How To Snort The New Formula Opana Er (Page 27)
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I became a pain patient after I fell off a horse in March of last year and sustained spinal injuries which are still VERY painful. Opana ER was the first thing doctors gave me that helped at all and now that they have changed the formula I'm in a lot more pain. I want to break down the formula so I can insufflate it, as I am told I may get more pain relief and increase bioavailability of the drug. The new formula hardly offers the same pain relief, Please help me!

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dude your way off. The true reason for the spike in herion is the prevelance of extremely strong pain killers. Before OC 80's and opana's weren't really around. Now everybody and their mother thinks they need pain pills for minor pain. Then when the doctor cuts them off they go to H. Or they sell their pills in the first place cause they don't truly need them getting young high school kids addicted who then switch to herion. Dude you don't need 6 opana 40's a day for clevical surgery that is ridiculous. It's not the pain you are chasing the high. Don't go to heroin, it will ruin your life. So will opana's but with herion you become a slave to a dealer as opposed to a doctor. When did we become such sissy's in this country that we think we need a pill for any minor pain.

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@trapswife, Isn't the definition of an addict somebody who needs a pill to feel normal?? If you stop taking opana's you will be dope sick, so in the true sense of the word you are an addict regardless if the pill is given to you by a doctor or you get it off the streets. You people are kidding yourselves it's not that the drugs no longer mask the pain it's that you no longer get high enough. I mean one dude takes 6 opana 40's a day, and claims he is not an addict?? That is crazy and the equivilant of shooting 28 bags of herion a day. I am sorry but as somebody who used to take OC 80's for "pain" then switched to herion when the doctor cut me off I know that pain killers lower you pain tolerance and threshold. My back pain, I have AS a blood disease that curves the spine, I thought was intolerable when I was an addicted but now that I am sober the pain is extremely manageable with just advil and toughness. I mean I am a golf teaching Pro, so I am constantly using my back but I manned up and dealt with the pain so I wasn't a slave to a pill or needle. All you people on here crying because you don't get high anymore need to get a clue; you are addicted, and you could probably manage just fine without 97 opana's or Oc's a day. I mean come on how can the most of you seriously tell yourselves that you couldn't live because the pain is that bad??? You all are just like I was you love the way the Pills make you feel; you know how they work right? The don't take the pain away, they just mess you up so much you don't care about the pain. I beg of all of you to look into alternatives because these pills have ruined a ton of wonderful people, and if a junkie with a curved back like me can play 36 holes of golf a day with out pills then the majority of you can surely sit in an office for 9 hours a day with out being stoned out of your mind.

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Well I go to my doc on Mon 9th. Have tried to get him to order the old fomulation thru a combing pharmacy. They make custom meds. He's like. I am not doing that. So I have been grinding them . It works but takes my voice away. Not too bad if I cut three up in my coffee. (40s) I was on 6 40s a day for two years. Now he wants me to try methadone. I heard its a good pain med if they give you enough. But I know he will start to tapper me down after I start them. I can't get my pain bellow a 5 since the new meds. Lucky I had a few old stashed. But they are almost gone. I heard the methadone is awful to come off of. I just want to stop my pain. (Cevical injury from snowmobiling) I get up in the morning fealing worse than I did when I went to bed. I have to work a lot of people depend on Me. Wife 5 kids. I am at the end of my rope. I think I am going to find out what the price of H is and mabey I can make a deal with the devil. I am so not alone when I read your posts I hear disparity just like me. They realy give you no choice. They give you your life back then take it AWAY. ??????????????

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dude try wal mart.i got 300 roxie 30s for 190$.ur going to the highest place on earth.

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you're exactly right about the governments involvment in the heroine trade. before the war in afghanistan, the al-qaueda and middle easterns had a SEVERE prohibition on the poppy plant ( reason for heroine's rarity during clinton years). when the war in the middle east suppressed the taliban, the afghan farmers were given free will to do as they please and farm what they will ( provided that the government would recieve a tax surplus for certain services provided, and people paid off). this country is far more f***ed up then you guys would ever realize. this is no conspirators bulls***, this is a college graduate, professional individual of whom has seen some things and knows far too much. the government is behind the trend of heroine trade, the oil industry, the soon to be coming fad of " going green" and a few other things. if you're smart, you'll stay very far away from mitt romney

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Actually most junkies started out as legit pain patients. These meds r beasts. And even if u dont abuse them n just take prescribed u get deoendent and have to suffer withdrawals when u dont have them. Ill say it again these meds r Beasts. And the New Opana SUX but moatly Endo n the DEA suck for ruining a medication that provided great pain relief. They could not b injected so I really dont get y they had to ruin them. So effing what if someone chooses to snort their damn. Meds. It just SUX!

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ped egg or whatever works pretty well, just did two forties and not very clogged up, not going to waste money on them anymore, but i had to try.

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*laughing* How do you know it was sticky when it came out? Did you pick it out of the toilet? This visual isn't pretty! lmao .....

