Saboxone Hard Treatment To Get On (Top voted first)


Saboxone by far is the best and safest treatment for opiate addiction I have ever tried. Why on earth, is it the hardest treatment to get on? Why cant you get help from the government or insurance to use it? Most opiate addicts I know, when they are knee deep in addiction aren't trying to use to get high, they are trying to use to stay straight so they can work, and live. Why is it more expensive than using Heroin Oxy`s or any other opiate? Why not make the treatment and cure the easier road to go down, rather than the addiction?

23 Replies (2 Pages)

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The reason it is so hard to get into a Sub treatment program right now, is because it requires special study and training to use it, so a doctor that wishes to provide has to be willing to take these special classes and devote significant time and resources to providing it for patients. All patients must be carefully monitored and the dosages carefully titrated.

Now, that said, we at this site, are not a government entity, nor a medical entity. this is an information site, so ranting here about what we are doing to make it so hard to get will not serve you any purpose whatsoever.

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Today was the first day i tried suboxone and it works. IT does not make you crave a painkiller. IT just takes your mind off of drugs.

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Why don't they pay for other various treatments proven effective for other various afflictions.They are not profitting enough from it. Consider it sort of like the you wash my back and I will wash yours. Like when Doctors are loaded up with free samples,pens,paper pads,coupons,from the drug manufaturers. Do you think thats all they get? They also get kick backs from the Drug Mfgs. that are not known about (but I think is pretty obvious). The cheapest Doctor on long Island we could find to prescribe it was $200CASH!!! No credit cards,ATM's.checks,Money orders.Cash and nothing but. Do you think he is paying taxes on all this cash in hand being collected?All the other Doctors 400-600.My stepson is going for his last visit tomorrow.He is down to 1/4 pill a day. Thank God for that but why make it affordable there is no profit in that!There are other reasons supposedly they need special training? I guess the way they write the script? A scam ?Not the drug just the B.S. to get it.

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It's all a scam. It's more profitable for drug companies and doctors for people to be addicted, because then people are spending money on doctor visits to get prescriptions and then buying their pills. Special training? You gotta be kidding me. FOR WHAT!?! They don't need special traing for every new anti-depressant that comes out, and those are actually dangerous.

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My husband has been on sub. for 7 months...he takes it is a miracle!!! my brother started a program 2 months first we all donated him money to start....i assured everyone that it would help him....although weary they it was time for him to go to the dr. again and people offered to help him...they see the difference...they see the young man that they all know is back...we are all so happy to have a week of suboxone could erase years of drug abuse...miracle again!!!thank you all involved!!

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If you don't have health insurance, call the makers of suboxone they will send your dr. an appilcation for free suboxone. Good Luck

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I dont understand why it is so hard for someone to become a Suboxone patient. I will admit I have been on pain killers for 2 solid years now which is nothing compared to most addicted like myself. Im sick of my day to day life of trying to find more pills so I dont feel like im going to die. And I can go on with a single day. I was refused treatment here is hawaii. Which makes me lose so much hope. I just want out of this life. So why is it easier for me to be an opiate addicted patient instead of a suboxone candidate? Its bad enough that here in hawaii we live on islands theres only so many doctors who are approved to dispense suboxone. I just pray i find a way out before its just to late!

Hoping for Help in Hawaii

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hey not to be gross or anything but does anyone else get constapated from this drug?

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Why saboxone is so expencieve is that no other drug companies will pick up and make a generic the saboxone patenate ran out 2 months ago but the other drug companies dont think it is profitable for them to make a generic come on would some drug company just think about all the people it could help instad of there pocket books i was addicted to opiates for 3 years of every day use and didn't have a clue on how i was going to quite tell i got in and was subscribed saboxone its a god send drug wich could help alot of people. COME ON DRUG COMPANIES STEP IT UP AND HELP OUT YOURE FELLOW MAN !

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How long do you have to take Saboxone?

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I work in the medical communiuty and the word being given to medical students is to go into this field because it is a goldmine. Special training - it is a n online course which leaves out one of the most important pieces of addiction treatment - counseling - or primarily Cognitive Behavioral Treatment. I lost a daughter to addiction and my two sons stillhave problems with pain killers. I resent the doctors and insurance companies that will pay for the MD visit and thepain pills but not for the cure to the addiction. The government has to step in and do some regulating.

