Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 79)


Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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Next time I'm there I will pencil on paper again
of the 68 of my brother marines that I went to boot camp with that did not come home and died for a lie. I can not give you mine. I look at them once a year but than it takes a couple weeks to get my composure back.

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Estate Recovery isn't what I was asking about. Colorado had a law called "Medicaid Recovery Act" which isn't just Estate Recovery. When I applied for help with the cost of medication (prior to receiving Medicare), I was given paperwork to sign which agreed that any costs incurred by Medicaid were to be recovered from me, by attachment of any assets I may have.
As Medicaid is a federal program run by individual states, do any other states have the "Medicaid Recovery Act". Did the Affordable Health Care Act eliminate the Medicaid Recovery Act?
Estate Recovery is fair. My brother-in-law has Huntington's Disease and is in a facility. At this point, the combination of his SSDI, union retirement, and assets, have enabled us to pay all his expenses. If circumstances should change, such as a huge increase in the cost of his care, and we were to apply for Medicaid to assist, it is only fair that any assets he has become theirs.
Where can I find the portion of the Affordable Health Care Act that is going to help chronically ill people? Still haven't been able to find it.

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I believe that many of the problems I have had, have been caused by the fact that I have almost always been part of the "working poor". Being employed eliminated me from many programs, yet I didn't have the earnings to afford what the "system" felt I should be able to afford, such as health insurance.

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Receiving the amount from SSDI that your ex is getting, tells me that he worked and earned a reasonable amount of money. So he paid his taxes, paid his Medicare (along with his employer). Perhaps that was his mistake. Had he not worked as much, or had he not earned a reasonable amount of money, he may be entitled to some assistance in his time of need.
Seems sort of backward that if you try to succeed, that you are in the end "punished" for that. Something is drastically wrong with our "system" in our country, and it does require an overhaul.
Perhaps what we need is to go back to the time before any "social welfare" programs, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid etc., and without unreasonable taxes. When the money you earned was not taken by the government with promises of how this would be to your benefit in the end. When the money you earned was yours to plan for your own retirement. Money you earned was yours to pay for your own health care. When the elderly, sick and disabled were cared for by family, charity, or religious organizations. When the family was able to care for "their own" because their money was also their own. That is a pipe dream, because once someone has their hand in your pocket to the extent the government does, no way are they going to give up that access.

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I am in a mood today LOL Stormy weather almost always causes my pain level to rise, and it is "high" pain today and was also all night, didn't sleep too well. I have the oxycodone for breakthrough pain, and I just "broke down" and took one, so perhaps my attitude will improve as the pain gets to be less. The question is, will this post appear before my last, or will I sound "crazy" again LOL. I am sick of the Obama Care already, and I am willing to bet, that like every other "stupid" law that has passed, this one will hang around for years, adversely affect "the working poor", and it will be decades before Congress takes any action to correct it.
Doesn't help my attitude, that the "bills" started rolling in yesterday from the three surgeries my husband just had on the veins in his legs. He has diabetes and has for several years had circulation problems, in his feet and legs. He also as a machinist has stood on his feet for over 25 years on concrete floors running machines. Oh, I didn't mention it, but he was working, not running machines for the fun of it. Obama Care which was suppose to help us, as I told you, has done nothing but hurt us by raising his health insurance premium by over $200 per month ($200 plus that we didn't have), lowered the amount the insurance company pays on procedures, and increased the amount of "out of pocket" we have to pay before they pay. I see the amounts we owe, and now I'm worried as to how we are going to pay it. He had insurance coverage before Obama Care, and his copay, coverage, our portion and everything about it, was what we could afford for him.

BL has been defending this Act, saying that there are portions that are going to be helpful to the pain management of the chronic pain patients, still haven't gotten any guidance about where this information is, so I'm beginning to wonder if it even exists. Before this Act passed Congress, I heard how wonderful it was going to be, how it was going to force people who make over $100K a year to purchase Health Insurance (what gives anyone the right to force someone to purchase anything). The people making over $100K a year, weren't entitled to any assistance for medical anyway, so if their choice was to pay expenses out of pocket, whose business is that? Don't see how the government should be allowed to say how they spend their income, unless the government is picking up the tab for their expenses. I heard how this act was going to make insurance affordable to the working poor who couldn't afford the premiums. I heard how the amount of paperwork that would be required for medical facilities to be in compliance would increase dramatically (another cost for medical facilities who aren't going to absorb that expense, pass it on to the patient). I heard how the IRS would be the "enforcement agency" to levy a penalty on those of us who didn't comply (great idea, give the IRS another task, when they couldn't manage what they were responsible for. Let them send out a few more tax refunds to people who have been dead for years.). You and your ex are among the many people that have said, it created no premiums that you could afford. It also hasn't made you any more eligible than you were for the existing government programs. If you are eligible for assistance now, you were most likely eligible before Obama Care.

