I Want Off Suboxone (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I started taking suboxone almost 11 weeks ago. I was only taking 4mgs and today i went down to 2mgs. How long will it take me to taper to nothing and not have withdrawals? Please help. I am so sorry I ever touched these things.

33 Replies (2 Pages)

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Take your kratom! Tea is great, extract is better. Stay on it if need be, it will help so much! I am going to start my detox after the holidays and I am going to start stocking up on kratom extract now so I won't feel like I'm dying. I'm scared but I know from experience it is doable w kratom. It will also help w energy. Good luck!

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I have been off 8 months after 5 yrs. No use in tapering if at 2mg. Look at my other posts.

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How do you feel now that time has passed? It took me 14 days before withdrawals set in.

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I was on the 8mg 4 times a day for three yes.
If I would have done some research on what they were best believe I would have NOT ever started taking them. Was changed over to percocets 7.5s. I was on the percocets for three weeks without taking the suboxon an I was sick as a dog in bed with really bad withdrawals. The nausea an diarrhea an muscle cramps an restless legs. It was just as bad as if I had went cold turkey. This is not a medication I would ever tell ppl to start taking ever.

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I'm taking .5 a day for the past cpl days to get thru detox of iv pain pills the suboxone helps but I don't want to get addicted to it its been 2 weeks clean of opiates I takin maybe a whole 8mg in the past week any advice for my journey I have surgery in 2 weeks and need my system clean so whatever drugs they use work and there no complications thanks

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I think you will not have too much withdrawal from a dosage like 2 MG's..I last jumped off at 2 MG's and I was fine, I felt a slight withdrawal, nothing paracetamol or ibuprofen couldn't fix...only for around 3-4 days not as heavy as opiate withdrawal for sure!!! You may discuss it with your Dr, I'm sure he/she will agree.....good luck on your efforts...

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I've been on suboxone for about 9 months but I've been taking xanax and I have a drug panel tomorrow. I want to know how or if I can get the xanax out before tomorrow?

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No chance of hiding the Xanax which is dangerous to be taking along with an opioid like Suboxone.

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There is just a few things I would like to add to this thread. First of all Suboxone is an opioid which is synthetically manufactured and very addicting in that it is physically dependant. Using it for a long term maintenance program is just putting the inevitable off until you try to get off of Suboxone. It is not as severe getting of as other opiates and opioids but it's duration can be longer than two years. It's best use is to use it for thre or four days maximum to get you through withdrawals before you become dependant upon Suboxone. If your Doctor or clinic offers you Suboxone as a maintainence drug for longer than four days use, I suggest you run for your life out of their office. The damage of long term Suboxone use is hidden from everyone and can only be obtained from people like myself who had been on it for five years and have taken the time, pain and energy to get off. I am at two years off and still not back to normal. I only know of one other person who has been able to take the time to get off and he is at two years with similar problems as a result of Suboxone. The best advise is not to get on that therapy to begin with.

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I agree. It's hard, but I'm willing. I'm hoping too go to the ER for wd symptoms.

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I have 28 days clean off Zubsolve and Suboxone. If you can help don't get on. It's a trap. My teeth are all chipped. My doc stated they weren't meant to come off. I beg to differ. With God and a 12 Step program is how I got this far. I went to 2 ER'S and 1psyche Ward. They gave me BS meds. I had no health insurance at the time. It's one day at a time.

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Getting off of Suboxone is not an easy task, especially if you have been on it for any period of time. I stopped in April of 2015 after five years of prescribed OxyContin and then five years of Suboxone. The issue in getting off is the time it takes and not so much the discomfort one will experience. I believe that there is a direct correlation between the time on the drug and the time it takes to get your system back to normal. The success rate of getting clean and off Suboxone must be very low. If you are going to attempt it make sure you are working with your Doctor and he has his heart into your recovery. So many people think that it is over in 90 days or less. In that time-frame you have not been exposed to all the withdrawals. There are many otc meds that are helpful and also prescribed meds that relieve the stress of withdrawals. All of these things are detailed in these various blogs. If you want off, put in some effort and read this site's Suboxone posts in the various threads. I did and it worked for me. I am available to help you with knowledge and experience.

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ive been taking about 2mg maybe less for about 2 years. havent taken it in three days trying to quit cold turkey. the only withdrawel symptoms ive had was no energy very little insomnia and a little anxiety eapecially when trying to sleep. how long will this last and when willvi start feeling normal again.

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