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I have been using high doses of Morphine for 5 years to control chronic pain associated with severe Crohn's Disease. I usually see a pain management specalist once a year to evaluate my condition and to check on whether new treatments are available. This year the Doctor overseeing and coordinating my care for Crohn's and Sjoren's Syndrome had me see a new pain specalist as the hospital he is accosiated with has opened it's own pain center. After 5 years, being on the same drug and about the same dosage, my new pain specalist has decided that since I do not have cancer, I should not be on Morphine. He has proposed detoxing in a hospital for 7 days and then switching to Saboxone. After reading more about this new drug I have some serious concerns. First of all, after switching to Saboxone I will never be able to take opiod pain medication ever again. So if I have any break through pain I will have no treatment options. Second, I have never been addicted to Morphine, dependant yes, addicted no. As a matter of fact, when I am pain free I often forget to take my Morphine and get sick from withdrawl. I take Morphine to make the pain bearable. I do not take Morphine for the high feeling, I don't drink, I don't smoke and I have never in my life taken illegal drugs. Now I feel like I am being lumped in as a drug addict. I have a chronic disease and I have under gone seevral tests to determine the cause of my pain, which has been determined to be that an autoimmune disorder is attacking my nerve centers causing swelling and nerve damage resulting in over active nerve discharges in my abdomen. I have also developed sever joint swelling in pain in the last 6 months as the disease has progressed.

I have discussed my concerns with my pain specalist and his response is, he doesn't care about the pain, he says pain does not kill anyone, Morphine kills people. I told him I would love to trade places with him to see if he might change his mind. He just laughed it off. My doctor has stated that he wants to keep me on the Morphine until we have a second opinion from another pain specalist from another clinic, unfortunately the hospital has informed him that they will no longer allow him to prescribe Morphine to me and so my only option at this point is to find another doctor, which is not going to be possible I am afraid or to go through with the detox and switch to Saboxone. I have seen another doctor at the regions fore most hospital and the second opinion is to stay on the Morphine. Unfortunately the policy of that Pain Clinic is to have the primary care doctor prescribe the medication, so again I am stuck.

I am so surprised by the stigma surrounding chronic pain. Because of the situation I have asked my Nuerosurgeon to freeze the nerve centers in my abdomen, a treatment that was suggested a few years ago, but that was ruled extremely risky. I feel I have little choice. The last time I had a serious pain attack, I spent 7 days in the hospital on a Morphine drip after curling up in a ball in my bedroom for 2 days. I finally passed out and my wife found me unconscious and called an ambulance. I woke up in the hospital 2 days later. I can not go through that again. I just can't. It's so unbelievable that the some in the medical community have such contempt for Chronic pain.

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need help with dr appt and suboxone

