How Much Out Of Pocket?
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I've been on oxy for many many years and my insurance decided they did want to pay for it anymore. My Dr. Would like to try ms contin only because it would be cheaper for me as im going to have to pay out of pocket. Any idea how much this is going to cost me monthly? Not sure of the dose. I just pray that it works. I have 3 kids oldest 17 with special needs my youngest is 2 in a half. So hard to function normally dealing with chronic pain. So po'd at insurance.

2 Replies

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There's no general price to quote you, because it's going to vary depending on where you live and the dosage prescribed.

Learn more MS Contin details here.

It contains the narcotic Morphine and as BL stated, it may make you very sleepy. I was on it for a number of years for pain management and that's something that I always fought with, it never eased off.

Other side effects may also include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and constipation, it also carries the risk of being habit forming.

Have you tried asking your pharmacist for a price quote?

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It may make you very sleepy.

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