Is Mirtazapine A Opiate


I have recently completed methadone detox and need to know if mitrazapine are opiate based as they have been suggested to help me sleep but don't want to mess up my detox?

3 Replies

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Hi, Dotty! Congrats on the detox! Way to go!

No, Mirtazapine is actually a tetracyclic antidepressant, it's commonly used to treat depression, insomnia and anxiety.

Learn more Mirtazapine details here.

Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and weight changes.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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would mertazipine come up as an opiate on a drug panel?

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No. Mirtazapine is not an opiate. I have been prescribed mirtazapine for the past 8yrs after I detoxed myself from H. It did eventually help me to get regular sleep. I have to take regular drug panels. Hope I have answered your question for you. Take care. x

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