Doctors Who Prescribe Norco In Houston Tx
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I have type 2 diabetes..for about 18 months with severe pain, at times in my lower legs and feet, my family Dr. in Katy, Texas no longer is prescribing Norco's 7.5mg due to all the misuse of this drug, being I have to walk, most of the day..I do not know where to go? Any idea's would help..I'm in the auto business, and I do not have Insurance, but I can pay cash for visit, I also need my med's for the diabetes and high blood pressure, I was also taking 2 mg of Xanax 2x's a DR. has left me in a pickle! Thanks

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Hi, Leo iam a type two diabetic looking for a doctor give me pain medicine. 10.325. Elena.

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Can you please tell me what other clinics are open

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TODAY'S MEDICAL is no longer open. Closed approx August 2016

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Do you know anywhere else. They aren't taking new patients

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Today's medical on kirkwood

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Hello, Leo! How are you?

Yes, due to new regulations that were set forth by the DEA last year, general practitioners will no longer prescribe controlled substances on a long-term ongoing basis, except in certain very limited cases, such as for cancer patients. Thus, you'll need to see specialists, so that will likely be a psychiatrist for Xanax, a pain management doctor for pain and your regular doctor for your blood pressure and diabetes issues.

Is there a chance that you're current doctor might refer you to someone? If so, that might be the quickest and easiest way to find the help you need.

The FDA lists Norco and Xanax as carrying the risk of being habit forming, they may also cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability and constipation.

Can anyone recommend a good doctor in that area?

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