How Do You Take Subutex? Swallow Or Put Under Tongue To Dissolve? (Page 4)


I have a friend who takes suboxone & recently got a subutex given to him. I take suboxone myself but ive never heard of subutex until couple days ago. I would like to know how is subutex supposed to be taken? Under your tongue or do u swallow it? I am worried about my friend & i have searched every site possible on information on subutex but none of these sites say how it is suppose to be taken. what are the side effects of subutex? why do doctors give pregnant women subutex & not suboxone during pregnancy? i need to know any & all information on subutex. i have hidden the pill from my friend until i can try 2 find some information on it & he has been sick but i dont want anything bad to happen to him.also is subutex a small white round pill with number 8 on one side & an arrow on the other & does it come in any other forms or colors etc.? I'm desperate for answers!!!!!

148 Replies (8 Pages)

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I took suboxone for two years at 24mg a day. Getting off of the stuff was the most miserable experience in my entire withdrawal career. I have come off of heavy benzodiazepines, barbiturates, opiates, the hardest kick was suboxone. I did a rapid 7 day taper from 24mg to 0mg. I experienced withdrawal symptoms in some form or another for two months. I thought at one point I would never get better or recover. It is a terrible drug for abusers as a maintenance plan.... Too hard to get off of.

The naloxone in my suboxone never prevented me from getting high on other opiates/opioids while I was on the suboxone regularly at 24mg a day. You simply end up having to take more of the opiate/opioid on top of the suboxone to get the effects you want.

For example you can be on suboxone, high dose, and go to an ER for an injury, tell them you are on suboxone, and if they treat you with pain medication they will simply give you a much larger dose of the pain medication because of the naloxone. The naloxone is not an effective drug imo.

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Subutex & Suboxone should ALWAYS be taken sublingually (Under the Tongue) & yes, A very small white pill with an arrow on 1 side & 8 on the other is 8mg of subutex. Subutex & Suboxone both come in many different looking pills. One type of Suboxone comes in an orange film-like strip about 1/2in x 1in. When taken under your tongue, it gets absorbed by those blood vessels you see when you lift your tongue. Some people like to snort it, but you should never swollow it. It loses a lot if it's potency when swallowed. If your friend is "Dope Sick" give him 1/2 of the pill, tell him to put it under his tongue, & leave it there 'til it's completely desolved & gone. He'll be "Well" immediately. Suboxone saved my life...It's a mirical drug & much easier to come off of. It has a VERY long half-life meaning that it stays in you system for a very long time. I take 1/4 piece every 6hrs & I'm perfectly fine. No side effects or adverse reactions, with me anyway...

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Bull crap methadone gets you high as the pill you use to do , it will completely keep you knocked out .. I was on methadone for 7 years come out on a financial detox , and I thought I was gonna die , my legs would ache my body would ache , I had never been dope sick in my life , until I came off the methadone , it knock me out about 45 minutes after I had taken it . I'd sleep , nod in and out .. After I came off the methadone I was so sick I thought I'd die , I started shooting up , opanas and morphine , that's the only thing that keeps you from being so sick . I became so strung out . My family finally came and put me in the suboxen clinic . In less then a year I came from 2 sublinguar films a day to a half and I've been clean now over a year .. That methadone is a joke abd a money gimmick . Please take it from some one who knows

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Ok sounds like to me if ur taking 24mg of Suboxone and still trying to take opiates on top of that. You still trying to get high. The Suboxone program is wonderful for those who are truely wanting sober living. Every Suboxone program in our area wiuld never put someone on 3 8's a day to begin with. 1, 2 @ the most. These programs are for set up for to start weaning down in a year and a half. If u take ur dose how your suppose and wean off by a medical provider its a cake walk. You tried to go from 3. 8's a day to nothing. If u were really trying to come of Suboxone, u would know that number one rule is NEVER try to go from High dose to nothing. Your only suppose to wean down only one to two mg every 10 to 14 days. Your just an i**** trying to discourage people who may really want to clean up their life. Having to increase ur opiates because the naloxone keeps u from feeling ur opiate high????Are u serious? Dude u need alot more than Suboxone to cure your ignorance!!! Just like they tell u in every detox, rehab, or prison...Work the program (right) and it will work for you!!!! I was on Suboxone for four years. I took it and weaned from it like my doc said and Im living life again!!!!!

