How Long It Takes To Feel Opiates After Taking Suboxone
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If u take a 4mg suboxone at 8am in the morning before work and sweat alot and drink alot of water u could take opiates around 10pm that night and u will feel it but not nearly as much as if u just wait for the next day. Also alot of ppl including myself think u can push through by using more but its just waste of money. The sub will block it and its very dangerous because you can overdose very easily because your putting the opiates in your system but not feeling it but you can still od, also if you used subs for a few days in a row ot takes a little longer for the sub to get out of your system like another 12 to 24 hours. Also your tolerance goes down really quick just as fast as ur tolerance goes up it goes down just as quick. My personal experience I was taking subs for 3 weeks and was down to 2mg a day by the 3rd week and stopped taking it on Wednesday to chip on Friday. Now before I got on subs I was taking opiates every 6,8 hours. Now when that Friday came I new my tolerance was gonna be lower so I took less and wow even that was alot. I thought I was gonna od plus the plan of chipping for that one Friday night turned into a relapse and went right back to the beginning of my addiction so I don't recommend chipping at all. Addicts like to alter there minds. The best thing to do for that is marijuana, but for alot of us like me who have jobs that give drug panels we can't partake, but marijuana has no withdrawals and wont make you lose everything or make u desperate to do something you wouldnt do sober to feel something. But back to the question if you take a 8mg suboxone at 8am and u didn't take subs the day before u can take opiates by 10pm that night but u will not feel the full effect, so its like a waste. So I kno its very hard but wait till the next day. We all know that its better to wait for the next day after a good nights rest 24 hours or more and u will feel it just like normal and not throw away your money.

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I have been taking suboxone for 3 days 8 my 1st day'12 on the 2nd and 14 on the 3rd. When will I be able to take my morphine again as I'm in pain

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I've been taking 4mg suboxone films for two days and happened to find an old stash of opiates. Was wondering in my case how long it would take to feel anything from opiates? Pretty much saying goodbye to opiates with this last use. Thanks. It's been about 30 hours since I took the 4 mg.

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I took a 10mg oxycodone at 5 pm and 8mg suboxone ar 930am and its fine

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Thats rite to be sure stop takin sab. And wait till you start feeling withdrawls than take the opiates. But plan on it being bout 15 hrs depending on how much and for how long you been taking sab.

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I would wait at least 24 hours or more if u can stand it. But please let me know how it worked out for you because I'm curious and am in a similar situation

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I took 1 x 8 mg strip last night at 10 pm, it's now after 2 pm the following day and want to take a dose of pain medication. Will it work?

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Is he prescribed subs? The point of rehab is to help get you off of drugs. I've been to a few rehabs and i promise they dont expect you to come in clean. Chances are they help you detox with their own method. I hope your cousin got the help he needs

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My relative needs to be off suboxone in 12 days. He has 8 strips. He has only been taking suboxone for 2 days. How should he taper offer. Before sub. He had been in detox for opiates, but took them a couple days after detox before using suboxone. He is going to a drug free rehab and cannot be on anything, including suboxone. Please advise.

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Buprenorphine has a higher affinity than other opioids for the opioid receptors in the brain, so trying to push it out isn't going to work. It has a half life of 24-60 hours so it will take at least one day before you will get decent effects. A better bet is 2-3 days.

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In my personal experience, if you are on 2 milligrams or less 24 hours is a safe bet to use another opiate. As soon as you feel the sub wear off and withdrawal sets in the opiate should work

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Ive been reading these posts and all of the advice given I say believe what your body tells you and how it reacts. Everyone is different so times may vary, some may feel effects of Oxy after 24hrs, some it may take days. I've been on Oxy's for 8yrs and tried to go the Sub route recently. I didn't like them and went back to my Oxy and it took 5days to even feel the Oxy after only being on Subs for a week at 6mg per day then I ran out of my Oxy so I tried the Subs so I didn't withdrawal. This time I took Oxy just 24hrs later and felt very little and I took 90 mg. so my point again is its the persons body chemical make up etc... that's really the only true way you'll know how long it takes before any effects can be felt.

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