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This will be about as dramatic a statement any human being can make, considering all known facts from my one little perspective out of the many thousands of others who may never see or know about this posting. For the many who can or will read this I must state emphatically that I am no less than compelled to share what I have within just the past couple of hours labeled, "The second "magic pill" to ever enter my life". Nearly 31 years ago I had clinical reason to seek after some sort of prescription medication that I could acquire through nothing but 100% legal and medically managed therapeutic medication to control some physical pains and discomforts that to date had become simply part of my life. Truly not wanting to become involved with "serious" narcotic pain killers to include just about every known prescription medication that might even be winced at while an in patient in a post operative situation. For a very short period of time such things as morphine would me medically indicated and it its proper place and professionally managed the benefits for which such things were designed are accepted and completely agreed with. But what about 24/7/365 maintenance program that could or would "work" for any given individual without concerns for "addiction" or any of those well documented nets into which so many people can become entangled and after that fact an and all "exit" doors are slammed shut and the proverbial "monkey on the back" is now a reality. For me personally it must be mentioned that even the thought of any type of illegal or street drug is and always has been completely off the table. So what to do, what was actually done? It is very likely you have never before heard of or know anything about a drug called "Propoxyphene" [pro - poxy - feen]. Propoxyphene is the generic form of Darvon, which comes in different forms from Darvocet to Darvon Napsylate 100 mg and is an opiate. It is prescribed for moderate pain and is not listed near the top of the "most addictive narcotics" available. Those just mentioned are among the group of "compounds" meaning they also contain an additive usually such as acetaminophen, "Tylenol" usually at 500 mg per tablet along with the Darvon. Now 31 years ago a "search" for one of those medications that would work well for my particular body chemistry was on. As it turned out those prescriptions named would not work for me because interestingly enough the otherwise over-the-counter additives such as acetaminophen created in my system very uncomfortable feelings that I have dubbed as a "flushed" feeling while not in any way addressing the pain and discomfort for which a prescription medication was sought. Then one fateful day my family Dr. suggested simply the generic for of Darvon that contained 100% Darvon with no additives of any kind. Plus the Propoxyphene Hcl, or "hydrochloride" or water based foundation at 65 mg per capsule was identical in strength to the Darvon 100 mg "Napsylate" or salt based form. All the information written above became what it took 31 years to come to fully realize was in fact what was for me and my body chemistry that illusive "magic pill". How at that time or during any of the 31 years to come could I have known that come mid November 2010 the FDA would abruptly and without any former notice to the medical community at large simply pull the medication with a statement like "It has been determined that this medication can cause an electrical interference with heart muscles and can result in a heart attack". Sort of, "well, thank you for letting me know this vital information only after nearly 31 years of taking this medication at the prescribed rate of six 65 mg capsules each and every day of my life with very few days missed dosage plus numerous physical exams and one hospital stay in May of 2010 for what at the time was thought to be the onset of a very painful heart attack. The heart attack turned out to be not heart related at all but a number of complications that mimicked heart failure but in fact had nothing at all to do with the heart. What the hospital stay did in fact establish after everything from an EKG to a cat scan to an MRI to very extensive exams and observations by expert cardiology specialists at one of the premier VA hospitals in the nation quite simply stated that me, a 63 year old Vietnam Era Veteran had the heart of a man half my age - notwithstanding 30 years of "abuse" of one of the most innocuous minor narcotics available on the market. Now as it turns out so "minor" and "innocuous" was the medication that it was long ago ruled by the VA to be what is known in their system as a "non-formulary" medication meaning that the eggheads at the VA determined that Propoxyphene had little if any more effect as a therapeutic medication that say aspirin or Tylenol. It did in fact have little to no effect among the "general VA patient population" simply because this particular medication is so mild that so many complaints came back from those being prescribed the medication that it was , "worthless". A true and correct statement for those who need, want and perhaps must have a prescription pain medication that came with a nice little "kick" to it. I mean, why take a prescription narcotic pain medication if there is no particular mood altering effects? Well, here's the "exception" to that apparently general feeling among thousands of veterans who passed judgment on my "magic pill". So, even at the very second I place my second ever in my life 2 mg dosage of "Suboxone" subliminally in my mouth to add that much more evidence to my earlier intimation that the second ever in my life "magic pill" has been discovered by me. In an attempt to sum up this "book" rather than a posting simply because to and for me and I have every confidence that whether known of or about or not even considered you may very well be reading the most important bit of medical information you have ever read in your life - if you are knowingly or unwittingly addicted to an opiate like on of these Darvon products now completely and forevermore removed from any legal access in the United States. Now here's the kicker. Like I'm sure many thousands of others I have for me at least an exceptionally long period of time been prescribed time and time again by perhaps a dozen different MD's during that 31 year period often without so much as a second thought. Because of the medications otherwise "innocuous" presentation little thought was given to any lasting or for that matter "addictive" properties. I mean really, how could one be addicted to a medication taken almost every day of that persons life for over 30 years? NOW after a few weeks of some of the hottest hell fire days I've ever known in my life I have an entirely new and upon reflection frightening outlook on something that was all the while not only staring me squarely in my face 24/7/365 but was all the while some deep dark monster that lived in, on and around me in complete and total camouflage. When in mid to late November 2010 it became a square in the face matter of fact reality that a way of life that I had known nothing else of was now once and forever absolutely over - a wake up call I never saw coming was all over me like white on rice. I thought to