Maximum Dose Of Suboxone/subutex & Chronic Pain (Page 18)


What is the maximum dose of suboxone or subutex when you have severe pain?

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SANDRA: Actually I have seen Subs prescribed up to 40 mgs for things like Fibromyalgia pain. For addiction treatment, yes, 32 is the usual "ceiling dose."

As far as Suboxone being better or worse than Subutex for WHATEVER? They are the same thing. There is a small bit of Naloxone in the Suboxone, which is only in there to keep people from injecting the Bupe. But they are the same drug, so no, one isn't "better" for pain than the other. The only difference would be if a patient has a Naloxone allergy and had to take Subutex in order to avoid the Naloxone. But that has nothing to do with how effective either drug is, since the active ingredient (Bupenorphine) is the same.

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You have no idea how good your responce made me feel. I am grateful for the time you took to reply. Thank you for validating my sobriety for me. I know that theres nothing the same about who i am now verses the Rachel active in addiction. I attend Celebrate Recovery which is a spiritual recovery center. I have not opened up to anybody there about being on subx. I feel like i would me judged and asked to step down from leadership. I do have a goal to be completly off of the subxn by 11/2017, however if I feel at any moment that i am putting myself in danger and that the cravings and monster of obsession are getting the best of me i won't hesitate to go back on the subx. My doctor is asking that i see a therapist and he says I'm already a success story. He reminds me frequently that he wishes he had more patients like myself. Thank you again for your time and wisdom in responding.

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RACHEL: I'm glad I could help. You need to do what is best for YOU, not what is best for some "recovery group". People in recovery who AREN'T opioid addicts? They have no idea how hard it is for us to stay clean, even WITH the Methadone and/or Suboxone. I have been an addict for 30 years. My doctor, who is the leading addiction specialist in my state, and used to be the addiction specialist for an NBA team, says I may need to be on an ORT for life. He says I need to look at it like a diabetic who has to take insulin. That diabetic must take insulin FOR LIFE in order to be "healthy". Same thing with many opioid addicts. Now, would you be at your "recovery group" telling everyone all about how you are a diabetic, how you need insulin? Probably not. So if you need to keep your ORT use a secret, so be it. Unfortunately, one of the first tenets of recovery is honesty, but groups like NA make honesty impossible for opioid addicts on ORT. That is why I recommend Life Ring. They don't judge those things. Their motto is that YOU are the one who knows what is best FOR YOU.

Since you know how difficult it is to stay clean from your drug of choice, even WITH the ORT, you should be proud of what you have accomplished. Please do not let the misplaced ethics of some recovery group make you feel like you are "dirty". I have a feeling that whomever came up with that rule, that you are still "dirty" if you are on methadone or Subs, was NOT an opioid addict. Otherwise, they would understand. You need to get up in the morning, take your Subs (just like the diabetic would take their insulin) and go on about your day. It sounds like you are doing well, and YOU know you are "clean", so don't sweat what some "group" thinks.

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Thank You. After your responces I have trully felt better...I will look into Life Ring... Wondering if they may have something local. Your wise words gave me comfort and peace. I too have a long history of addiction. This is the first time i have been clean for this long. I may have some more questions later...for now thanks for your encouraging words.

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RACHEL: Go on, and there is a place to click, to see if there are meetings in your area. If you live in or near any major city in the US, there will most likely be a meeting nearby. If not, they actually have online meetings and chats. Life Ring is a great alternative to NA. Good luck to you and let me know if you need any more information.

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I need to switch to methadone and get off suboxone. I have tried the subs for nearly a year now. My pain is worse, my aniexty is worse. Being unable to take aniexty meds has left me on other meds that has caused so much weight gain. Im in ohio, im close to michigan & fort wayne. I am at my wits end, Ive been threw hell & back with doctors & am so tried of trying to find one that I can actually talk to & really cares. Being female is definetly made finding care nearly impossible, as Dr's never take me serious. And over 10 years Ive had 2 great Dr's who were closed by FDA, so explaining that when finding a new pain clininc or Dr, just makes them nervous to take me as a me please

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LOGAN: Unfortunately it is really tough to find ANY doctors who will prescribe methadone. You may have to go to the methadone clinic system, which isn't the best choice on earth. But that may be your only option. If you can find a pain management clinic, you may be able to find a doctor to prescribe methadone. I wish you were in my state, as I would be able to give you a couple of recommendations. Michigan/Indiana? Not anywhere close to me, sorry. Go online, find some pain management clinics in your area, call them up and see if they prescribe methadone. Obviously, I don't know your medical history, but it would help if you had any type of previous successful use of methadone in your files. Good luck to you.