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so would 4 10mg ir, be the same as 4o er and cheaper too? I didnt fill my opana 40's yet after reading that id doesnt work. Im on 4-3o oxy perscribed 4-3times a day and wallgreens ,after filling it for 6 years, thinks its to much and wont fill it, thats why i swiched. I dont know what to do. plus my roxis were 165$ for 240 and opana is 900$ for 60!! Thinking of methadone, cheep and going back to dr. tomorrow.WAWPF

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Excellent post, we have ALL been there and if you haven't consider yourself exceptionally lucky. I too have resorted to snorting when I could no longer tolerate the pain and the medication I was prescribed also has a very low oral bioavailability rate of absorption. There is a big difference b/w addiction and once in a while needing your meds in a different form. If you find that you are exhibiting addictive behaviors than that is a different story. If you have someone you can trust, a spouse or loved one, have them help manage your meds to ensure you staff safe. I can do this without becoming an addict. I often wonder why these doctors prescribe medications that they hear day in and day out don't work. I do however agree that the particles you inhale can be very dangerous and enter your lungs and cause irreversible damage and your doctor will know exactly what caused it so it is always safer to make a nasal saline spray, dissolve your pills in some saline and place in a type of nasal spray bottle that can be opened, do your research so you get the right amount and this will reduce if not eliminate the risk of the fillers from entering your lungs. Also, if this makes you too scared, the next highest bioavailability is rectal administration, mix warm water or saline with crushed pills in a baby syringe or smaller syringe without the needle and make your own suppository of sorts - google rectal administration of the medication you use. It's very simple, not disgusting and lasts longer than nasal use. We are all just trying to get by with as little suffering as possible and I think if given a choice, we'd gladly give up the pills for a normal life. Pain will make people do some desperate things, I've known some people who chose to take their own lives rather than face their pain. Now that is wrong.

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They have generics for the opana in instant release formula only its called oxy morphone 5mg ir an it comes in 10's as well but its only for the instant release as end as the patent fer the er's I get 120 oxy morphone 5mg instant release every month an there cheap cause there a generic.. an yes the brand name from end are being reformulatec like the er's so they been off the market fer awhile im sure they will suck as bad as the er's from end but the generics u can snort bang eat w.e u wish tell ur pharmaict to get a f***ing clue...

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Where did you get Opana 10mg? The pharmacy company replied to an e-mail from me that they have no idea when the 10mg. will be back on the market. Thanks

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The best way to get the new opana er formula into a nice fine powder is by using a dremel into a large bowl,weeks perfect boss use a sand grinder attachment or diamond tool

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And pj at the time of your post you said youve only been taking opana for a month so your tolarence obviously isnt as high as most of us who' ve been taking them for years. And your right most of us take it to get high but in my case i also take it for pain but just happen to be stupid and tried snorting one day and fell in love. Takes 5 min to kick in and puts u on ur ass. But for those who abuse them are junkies dont apologize for telling the truth people who respond negatively are just guilty and hate looking at themselves in the mirror and disappointed in there actions

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Listen ima keep it real i used to snort opana and wish i never started. Opana for me snorting it made my tolerance so high that i could t even feel them. I swear i snorted like 8 /30mg opana and felt nothing it got to a point that even though i didnt feel anything i would snort them just to stop the withdrawls. It would cause my sinuses to be clogged i couldnt smell or taste for days. It makes your pain worst cause when i was getting relief i would feel so good that when they stopped working it made my pain feel 10 tiimes worst. It caused me to be depressed even when i took them cause servere constipation and my stomach would feel like s***. So im kinda glad they made the new ones even though i dont get no relief but i rather just go through the pain then go through it anyway with also having the complications i was having while abusing them. They still make the white generic 10 mgs that u can crush and snort they are a lil harder to crush you can shave it down or use sumin hard to smash and goes up great and its july 2012 and there still out well its the end of june. U can shoot the new ones just chop it up real good put in a spoon melt it down add the water and suck up ina syringe but u should shoot it asap once it gets in the syringe cause if u wait to long it will get hard again i dont shhot but i swear i have seen my boy do it dont knw how much water to use cause i dnt shoot but if i memba my boy said if u used to shooting up its like the same measurements as shooting anything almost a whole syringe. But i dont condone this use but i know ppl still gone try and rather give the right info so noone kills themselves although if u continue to shoot or sniff its inevitable good luck yall

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Their has to be a way to get it to release in the system. Its like dipping an egg in silver so it doesnt greak, so how do you eat the egg!!!!!! How does this company think its ok to do this????? Just so stupid. I would thimk roxicodones are the biggest problem out there so what are they going to do to them? I just got a script from my PM dr 2 weeks ago. They were a crazy blue colr and cost 2 times more and they give me a headache. thats never happened in 8 years. This is just crazy!!!!