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Hey subutex goes under the tongue. you shouldnt make your friend suffer. just tell him not to take any opiate or methadone. if he does he should wait 3 days of nothing before he can take it. I take the bigger subutex and they rock to insufflate. yes you can insufflate em. you can IV subutex if you want. I get the 54 411 and they're white, the ones that you have with the arrow and the number 8. I've had them.

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Yeah tell the pharmacy and your doctor you want subutex tell them you need the big white ones no the ones with 8 an the arrow it takes 3 of those to equal 1 of the subutex that say 54 411 tell your doctor subutex that the zolsolv cuz that's what he you and insufflating is the absolute best way trust me when you get them filled ask them for the 54 411 I filled mine and the pharmacist opened the bottle and showed me one you get those you feel wonderful just insufflating but it works under takes about 30minutes to an hour to dissolve I would insufflate one subutex at a time. I'm on 4 a day because of my tolerance but I make sure at the pharmacy they are the 54 411

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Hey I really agreed with ur post about subutex. How ya doin?

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So, I have been on subutexs for going on two years. previously was a needle junkie on opiates. I take 12 mg a day. I'm not feeling the relief for my pain as before when I first started taking them. Just wondering what I need to do ? Because I do have severe back pain do to accident . I refuse to get back on opiates. Thanks :)

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Stop playing God and doctor. Give your friend the dam Subutex before he overdoses on street drugs! Where did you get the entitlement? Ask yourself this.

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first off just because you are getting "clean" doesn't mean you have the right to put anyone down. RIGHT?? you was there not to long ago from what it sounds like. don't get all godly because you chose to get off stuff. who are you to be judgemental about something you was doing. did you become some holy roller all the sudden? get over yourself!

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That was the smartest and most intelligent post that i have seen. I have been on suboxone for years but recently got a few subutex and i wasnt completely sure how i should take it. I read all the posts and yours was definately the most intellegent and informing. Thank You

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Thanks Herbie!!

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Subutex & Suboxone should both be taken under the tongue (Subingual). It says that on every bottle of it I've seen. If you look under your tongue, you'll see that there are many blood vessels, very close to the surface of that skin. By putting the medicine under your tongue, it is more quickly absorbed by your body. It desolves quickly & is absorbed by those Sublingual vein's.!.!.!

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Subutex has no naloxone in it. It's safer for a pregnant woman, who take it for pain I believe. And in my opinion less harmful. But Doctors don't like giving it to rehab. patients because of the abuse possibility. It's also highly desirable on the street and easy to sell or trade. Naloxone is the blocker in Suboxone. It will keep you from feeling high on opiates, synthetic or natural.

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Give your friend their meds! How dare you play with someones life you claim to care about. Control freak!

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Ask your Dr. to prescribe more. I know people that are prescribed 4, 8mg pills per day. So, more for you might be the answer to relieving your pain better.!.!.!

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Please check online to make sure its subutex. But every subutex I've ever seen has been a round white pill. NEVER abuse causes horrid effects when people do that. Its ONLY to be taken sublingual. ..under the tongue. It must dissolve all the way while under the tongue. not swallowed.

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Exactly, your comment was very rude, making that person prob feel stupid and calling them ignorant. Your huge wall post did have some valid points, though you repeated most of it several times. I know a lot about medications and don't call others ignorant for not knowing, most people don't. If anyone is ignorant it you dear. You put people down, repeat yourself, and you can't even spell or say your sentences right. My advise to you is that you think about what your saying before saying it. You must have been high as hell to write all of that thinking it makes you look intelligent, but reality is, it didn't. But one thing I do agree on is if the friend was prescribed the meds by a professional don't hide them, they got them for a reason, and not to mention that's totally against the law. Good luck to you all.

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The difference between Suboxone and Subutex is that Suboxone has, I think it's called, Naloxone in it which is an opiate blocker. I don't know why or how that works but that's the way it is. You should have no problems taking either one @ the same time.

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