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Hello sorry im a little nervous never commented on a post before. But i am a suboxone patient have been for many yrs i was feeling a little down today about taking it for so long and found your post. I just wanted to say thank you. Reading your post helped me in more ways then one. People who have never felt withdraw,depression and just worthless from this addiction just dont understand. Unfortunately my mother and husband are the main people in my life and with all the other addictions they have had they dont understand this one and it hurts sometime. I have been clean and on subs for about 5yrs and they cant understand why i need this medication. But it really does help me function and gives me motivation to take care of my daily duties as a mother and provider. So i just wanted to say thanks for your post you never know how much words can help.

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I have been taking suboxone for chronic pain for the last 3 years. It has given my life back to me. I'm able to move and do daily routine things without that terrible pain. I read posts that say suboxone is not a pain killer and I just don't get it. It is an opiate.

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NICOLE: You do whatever you have to do to stay clean. Don't let ANYONE tell you what YOU need to do for your recovery. If you need to be on Suboxone the rest of your life, then so be it. I have a VERY reputable addiction specialist for a doctor; remember what he said about it being like insulin for a diabetic. I am very slowly lowering my dose of ORT, but I may not ever be able to completely come off of it. And that's ok; I will do what I have to do to stay off of my drug of choice. Good luck to you.

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Bupe has been used for chronic pain in Europe for 25 years. Especially Germany. Where have you been?

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CHEEVES, SKYDIVE: People are so self-absorbed. If it doesn't work for THEM, it can't work for ANYONE. It's a joke. I know people who find pain relief in pretty low doses of Bupe. Who cares what anyone else thinks.

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Subtex has been used in the U.K. For 25 years . I have severe chronic pain. The Oxycodone ER and oxcycodone IR plus numerous other shedulule 11 meds I have been on for a while I didn't like. They were making me depressed. I finally got my Dr to prescribe me Subtex and it works. With all the my diagnosis.

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consider yourself fortunate since you cannot taste the films, i've been on suboxone for many years, have used 5 different kinds including the films & they all tasted awful, i used to have a bad problem with saliva until i figured out how to slow it down a lot

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TASHUDA: Well, that makes perfect sense. Buperenorphine (Subutex) is designed to do what opioids do as far as pain relief for non-addicts, and taking away withdrawal symptoms in addicts, without the "high" of Vicodin, Oxys, etc. Painkillers that have the side effect of being depressants. Some people will feel classic depression symptoms with these drugs.

I find it interesting that you are able to find such significant relief from the Subutex. Many people who start off on the full-agonist opioids like Vicodin, Oxycodone and Percocet, aren't able to find sufficient relief from Buprenorphine when they switch to Bupe for purely pain relief reasons. That is really great and tells me that there is some variable going on with people that isn't working but may be a simple fix. It may be the dose, some other medication they are taking, any number of things. I'm glad I saw your comment.

May I ask what dose of Subutex you are on? Thanks.

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NEWLIFE: When I was first on Subutex, it was the little white tablets. I would build up all this saliva, and would end up spitting some of it out. My doc said I was likely spitting out some of the medicine and to NOT do that. :D Do you find that salivating is a problem with the film as well as the pills? I have never used the Bupe films.

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Is 6 mgs of subutex in a day alot? I've been on it since 2007 and am on the highest on 6 mgs but I can do with 2 mgs, is that alot?

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Thank you for sharing your experience
,Strength and hope with us.Everyone wins when we reach out to others even
if we are having some difficulties reaching the ones closest to us.I too
Can relate to your circumstance since
My family refuses to see my accomplishments with opioid replacement therapy.I wish I could manage drug free but given the choice of stability with this protocol vs.repetative relapsing with out I'm comfortable with my decision to use this drug.Thank you again for reminding me that many face the same
dilema even when it comes from those closest to us.God bless

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That's some excellent advice you provided to Rachel .Folks that discount
others if they can't empathize or understand those with a genetic predisposition for opiate addiction and require the use of opioid replacement therapy,Is far to common in 12 step groups.A kind word or support of inclusion can truly save someone's sobriety and clean time at times of self doubt. Many Thanks,

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Yes...those words he shared with me were very encouraging...Jan 8th 2017 marks my 3 years in Christ and 3 year sober date. I know i am a walking Testimony...thanks to you all who remind me that my recovery is real.

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