Does Oxycodone Show Up The Same As Percocet On A Urine Drug Test (Page 3)
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I am prescribed roxicodone 30mg, 4 a day. I have been suffering from chronic neck and back pain for the past 12 yrs. The pain medication works really well, but I guess my body has got immune to it and they dont seem to last as long. He doesnt want to increase the amount but they do not last the whole month. I have been obtaining a few percocets to get me through. My question is, when they drug test me to make sure I'm taking my meds, will the percocet show up the same as the roxy or should I quit taking it? I cant afford to lose my script but I also need to get out of bed and get things done. Any help would be appreciated, thanx

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I know this is an old post but thought I would reply. This can happen and I've seen it happen to other patients in the past. I own a genetics testing company and one of the test we offered to physicians was a medication panel to see how your dna metabolized many types of meds including pain meds. There was a patient that was prescribed Percocet and complained of increased pain needing more meds but when given a drug test the patient would fail as no medication would show up in her system. We had the patient come to the office for another drug test in which she failed. Then we had the patient take 2 Percocet in front of the doctor, then wait at the office for two hours and did another drug test and the patient still failed. We then submitted the dna test for this patient and it came back the patient was a high metabolizer of Percocet/Oxycodone and within an hour of taking the medication the patients body had already metabolized the medication therefore causing her to fail her drug screenings. So yes this can happen and if you find yourself not getting any relief after a few hours of taking a specific med it could be because your body metabolizes it much faster than others. So many patients have been fired by pain management docs when doing a drug test and no medication is found in their system yet they are compliant.

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I have been taking some Oxycodone 15s and I took some Percocet along with them. I had a drug screen. Is it possible that I will fail?

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If I take the 15 oxycodone but I ran out will a 10 percocet be the same in a ua drug screen

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Prescribed roxy 30mg ran out took a couple hydrcodone 5mg will the show the same on urine test in doctor office

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I didn't imply roxicodone has Tylenol(acetaminophen) in it. I also didn't meantion anything about OxyContin having acetaminophen in it either. That's If you were referring to my reply. The ONLY pain medication I referred to having Tylenol(acetaminophen) in it is Percocets. Then of course there's Hydrocodone BKA Lortab/Norco/Vicodin also has Tylenol (acetaminophen)
Roxicodone is Immediate Release while OxyContin is a Time Release. That's the only difference between a Roxi and an OxyContin, while neither have NO Tylenol (acetaminophen) in them.

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No. Dilaudid is a semi synthetic ketone of the morphine type depending on the testing protocol and it's sensitivity and panels opted for it will be hydromorphone positive while oxycodone a thebaine derivative.these results will only be evident with a mass. spectrometer reading however

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I am prescribed hydrocodone. I was urine tested at the Dr and Percocet was evident in my urine. I have NOT taken any Percocet. How can this be?

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Is the pain pill Dilaudid just like taking Roxy's and Percocet do they show up the same on a urinalysis

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1) Percocet has Acetaminophen
2) The Generic form of Percocet is called Oxycodone/Acetaminophen or Oxy/APAP.
3) Oxycodone Also known as "Roxicodone" has NO Acetaminophen and IS Immediate Release!
4) OxyContin has NO Acetaminophen but IS Extended Release.

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if I am on oxycodone 10 mg and take a oxycodone 20 mg will get same results on a u a

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They were talking about oxycodone, is same as percocets but without Tylenol, and percocets or , roxicodone has Tylenol. You're thinking of oxyconton ( Dkispelled?) that is the oxy that comes up as a morphine; I only know because I have been on both in the past! I'm not trying to be a smart ass just FYI. Have a great and safe weekend!

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The codeine tests positive for morphine after it goes thru your kidneys. Only pain management drs know all this. I take fioricet with codeine for migraines and it shows up morphine. I also take promethezine for nausea and it shows up PCP! The nurses told me this. Also if you take stomach meds, I take prilosec , and zantac & medium will too they show traces of marijuana!

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you should talk to your doctor about genetic testing. could be its not matching with your receptors so your skipping break downs of the medication. but i am not sure this would affect the test or not but its worth asking. plus you will know if your on the right meds too.

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Karina, percocet and oxycontin both show as Oxy on a urine screen.

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Landy, several years ago I had a urine screen show positive, for a drug I've never taken. My Dr.sent my urine sample to another lab, to have it checked. It came back fine. No positive for anything, but what I was supposed to have.
I asked my Dr.why did this happen? He told me that sometimes when a person is taking several different meds they can cross reference and show a false positive. He said that's why they sent it to another more indepth lab. Perhaps this is what happened, if you in fact haven't taken morphine?
Good luck!!

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I wanted to know what happen after they let you go, were you able to go to another doctor. The reason I'm asking is, I'm taking Percocet 7.5 four times a day for lumbar spondylosis and other medical reasons, but I was out and forgot to bring my medicine so my grandmother, gave me a oxycondone and I have dr appt. the next day and had to do a drug screen and they told me I had morphine in my urine. I have never taken anything with morphine in it, so I'm puzzled as why that have happen. I don't know what to do because I also have inflammatory arthritis which hurts like hell and I'm worried about being discharged. For the record I've never used street drugs and this has never been an issues.

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If the right urine test is given, presence of any medication can be detected beyond 30 days. I know because it happened to me. I was given another chance. My pharmacist told me the medication should be out of my system in 3 days. Sure. It was not out of my system. What I am wondering is whether or not percocet tests the same as oxycontin time released.

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Does percacet 10s and oxy30s show up the same

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Yes the urine test will show a difference

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I took a ms cotton 60 morphine and a dolphin 20 mins before test no water will it show up

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