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Just a little clarification of what I meant about unreasonable tax amounts, every year there's a little piece on the news about when we are finished paying our taxes and then begin to work for our own benefit. Every year that date is a little further into the year. Last I paid attention to that date, it was the later part of June. That seems like an unreasonable tax amount to me.
Perhaps if we had a lower tax amount to pay, we could afford to pay for our health insurance.

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You are so right about the gap between the rich and poor becoming wider.
Every utility I use has increased almost on a monthly basis for around six months now. I have spent time on the phone with each of them, looking for a solution to reduce my monthly bill. They tack things on the bills, like a $10 service fee for billing us. What happened to that being a part of their cost of doing business? Any utility or company that offers on-line billing, I have opted to take (save the trees). At one point that was a reduction on the bill, because it reduced their costs. No longer.
Gasoline increases by $1.50, then a week or so later it's lowered by .45 cents and we are told we just had a decrease in cost of gasoline, no my math says it was a $1.05 increase. And food costs just keep rising and rising. We didn't need a health care insurance premium increase to add to our problems.
If you are young, if you have a decent job, if it's in an industry that can afford to give pay raises and if you are healthy and able to work, perhaps all these increases don't impact as greatly as they do people on a fixed income. Boy that was a lot of "if" LOL

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CO Susie, the Medicaid Recovery in Colorado that you're referring to involves third parties. I know the way the papers you sign reads it seems like you would have to repay any money that Colorado Medicaid spends on you period, but that isn't what it means. For example, if you're in a wreck and the insurance company settles with you, but does not reinburse Medicaid for the services you received due to that wreck, then you are personally responsible for that. The paperwork is a general statement as opposed to going into all of the possibilities. Go to the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (CDHCPF) Medicaid Recovery Website.

All states have laws governing Medicaid money that is spent on a receipent when a third party is responsible and recouping it.