myself while trying not to completely panic that my Dr. will simply replace my 31 year constant companion with something else. NOT so fast soldier! Because of the 100% pure Propoxyphene formula meaning no additives of any kind the absolute closest match had to be Oxycodone, which is also a member of the opiate family and with a "similar" chemical construction it simply had to work - right ! ! First of all came the Dr's order of complete and total cessation of the remaining Propoxyphene RX I had left as none would ever be available to replace it. In it's place this Oxycodone and at that only a 5 mg tablet, the lowest strength available for a medication that is routinely prescribed for up to 30 mg per tablet taken by some a few times a day much like my long time experience with the Propoxyphene. May I be permitted to interject at this exact second what I'm feeling nearly 30 minutes after my second ever in my life dosage of Suboxone at only 2 mg? The answer a matter-of-fact and more welcome than my poor words can explain - absolutely NOTHING!!! You see, I alluded above to more than a few days of the hottest hell days I've ever known may very well as of this second be a painful but at least real memory. How could I have known that during that 30 plus year period my body was being reconstructed so as to make Propoxyphene an integral part of my very physical existence, so much so that when and if a day ever came that the total and immediate cessation of taking this otherwise very "innocuous" minor narcotic there would be in no better way to explain it - HELL to pay. Thinking the Oxycodone would simply step in and take the place of the Propoxyphene even with a small degree of educated apprehension I still had faith in "modern medicine". When approximately 3/4's of the way through just my second day after completely stopping the Propoxyphene I was set upon by the most unusual, unexpected and absolutely unbearable degree of physical reactions such as industrial strength restless leg syndrome that worsened to the point of radiating to encompass my entire subcutaneous chest area as well as now my arms and hands. So bad and severe was this "reaction" that I actually looked at my phone with the horror ripping every fiber of my being to the point that I could no longer control myself and either I submit to taking another one of those Oxycodone pills or call an ambulance! You are reading this from a former Sheriff's Deputy and Special Forces soldier in the US Army. So totally and completely a "Type A" personality that I have never known of or been in a situation that I did not know how to almost instinctively "manage" for a very successful outcome in what must be aptly described as a "win-win" situation even if it meant using lethal force against one or more who had demonstrated an absolute ill intent to do fatal harm to others in order to protect all the innocent persons involved and in reality do to and for the "assailant" who needed someone to do for them what they had become incapable of doing for themselves - get some serious "help". So the mere consideration that a tiny little 5 mg tablet of a opioid taken regularly by prescription by thousands every hour of every day that now piggy-backing on another far less known to be dangerous opioid that had to be removed from my life forever was fast in the process of grabbing me by the throat and kicking my butt from A to Z with absolutely no mercy, no consideration, not a second thought and with seemingly every intent possible to destroy my body from off the face of this earth! Being forced to return to what by now was yet another replacement prescription from a sympathetic yet in the consideration of it all a completely ignorant medical doctor who was simply trying to help a veteran get a grip on a new life-altering reality. The new prescription, Hydrocodone was in no way a better answer for what I had by now been forced to look upon for what it really and truly was - drug withdrawal - only this time I had to endure the "additive" of 500 mg of acetaminophen per tablet. Note please that I had by then completely lost any desire to "replace" the Propoxyphene but rather figure out a way to wean myself completely off any prescription narcotic pain medication so great was the agony of this withdrawal that I never saw coming. I will close this "book" with a profound statement that I can write while actually in the moment of all because please remember I started this while in the act of observing the results of my first ever in my life taking a prescribed medication called Suboxone and now finally just a minute or so past one hour after taking as prescribed my second ever dosage of this medication designed to and promised me by the prescriber as having the ability to nullify the unbelievable effects of withdrawal from this 31 year partnership with this, forgive the redundancy but here and now it seems such an altogether and required statement, "innocuous" mild narcotic that I can report to you in the actual second of its happening that I already have a great deal of faith will in fact be that second ever in my life, that "magic pill" that will cut the bindings of something that for more than a few days during the past few weeks I was almost to the point of complete surrender to a fate I would not wish upon the worse major felon I ever had charge over who had maimed and murdered two innocent women - now almost to the point of real and not drug induced but real tears of sincerity over a reality that I hope with every fiber of my being there lives and breaths one or more individuals who will be able to read this and find some comparisons in their own lives and armed with this amazing testimony of one man who is actually experiencing the overwhelming joy of being able to see a light at the end of this nightmare tunnel and best of all - that light is not a freight train. If you are addicted to an opiate and if you are able to look seriously upon your addiction, regardless of how you became addicted because there is no blame in situations like this - there is only another human being or many of you for who I have absolute and total compassion and for a certainty complete empathy. SUBOXONE WORKS ! ! At least it works for me and given the volumes of information I have sought out on the web after learning purely by accident in desperation to hopefully find something in the sea of information available on the World Wide Web I this day sat before a licensed prescriber at the VA hospital who listened to my story and without hesitation told me I had taken my last Hydrocodone tablet ever if indeed I truly wanted just that thing. That would be possible because of a combination of two medications, "Buprenorphine" and "Nalexone" into a medication named "Suboxone". If you are that person who has hit that wall for whatever reason then my friend welcome to the rescue of your life in a very literal manner of speaking. To put a solid exclamation point at the end of this "book" that can in fact change your life I write this profound statement to and for you - dear friend who speaks to you from the trenches and not at you from some lofty perch: "There are times which mark our lives... Moments when we realize nothing will ever be the same, and time is divided into two parts... Before this and after this!"

