tried every medication there was multiple times (that's no exaggeration) there is only one left that is new that I am trying now & neither I or my doctor have high hopes but are our of options. My doc. Can no longer prescribe the only medication that has worked anymore bc of it being sold on the street & being abused. Even my doctor in his medical opinion believes that I should not change this medication bc of everything that we went through until we found one that works. My disability is for life includIng the constant pain which is hard enough to face everyday but to have a taste of life again & lose it is worse then u can imagine. I was able to cook myself food walk without assistance on occasion & shower even got to date someone again & fall in love. We talked abt marriage & now I can't Marry him bc I can't do the strain of a wedding.I thought & had settled cwith being alone for the remainder of my life. Which the way I was living before we found the medication coulda been a day or a week it was a gamble bc suicide was my main thought every single day. Until we
found the only medication that worked. And now it's all gone. Bc of drug dealers & abusers. If u only knew what it was like to be disabled & in pain 24/7....I'd give my life to be healthy. Please please think or talk to a disabled person first. What I've written here may bore some bc u would rather sell or get high but this is honestly maybe 5% of my life. If u got all the details & could for 1 min put yourself in my shoes u may change ur mind & not take what u have for granted & understand the widespread effect that what u are doing has on the people w/ actual disabilities & pain. My life has been taken away from me twice now.

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Been on Nucynta and I also SELL IT (as a pharma rep).
For God's sake, people, stop spreading misinformation. Someone said Nucynta is only for short term use because of addiction risk. This is not remotely true. The FDA just labels immediate-release products for short term use, and extended-release products for chronic pain. In a nutshell, vicodin (hydrocodone with tylenol) is like a chemical lobotomy to me. I can't think, can't do anything. Nucynta (one 50mg per 6 hours) took away my severe back pain from an injury but I could think, talk, walk, do my job, etc. For me, no nausea, no side-effects at all. It is a completely different product than all the others, and for some people like me is a way better choice.

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.....Absolutely you can most definitely feel high snorting Nucynta. And yes, that is indeed WHY it is a Schedule II Controlled substance. If anyone on here knew what they were talking about they'd have made clear that the whole controlled substance scheduling system (I,II,III, IV)_was set up to indicate a drugs Propensity to be abused.

And you croogan..... Big Pharma makes massive amounts of money of black market sales of abusable pharmacueticals and they DO, IN FACT purposely manufacture them so that they are 'abusable'.... case in point would be Perdue Pharm. taking their sweet time to restructure the time release matrix of Oxycontin (took years).....Oh, and by the way....the new OP's are just a little bit...and I do mean just a tad more of a pain in the keester to make snortable and yes, injectable. Speaking of which...that is the real malfunction with Nucynta.... injection. -Nuff said.L8r

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Dear Lucy,

I too, am a chronic pain sufferer due to migraines. They started 47 years ago at only one per month and progressed to daily after 25 years. I was a Director at several Fortune 500 corps. and planned to be a Vice President. For 39 years, my GP and Neurologists only prescribed mild pain relievers, Darvon or Vicodin, and warned me against opiates--that might actually relieve my pain.

Lucy, Nucynta is not being discontinued. It's just that you need to be referred to a Pain Management Doctor that can write you prescriptions, like Nucynta, that can really match the pain you have!

Regressing back to me, when I finally accepted that my migraines were disabling and there was no qualify to my life, I had just spent my inheritance earning my MBA from Pepperdine University. Useless waste of money as I couldn't work as either a V.P. or clerk, due to pain.

Cutting to the chase: my Pain Mgt. doctor has had me on Oxycontin and Demerol or Morphine for 7 years. Recently, I switched to Opana and Nucenta. The Opana is to be in my bloodstream 24/7 as formerly was the Oxycontin. Nucynta at 100 mg. replaces my Demeraol of 200 mg. and my prior Morphine at 4 mg. for breakthrough pain. Migraines, as do most causes of chronic pain, can go from a 6 of pain to a ten, whereby I forgo calling 911 as I fear an ambulance ride might be worse than lying still and praying to die.

As tp your comments on junkies ruining pain relief for those who truly suffer: Right ON! I understand the pull of addictions and pray for all whose lives are driven by its relentless pull. But now that I finally have a combination of meds. that address my migraines AND 3 autoimmune diseases, two of which are fatal, but in remission, what happens?

I met with new doctors: GP, Neurologist, and two Rheumotoligists, only to be treated like dirt. No, that was just being polite, as I am actually treated like s***, called a walking pharmacy, have doctors read my chart only to walk in the room in anger, sarcasm, and rapidly shown the door. Three years ago my Ford Focus was totalled by a young gal who ran the red light looong after it turned, as she was chatting on her cell. The car behind her told the police that she never touched her brakes.

The GP and Neurologist I'd seen for 3 years responded with: you'll be fine in 48 hours if you just keep stretching your neck beyond the point of pain, said the former, and the latter refused to see me because his appt. taking nurse advised me, "He doesn't want to get involved in a a law suit."

Thus, I was forced to ask my lawyer to find me a Neurologist as I fell down 6 times in three weeks, I met with a Neurologist they set up for me and he decided I was a hypochondriac and probably "high" when we met.

Yes, after an hour in the waiting room, 90 minutes of answering his nurses questions, I was so thrilled/relieved to finally meet him that it must have showed. His written report challenged my autoimmune diagnosis made by the Directors at Scripps, and he revealed his ignorance of the MOS cancer surgery I had there. His doubt of MOS (micrographic) was expressed as imaginary, although he did right that my nose was disfigured!

So know that so many of us chronic, daily, pain-sufferers share horrible discrimination and even mockery from doctors. I'm at the point where I'm weaning off every med that's not Opana or Nucynta, and will no longer see ANY doctor I can.

Back to Nucynta, I find it does the job at 100 mg. better than Demerol or Morphine. One side effect I have is that it makes me unable to complete a thought or a sentence. Should you share this side effect, go to bed and do NOT talk on the phone or to anyone while under its affects. May God bless you and may He remove the cause of your suffering. In the meantime, enjoy the relief that Nucynta brings!

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I hate people- lol.. feeling a bit hypocritical today? Your the one writing a book on arguing. I don't think you understand that this kind of debate is healthy for people seeking information and can be helpful do someone looking to get both sides. No one is judging here and if they are its a post from over 2 years ago. Thanks for your opinion! But I field anyone can judge anyone which is what gives us free will and makes us human. It is not up to god to decide who is a junkie and who is not. That is called free will and I'm allowed to call it as I deem fit.

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U need to get a life! its none of your business what people do with meds! why did you even comment & why are you even on here?! you have nothing better to do than judge complete strangers online?'re a total douche! you're stupid comment was POINTLESS!

TO ANSWER THE QUESTION, I JUST SNORTED ONE & I FEEL GREAT! IT BURNED FOR A BIT BUT WASNT TOO BAD :) GOOD LUCK HONEY! {edited for safety reasons} & there's no point in snorting the coating anyway.

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