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Hello Co Susie, I just read all your replies to me. You hit it all on the nail. Everything about Obama Care, the rich vs. the poor, everything. I am glad you are seeing it the way I am starting to see it. Boy, was I under the wrong illusion, while growing up! I believed in this country, how one can start from nothing and become something or someone. Only a select, lucky few, and I mean luck or if they have a lot of talent, have been able to come to this country and do this. But, us Americans, who were poor, working poor and middle class, "forget it." Unless you were fortunate to have parents who could help you pay for college, or actually pay for the college education, you were going no where. My parents had seven children. They managed to pay for my one sister's education, thinking once she had a nice career, she could help the rest of us out. Yeah right. That never happened. She is rich, she looks down on the rest of us and thinks she knows better than us all. But, the funny thing is, she can't find her ay out of a paper bag, when it comes to going somewhere. Now, my sister, closest in age, to me, managed to get her doctor degree. But, she had a husband, who made good money, who put her through school. Unfortunately, she is not using her education now. For by the time she finished and received her doctorate, she was too old for people to want to hire her. The best she could do was teach classes in the University of California. Of course, she is now moving, with her retired husband, to Washington state, so I don't think she will be using it there now. As for me, I am self taught, in what I know. I can put together a computer and pull it apart again. I have talent in graphic arts, wining awards, and managed to be able to run people's businesses. With only two years of college. But, most of my education, is by my teaching myself. Not from the college. I got books from the library, taught myself some computer language, bought my first mail order computer, and took it apart, so I wouldn't be afraid of breaking it. Learning it was okay not to be nervous, running it. I taught myself all the high end graphic design and publishing programs, there is out there, through training CD's I bought. I used the programs at different businesses I worked for. This was all luck for me and accidentally finding out that some people actually liked my work. But, work I did. I wore my body out, with many long hours, with little pay. I couldn't afford the health insurance, even in my own businesses, it was just too much. I couldn't afford doctors, otherwise I might not be in the poor condition, I am in. I worked my tail off, as I know most of you did too, long, long, tiring hours. Physically and mentally demanding. Just to make ends meet. So, how come, some can come to this country, make it big and most of us, can't? It is most likely the same old story, good ol' country, taxes and the rich. Putting down the small people, making it impossible for the lowly to get any higher than they are. Big businesses over taking industries, where little businesses are trying to thrive. If you don't have the money, to start your business, or even keep it going, oh well! That's what happened to me. I didn't have the money and working the long, long hours, ruined my health, the last straw. You'd think, all the years we all worked, we would have something to show in our old age. At least health insurance, let alone trying to afford life insurance, so our loved ones can afford to bury us. No, that isn't possible, any more. The "American Dream," is no more. Only for the rich, who only get richer. Do you see poor people, run for office? No, they can't they have no money to do so. It is also not who you are, but who you know. If you know people who have money, you have a pretty good chance. But, even then, once in office, you have to follow the political party's rules, that you belong to. You must do as they say. So, if you did have dreams of being a good politician, it is quickly squashed. You are quickly corrupted and forget the little people, the ones who really made this country. I know, this sounds negative, but is it getting any better? It has become more difficult to get even cheap health insurance, just to get a broken toe fixed. The doctors, if you are lucky enough to have one, or find one, charge so much money, that even the co-pays are too much money, now. It is all about the money. Not about the people. What ever happened to, "We the People?" Where did that go? Susie, you are right, in all you say, in your several replies. There doesn't seem any bright future, no positive changes for the working poor, the poor, the elderly, on fixed incomes, that are dwindling away, from higher prices, just to live, no light at the end of the tunnel. Okay, there are elections, now. Promises, promises. What is the point? Do they do what they promise? No. So, why vote, any more? I see so many political rhetoric, on TV, it is becoming disgusting. They will say what they want you to hear, but do what they want, to become more rich, when they get into office. But, the real problem, is, we, the people, are believing them. We are trusting them, hoping they will be, finally the one that will do good for all. What we all need to do, is to not be so trusting. We need to put our foot down. But, I think the majority of people are so busy, trying to get food on the table, they really don't have the time to really think about this rhetoric. They just trust. I don't know what the answer is, maybe an uprising, like in the old days, as in other countries, but is that the answer? If that happens, who will win? The rich of course, for they can afford to have the things to win the battle or challenge. I do see good people, trying to help the poor, trying to help other countries, by feeding and clothing them. I see good soldiers trying to fight for our country, but what happens when they come back? How long can the good people, so few in this world, keep helping the poor, here in the states and in other countries, when the rich keep them from having the things they need to do the task? I was fooled by the promises of Obama Care, when it first came about. I believed in the rhetoric, how it would help the poor, those who can't afford health insurance. But, it is another political lie. It is helping the rich, get richer. Including the insurance companies. I am so sick of seeing happy, rich people, on TV commercials, with the illusion that everyone has a nice house, go on vacations, have nice cars, etc., ignoring the real issues of this world, I turn the TV off, (unless there's a good old movie on, of course). Illusion, this entire country is built on that now. Not fact, not actual activity to help the poor, the sick, the suffering. No one cares about Chronic pain patients. Is there any organizations out there, really fighting for us, lobbying for us, getting the President's attention? No, I see petitions out there to save the whales, (which believe me, is important to me, being an animal lover), to save this, save that, but not a mention about people who are suffering, from losing their doctors, their medications, who are resorting to suicide, just to get relief. This is why I am as mad as heck. This is why I am still urging everyone to sign my petition, to spread the word, let's become a fly in their rich broth! All who are looking for doctors, trying to keep your medications, so you can be somewhat normal and not curled up in bed, vomiting from pain, go out and be mad as hell and spread the word. Go to my petition and sign it. I know you want a doctor, I know you want medication, you can still ask for information, on that, where ever you are, but take a moment and do this too. For all of us, for you. Please don't just write your stories, also go and complain. Write to the president, on the website, where he wants to know how you are. I don't care if he is interested in the financial position, tell him your suffering, this is also part of the financial situation, we are all in. If we can't be more humane, how can we work, to help us pay for our insurances, our doctors, our medications. How can we help in our communities, or help our families, people in need. Obama needs to be pestered like flies on a hamburger. He needs to be aware of this serious situation. I can't do it alone, I need help to get him to listen to us all. Write your stories to him. Write your stories to all politicians, where ever you are. Be mad as hell! BL, I am putting this to you, too. If you really want to help, you, too go and sign my petition, write to the President, write to everyone you know, just don't sit there and type, writing what you do, on this site. Get Going. That is how you can really help. If you have any influence at all, use it. Politicians are being voted for, the presidential elections will be upon us, soon too, before we know it. It will take time to get them aware of our problems, but if we all start now, we can do it. Co Susie, thank you for signing my petition and spreading the word for me. Thank you for writing what you do, about what is happening to you and what is going on, in this country too. I am hoping people will just start being brave, stand up and fight for what is right in our country. Like the forefathers did, against the crown, in other wars. It just looks to me, like people want to complain and not do anything about it. In another part of this site, I see so many new people, looking to get their oxycontin, complaining about losing their doctors, or not finding one, but not going to the site and signing the petition. It is very frustrating to me. I know others have tried to do petitions and gave up. Let's not make this one happen, too. Well, enough of my rant. I guess you can tell, I haven't had much sleep, either. I can't lie in bed, for more than 1/2 hour, now, it is too painful, the pressure on my body. I, too, think the storms are not helping, this. What's worse, the Norco, I'm taking is starting to take more toll on my kidneys, I think. It is not helping much with my pain. I am finding I have to take 2 in the a.m. and 2 at night, when I wanted only to take one, each time. I still am having problems finding a doctor. I guess I moved to a bad town, a bad county. One must live in a city to get what they need, but more importantly, one much have money to do so. May all of you be blessed, as much as possible... Always, Marianne P.S. I am not going to be on this site for a couple of days. Please forgive me if I don't respond to replies, right away.