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Amen to that

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There is a program to follow if you need this medication and specialized doctors to assist check out the official sites:


This second link lets you find a doctor within or near your zip code


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What is the difference between this and methadone... I have been struggling with friggen heroin for about 10 to 12 years on and off, clean for 4 years, slip for 4 months, clean for 1 year, slip for 2 months, clean for 6 months, slip for 1 week.. i think you get the point. And through all that I don't just disappoint my partners, loved ones and parents, but mostly myself, big time. It's horrible. People say Oh just stop. And bloody hell it's not that easy. I don't smoke, i don't drink, I don't even bloody smoke pot and it's practically legal in canada, everyone does... i don't misuse tylenol or pain killers, when i'm in pain i try to process through it without falling to medication. But for some reason, heroin, just friggin got me. And fit. If i could change it, that one time i first tried i would go back, easily, in a moment. But i can't... so it's not as simple as 'just stop'. people that say that just don't truly understand. they are idiots. I can stop anything but heroin was the one thing i couldn't. Until methadone. It totally curbed that inside demon, that voice inside that was always poking at me, pushing me toward disaster... even when i was clean for four years, i lived wiith a sense of panic, like walking on a tightrope, not knowing if you have what it takes to make it across, without falling. But on the Methadone program, (i'm on 50ml a day, liquid, with orange juice) and i"m fine. I don't have that panic that i lived with for 10 or 12 years. I just finally feel like the me before i used. I know people don't understand, and they say just quit the methadone. And one day I will... when i figure out why i used in the first place. Some people use forever and that's fine. I mean, its a disease, like diabetes... they take insulin, i take methadone. No shame in that. It's just another form of medicine. And if it brings you a healthy legal existence then who is anyone to judge that. But my doctor never mentioned this suboxone, what is that. I'm travelling to mexico in a month, and i am sort of worried on how the hell i'm going to get almost 2-3 litres of medication in liquid form, a pain. So i don't want it exploding in my luggage, if some body loading steps on it, or puts something heavy on it etc. damn anyways. I don't know. ANyone have any travel pointers... because i have to take it or i'll be deadly sick... and thats something i don't want. I spent too many years of my life in the pain of use and withdrawl, wasted horrible days. And i don't want or deserve them back. So .. mexico, methadone, travel help.. please... and also what is suboxone? to everyone on here, good luck and keep your head up... everyone makes mistakes, just heal and move on. smile... If you want to chat or offer each other support. I'm a good yapper... ha.

Thank you for this site... it is very helpful. I'm sorry i didn't find it quicker... Keep up the good work.

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it is sad that it is so expensive and what money is spent to keep you able to work and function as u said could keep an addict in pills off the street for more than the month supply they pay for. I dont think i will ever feel normal again from all the times i have quit on my own and gone back to taking them to function so saboxone has been a lifesaver. My whole personality has changed in a year there is no oh my god im down to my last 2 how will i ever make it to work or to my child's field trip unless i find something. It is a shame but the damage has been done theres no going back so please get us a cheaper form of saboxone. I heard the generic should be out soon, but if the dr does get kickbacks they wont be writing for generics

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Dear Hawiia girl, my heart goes out to you. I don't understand y its so hard. My doctor prescribes me
15 fetenyl patches per month & 200 10mg perks. I don't have ins, it costs me 800.00 a month & I lose about 5 patches a month because they fall off. My doctor has mentioned saboxone and it would be much cheaper. However, most people in USA that are addicted to opiates goes to methadone clinic which is same as saboxone except it's free if you don't have ins or a job. The most a person pays with a job is $70.00 a week. Go on line & research. I wish you all the best in getting some help in the system!!! PA girl

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