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You can grind the new opana down. I have been a pain patient since 09 when i wrecked my mc. Go to walmart buy yourself a good pair of needlenose pliers and then go to the pet section and buy a pedipal pet nail trimmer. It is about 8 inches long and it takes 4 aa batteries. Go home and grab the pill with the pliers and just slip it thru the hole in the cap. I put a plate down tho to catch the powder. This works way way better than a drimmel tool, even tho it is almost the same thing. It comes with two sandpapers the one that is already on there is the course one, so change it to the one that is just loose in the package. Dont use the stone bc it doesnt work trust me.

Opana er is simply oxymorphone. Opana ir is the same thing, oxymorphone. They do not add other drugs to any pain medications at all, exept for suboxone which is buprenorphine and naloxone. So your ir and er opanas are the same thing, simply oxymorphone. The way they make er drugs is that it takes your body a long time to break it down and to be released into your system. Ir drugs break down immediately and release into your system. I dont know why people think this crap its just stupid.

The coating does absolutely nothing!! The coating just makes the pill look good, that is it. It doesnt cause the pill to not work when you snort it that is just stupid. So opana is NOT oxycodone and morphine mixed together, that is also stupid. Where people hear this I do not know.

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I was the original "a**hole that said "if you snort them, you're looking for a high, not pain relief". Someone commented it's easy for "someone who isn't in pain to say that". In another post I mentioned I do take these, as I suffer from chronic pain.

I JUST GOT THE NEW FORMULATION and it seems to work as strongly, but takes longer to start giving relief. When I wake up in the morning, for instance, I'm usually in fairly bad pain before I take my meds and my body and muscles warm up a little. Whereas the old formulation would start to give relief relatively quickly, the new one takes longer.

I'm not judging if you snort your pills, I just wish people would be honest about why they do. I have a friend with chronic pain who has so many issues and ill effects from a lot of the pain meds her doctor just prescribes her (I don't know how many mg) IR Oxycodone (they make IR Opana too, and it comes generic) to take 3x a day instead of 2, all I was trying to say was that if the noew formulation isn't working well, and you're really serious about relief, there are many other options.

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I was the original "a**hole that said "if you snort them, you're looking for a high, not pain relief". Someone commented it's easy for "someone who isn't in pain to see that". In another post I mentioned I do take these, as I suffer from chronic pain.

I JUST GOT THE NEW FORMULATION and it seems to work as strongly, but takes longer to start giving relief. When I wake up in the morning, for instance, I'm usually in fairly bad pain before I take my meds and my body and muscles warm up a little. Whereas the old formulation would start to give relief relatively quickly, the new one takes longer.

I'm not judging if you snort your pills, I just wish people would be honest about why they do. I have a friend with chronic pain who has so many issues and ill effects from a lot of the pain meds her doctor just prescribes her (I don't know how many mg) IR Oxycodone (they make IR Opana too, and it comes generic) to take 3x a day instead of 4, all I was trying to say was that if the noew formulation isn't working well, and you're really serious about relief, there are many other options.

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I have chronic pain in my foot and ankle. I shattered my foot in Dec 2010 right after they changed the form of the OC. While in the hospital i was given real OC fentanyl the works! Then i got out and it was impossible to find real OC but i do get the oxycodone 30s which isnt too bad but dont last for s***. This new form BS is crazy. They put plastics in our meds to keep us from abusing them. They should know that abusers will abuse no matter what! I can find a way to abuse anything. The only thing this is going to do is make dope heroin more valuable to people who need opes. It kind of makes me wonder if the fda knew that because it cant be that hard to figure out that if you take the only descent meds out of the pharmacy then its to the streets we go. They must take into consideration all of this stuff before they aprove all this jazz. But guess what they just dont care.. it really makes ya wondering who has their hand in the heroin distribution in this country. Lets take all the good meds out of the pharmacy so we can make our money from heroin. I mean really they disregard the fact that there are plastics in these pills why? So we cant abuse them? Well it doesnt matter cuz if we want to get high there is still heroin. And there is ways around their stupid plastic. I mean come on years and years ago the government was making companys pay their former employees millions because the employees were harmed from working with these plastics without the proper protection. Now they just dont give a s*** that us people who are in pain are ingesting this stuff daily and numerous times a day. Just doesnt make sense to go through all this trouble to switch out the formulations if they did not benefit in some way. I mean come on this is the government and pharmaceutical companies we are talking about. And i can guarantee that the new formulations are not producing as good as numbers for the profits... So where are they making up their money lost?? DOPE yupp heroin. Thats the only explanation for me. because they obviously did not do this to benefit the everyday chronic pain patients or else there would be no cancer forming plastics in our meds. We need to stand up and do something here. Its called rehab! everyone man up and just quit all together.. Stop letting them yank our dicks all over the place. Just stop buying their products. If they dont give two hoots about us as a consumer then screw them as the distributor. These things dont even touch anyones pain like the old ones so they are basically forcing people to abuse drugs just to get relief.

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