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Been of oxy 30 x6 a day for 15 days. Did it on my own. I'm exhausted all the time and cannot sleep at night does anybody know of any kind of vitamins food or something then you could give me an energy boost information on

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dark chocolate warm grapefruit juice or red bull if your heart is ok st johns wart slow mag green tea research foods that give you energy but be careful only if heart and blood pressure is good

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Maybe we need to start a new thread on this website devoted to "getting change for treatment of the chronically ill". And another thread for "helpful hints for pain management of the chronic pain patient". With everyone giving websites and information that has been provided on this thread. The information on SSDI, SSI, Medicare, Medicaid that has been provided by BL, your petition information, the link for the president, insurance information for people on Medicare, the VA information provided by Veteran. All the good helpful info.

When a thread gets long, as this one has, it seems that new readers don't go back but only so far. There has been some really great information provided, I hate for it to just get lost. Apology for my negative attitude early yesterday.

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Get Ralph Nader into the debates, he is our only chance, 5% is all he needs. He wants min. wage $20.50 an hour giving us more spending money and made in USA watch an unreasonable man all over the www free! If he does not win I am moving to the Netherlands!!!!!

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Thanks give it a try. Old timer

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Hello Co Susie,
Please don't apologize for what you wrote, yesterday. We all have our days and it is completely understandable with what you are going through. I am certain that I don't always sound so positive too. It can get one down, when there is no help for chronic pain patients, the poor and the vets. I get down too, but not for long.

As far as starting a new thread, I am not sure how to do that, on this site. This is why I often will repeat what I've written, in the past, again, for the new people. If someone can do that, then I will go to that thread and write the information, too. I've been on other threads, one that is something about oxycontin, where I've written the petition and the president's website, also. I just don't always have the time to go to all the threads. I have gone to other sites, as well, after googling "Chronic Pain Sites."

But, right now, I am having a serious problem with a obnoxious neighbor. She has harassed me, so much, since she moved in, in 2006, cut my honeysuckle vine, which has been here since the end of time, without my permission and has woken me up, many times, during the night and wee hours of the morning. When I politely asked her to "Please be quiet," she went to the court and is trying to get a restraining order against me. I have tried so hard to be kind to this woman, but now she is lying and making up all kinds of stories, about me, I have to go to court and defend myself. It is at 8:30 in the morning, and I am so sick, today, I don't know how I am going to be able to go there. But, if I don't go, she will get her way. Already I am a prisoner there, not being able to enjoy my yard, my porch, without her spying, harassing me, and listening to people who come to visit me, mainly my prescription delivery man and a man I hired to do my yard work. She is a horrible gossip and told all the neighbors I am on morphine and get my "drugs," delivered. Yet, she is in the wrong. I tried to be nice to her, not calling the police, when she disturbs the peace, but now she is doing this to me too. I am just sick. My insides are in such pain, I think I have developed an ulcer, now, too. You know, I truly believe, living in the country or the mountains, with the wild animals is so much better, than living among people. They are becoming more inconsiderate of their neighbors, any more. I sure hope you don't have additional problems like this, too. This is what I meant, when I said I wasn't going to be on, for a few days. I must get my stomach back in order, along with trying to find doctor, as I am running out of my norco, my only pain medication. Life is a beach, isn't it, sometimes? But, I keep trying and hope everyone is as well as can be. May God Bless you all...


