Buprenorphine 8mg 460 (Page 3)
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I have been prescribed the 54 411 buprenorphine pills for about 7 years now. After my last doc visit I filled my script and they told me the same thing about the 54 411 not being available anymore and I got the 460's from them instead. My opinion...they SUCK! Feels like it has about 1/4 the amount of the 8mg it's supposed to have in it. I've been struggling all month with trying not to take more than I'm supposed to. I'm prescribed 1 8mg pill a day and have been happily taking that dose for about 3 years now down from 2 a day. Why this change has happened I have no idea but for me it's not a good thing at all. Besides the huge difference in price I have nothing good to say about the 460's. Does anyone know of a pharmacy that still carries the 54 411? I use CVS

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CVS is in the process of switching the brand of buprenorphine they stock to one manufactured by Sun Pharmaceuticals (a white pill with a 460 imprint on one side). They are TERRIBLE... burning sensation as the pill dissolves and subsequent upset stomach. We all need to call CVS's Customer Relations department at 844-239-6923. Otherwise we're all going to be stuck. Previously CVS dispensed buprenorphine made by Roxane (now merged into WestWard). These were a white pill with 54 411 imprint on one side. Call the Pharmaceuticals Supervisor for the Northeast Region at 401-665-6674 or call CVS Customer Relations. UPDATE: Sun Pharmaceuticals is a low-end manufacturer of generic meds based in India. The company has reportedly been operating under significant financial duress for some time and is currently doing all it can to cut production expenses!

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I don't know where u live but here in Ohio it's tuff to find any. But when you do it's usually the 54 411 or the Mylan 924 and at worst them actavis orange ones. But a friend of mine at our counseling meeting said he got the 460 u speak of... he said its not controlling his cravings. He looked into it and they are made in India of all places!! What I've seen about India has never been good, sewers running open in the streets, poverty, one of the worst living conditions by far. Real quick, I saw a documentary on India on their trains, when rolling on the tracks, if u have to use the restroom they lift a flap on the floor for you to take a dump and they keep rolling. So disturbing to me. The moral I'm getting to is if that's how they live how can they have quality meds?

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I don't know where you are from, but we had been hearing the same thing here in our area (Ohio, West Virginia, Penn.)... Read til the end, I do have the answer!... One pharmacist said they weren't sure why they hadn't been able to get a supply but he'd doubt they'd stop manufacturing them because, another said these 460 were the replacement, and two people even told me crazy stories like that some type of vehicle/vessel/train or whatever, was transporting the meds and had an accident and that was the reason, another saying they were on back-order until 7/17. But then I attempted to contact the Lab myself, to find out the real story. Another company, just closed on a 2.1 billion dollar buy of Roxane Laboratories (manufacturer of the white, round, 54 411 imprinted tablet buprenorphine) and that is the reason. I believe we are now being supplied with this new company's brand of buprenorphine from this point forward. Unfortunate, as most of us know, the Roxane tablets were much more effective with less side effects compared to other generics but this of course will not affect the other brands if you prefer one of those (Mylan, maker of M924 imprinted tablet; Hi-Tech, maker of small, round, arrow imprinted tablet, Teva, Akorn, etc.... Now the funny thing is, I keep seeing reviews stating that their new medicine (460) has a "minty, Suboxone-y taste" and that is not the case for mine. Also, one review in which the reviewer mentioned that taste, stated the name of the manufacturer, which is different than the manufacturer on the new white, round, 460 imprinted tablets I got. Because mine are DEFINITELY not minty. They do have an intense, and I mean intense, burning sensation while dissolving under the tongue. Incredibly more intense than any other. And that's only with a half dissolving at a time! Anyway, hope this information helps someone. I know I myself was frantically searching for answers, just hate being in the dark with my recovery when it comes to changes, as I'm sure others would agree.

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I am also contemplating calling my doctor and asking if he will prescribe ZubSolv - they are more consistant.

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I am having the same problem...CVS gave me these from Sun and I am not sure about them. They don't seem as bad as Hi-Tech, but I hope Roxane comes back. I am calling their office tomorrow (they got bought last Fall by another company - Hikna or something)

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