Opana For Joint Pain
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I was in a severe accident in 2006 that caused many spinal fractures, herniated disks, and severe damage to my right knee. I've been seeing a pain management doctor who has prescribed me Opana 40 & 20mg. ER's to be taken every 12 hours. He also prescribes me Mobic for joint pain. The Opana does help with my spinal injuries, but doesn't seem to help my knee pain at all. The Mobic isn't working either. Should the Opana be helping me with my knee pain at all? I have been prescribed just about all of the available opiate medications including; oxycontin, methadone, the Duragesic fentynil patch, morphine, and nothing seems to be working. Is there anything available that would help my knee pain short of knee replacement surgery? Any information would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!

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Thanks Verwon. I have been using a cane when walking. It sucks because I'm only 52 years old and feel like a cripple, especially when using a cane. My orthopeadic is very hesitant about doing a full knee replacement because of my age. He says that they only last 10-15 years, and more then likely if I live that long, I'd have to have it done again. I've been thru Ortho-visc injections and cortisone injections which only give very temporary relief. He also has me on a daily 5mg. prednisone pill to help with inflammation. Oh well, it's starting to look like total knee replacement is my only option now.

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Wow! I am very sorry that you've been suffering so much.

However, in light of all the ones you've tried and nothing helping, then I think you may be down to where surgery is your only option.

Have you tried using a cane to take pressure off of that knee, when you're walking around?

That may help and would likely lower some of the internal inflammation, so the medications may help better. Right now, if you're always just walking around with your full weight on it, you may be aggravating it too much for the medications to have a chance to help.

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