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I have cronic pain in my wrist & shoulder. Looking for a Dr. that will prescribe me something for pain.

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I have a very high deductible and need a prescription from a doctor for a refill after a najor car accident can someone help?

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Its taken me a while to build the courage to ask for advice but here it goes. I'll try to sum it all up so its not so much detail.

I'm 29 yrs old. I had my first migraine at 5 yrsold & my first surgery along with my first prescription narcotic at age 14. Over the yrs I've developed additional issues that have kept me needing pain medication most of my life. I live in Arkansas & it seems the doctors here are extremely reluctant to give narcotics which has caused me to be sent to numerous doctors and to go without any pains meds for extended periods of time. In 2008 I broke my pelvis in an accident which also damaged my back & has left me with extreme daily pain. I have 2 kids that are my world & I hate that my physical activities with them have to be limited due to lack of help with controlling my pain. I can't walk through the grocery store for more than 30-45 mins without thanking God I have a buggy to lean on to help me walk. I'm very limited, but push myself to the max when it comes to making my kids happy and then pay the price when I'm in bed at night praying for the slightest bit of relief.

So, I just had another surgery in May & have been seeing that surgeon for the past 3-4 months who has been giving me Vicodin regularly. He always made sure I never went without. But being a surgeon he could only take care of me for a certain amount of time, so he sent me to a new doctor, who he believed would continue the medication. He was wrong. This doctor refuses to do anything. Just abruptly cut me off after several months of regular use, taking 5-6 a day. He wants me to see a PM doctor, which is great, but will take 4-6wks just to make an appointment. He still refuses to give me anything just for the time being until I see the specialist.

Every time I see a doctor, I feel so ashamed to ask for anything bc of the way they automatically look at me with suspicion. Like I'm selling or abusing. How is this fair??!!! I go through enough on a daily basis. My doctor should be at least one is person I can go to without judgement or question. I'm just so disappointed in my doctor choices here. And I guess maybe I'm saying the wrong things? Am I causing their looks, judgement & suspicion and not realize it??

So my question is, Are there certain words/phrases to avoid when wanting a doctor's help with pain medication? Are there certain things I should be sure to say? They haven't even made my appt with the PM dr yet. Will probably still be several weeks. But I need to know how to talk to my current dr in the mean time and also what things to explain to the PM dr.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. I just want to live my life as pain free as possible, enjoy my babies, & function as normally as I can. Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is here in south Arkansas.

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Old timer
Great about being off the oxycodone by yourself, that must have been hard. Why did you decide to do that? Has your pain lowered to a point you can function without medication? That's especially wonderful if it has.
Ninthwardrapper is right about green tea, dark chocolate, at least for me. One of the things I have with the fibromyalgia is sleep issues, then add pain medication sleep issues to that and add the pain issues and LOL anyway sleep is a weird thing for me. Green tea is a new thing I have tried this year, so far it seems to help relax me where I can get to sleep. Dark chocolate I have to be careful, if I eat too much it seems to wake me up instead. OH my goodness RED BULL, my husband drinks that daily and I tried it one time only LOL. Red Bull does wake people up!!
When I have a period of exhaustion I try to eat lots of veggies and fruit. Fruit as oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, the high acid ones seem to give me energy. Maybe cause they have more natural sugar in them.

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Back pain,
When I didn't have insurance, I found stacks of different types of prescription cards on a table at my doctors and sometimes on the counter at the pharmacy. Some of the cards the pharmacy would give me a discount and others they didn't accept. If you have insurance, they may not let you use the discount cards with a copay. Did you do a search online for coupons/cards to help with cost? I have found coupons online that give up to $75 off on "name brand" purchase, I did the search by using the "name brand" of the med.

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