Trileptal/blood Thinner? (Top voted first)


Is the prescription drug Trileptal or its generic a blood thinner?

3 Replies

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Regarding a generic form of Trileptal: are any made that are white capsules? I was told the manufacturer of this specific generic was caraco, however no one has ever heard of a 'generic Trileptal' capsule that is all white. Reason being - I think I was given the wrong drug, and thus had withdrawl symptoms for a week, followed by a few small break through seizures, ending with a gran mal - first ever... any info would be much appreciated. thanks.

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Hello I read your post. My generic is trileptical. I'm on the drug been for a few months. I'm skeptical with it as it says you mix with oxycodone it can lower your blood level and over dose. I had surgery have many left and when I took that I skipped this psyche drug. I was put on it for depression. However my point is yes I have the generic name you mentioned.

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Trileptal is an anticonvulsant that can also be used to treat certain types of mood disorders.

The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings, and weight changes.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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