Subutex Wax Squares Images (Top voted first)


I would like to see some images of the subutex 'wax square' tablets (clear purple in color). I want to see the markings... if some have just the one line down the middle versus the line down AND across. ( + )

68 Replies (4 Pages)

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Yes they have green purple and red in Gadsden Alabama at Gadsden city pharmacy. Color dictates the flavor example purple is grape red is cherry and so on and it is cheaper than the strips....hope this helps!!

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Most of the time I've seem them, they have two lines, that divide the square into 4's. But this last time they only have one line down the middle. Sometimes they come in pink too I think they taste better lol. As to the second post..i looked all over online to find something about these subutex, there isn't much at all. I was told by someone who gets the script that the reason is the squares are made by the actual pharmacies and I think technically its not approved by the fda. I've seen the script tho so I know that they are subutex. I tried to post a pic but my phone isn't doing it. I'll try later. There are no pictures of them online though.

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My message is to "britbrat". I also live in Alabama and I've been going to a doctor for suboxone for about 5 years now. I take the flims but the taste of them makes me so nauseous that yesterday a friend gave me these 2 really small purple cubes that he said were a new form of suboxone. The problem is I'm afraid to try them because I've not been able to find any medical verification that they are suboxone. I found one web site that said the purple cubes were subutex which I believe is similar to suboxone but has more opiate in it and I don't want to take something that will cause me to go into severe withdrawals since i have suboxone in my system. Your post is the only one I've found that medically verifies this purple cube as being suboxone, so I just wanted to ask if you had anymore information about the purple cubed suboxone.

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Unfortunately, after trying several searches I haven't been able to locate a match in any of the U.S. prescription drug databases, nor any related possibilities on google.

If you are certain that this is Subutex, then it's very likely that these pills could either be manufactured outside of the U.S. or that it is a fake (not in the sense that they don't contain the said ingredients or work as intended, but the pills could be manufactured from some unknown company). Until I find a square purple pill online that is regarded as being Subutex, I have yet to think otherwise about that possibility. As of now, there simply are no close matches under U.S. searches.

If you're able to, I would consider taking any of these pill(s) you do have over to your local pharmacy and having it analyzed by their team to see if they can come up with anything. And as a last resort, you could ask them about getting the pills ingredients lab tested and brought back to you.

I hope this helps!

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Subutex and Suboxone are the same thing except Subutex doesn't have the opiate blocker Naloxone in it. I have taken both the Subutex were better because the have different flavors and I could take a loratab due to mouth surgery and it I actually felt it. I've seen grape pineapple banana cherry and vanilla. The Subutex I have seen has always had a t in it. One going down the middle also one going across the center of it. Hope this helps someome

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hey I'm from st clair CO alabama & these wax squares are going around.. they come from a pain management clinic in Mobile, Alabama and they are 32mg wax squares by Troche. They only prescribe these cubes for pain not addiction they are a hell of a lot more cheaper than reg suboxone also.

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I have piece of supposedly 8mg of suboxone gummy in my mouth and have severe pain problems with a doctor that doesn't want to even help with pain blocks or no drug treatments. after she gave me butrans patch I was done getting help with breakthrough pain or the new unexplained or diagnosed pain in my left shoulder and hip which is most likely a blood clot as I also was recently diagnosed with a clotting autoimmune disorder, which they'd rather start treating my issues than diagnosing them. so anyway I also have a brain injury with tangential speech and am a chemist that has looked into these when I first saw them a few years ago and have never heard of subutex gummies only suboxone. however it is possible given the suboxone compounded would just need one less ingredient but I also live in Alabama and can say with 96.4 percent certainty that it's 8 to 32 mg suboxone depending on how big it is since they come in 32mg originally then your supposed to cut them into for the day was my understanding based on the people who have told me that and was looking for Info as to how big they normally are, because know I'm being screwed over but just realized based on that before I moved from Birmingham my ex friend actually squares them and the person screwing me over gets half the size night wise and the one I saw down there but it seems like the same width and twice the height. however I also just realized while typing that as a chemist I should also realize they may just add more inactive ingredients in Birmingham than up here, but that sucks knowing that because there is no way for me to know, but from what I remember from when I looked them up a couple years ago or last year that they were 8mg times 4 so it answers your questions but I don't know why it would matter if it's silicone and then you thought it was subutex unless you are on another drug stronger than ultram which would throw you in withdrawal. if you know of a difference I'm unaware of please let me know and I can tell you I have taken a twelfth of a strip every week for a day prior to 2012 when I got my head injury and got sick and threw up most of the time, but had to have something to knock the edge off the pain as before my rod and screws in my thigh tbi and 18 herniated and bulging discs I only had spondylolthesis grade 1, now 2 and 3 herniated discs, but still had arthritis in 3 places. It was appraised to 5, now before someone feels the need to preach to me or say anything about pain and even at that dose once a day I still went through withdrawal for the first time in my life despite having apparent withdrawal from oxycodone and hydrocodone from the length of time taken anyway but was able to sleep through it no big deal. However this withdrawal was the worst thing I've ever gone through, including back surgeries and wrecks and would advise you to just ask how to taper off from a professional since I wasn't able to go to med school as I planned my entire life for. to think I know more than I do according to some and others just think I think I know more then they do and think I think I know anything but it's impossible to know everything. I just try to know as much as possible about everything possible and only use credible sources on the internet for fact and i bet this day in the disclaimer it isn't, so please don't take anyone's word on anything from any forum and since I have a hard time stopping when i start typing because my brain makes me a rambling i**** it may have timed out the post I'm typing and be just a waste of time as normal, but if not the short version is:

It's most likely 8 or 32mg suboxone. If closer to a half an inch square then it's 32. I'd like a fourth an inch but probably less than that. I am just guessing on measurements then 8mg but more than likely not subutex especially in alabama given I moved to the middle of no where and know of the same thing from Birmingham.

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I get mine from gadseden city pharmacy they are wonderful i have pics mine are pink and purple

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Hi I'm Olga from South Florida. How are you?? Ok to answer your question I actually have the compound wax square of Suboxone 8mg. And this is pretty new so you won't find pictures, my doctor gave me this compounded green gummy type Suboxone and it works just fine and it's definitely must cheaper $5 bucks each and I get right at his office so there's no tax and I've been with this Dr. Over 5 years so he is very good and honest so now I save over 180 bucks and don't have to go to pharmacy so I'll see if I can take a picture of it for you. OK yours Olga from Parkland, fl

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I get mine from gadseden city pharmacy they are wonderful

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Not true. My insurance company pays for my suboxone prescription. I get 2 1/2 tablets a day and they pay for it 100%! Not even a copay.

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Subutex only contains the opiate Buprenorphine, it doesn't contain the Naloxone like Suboxone does, which is what could cause someone to go into precipitated withdrawals.
This is the closest information I had to my question, hope it works!

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I love in Gasden and get the 32 mg square cut into 4 squares compounded asset city pharmacy

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Re: Mrs D (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

I live in Gadsden too and I was given pink ones as well :)

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Re: Taylor (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Subutex will not hurt you or make you feel bad, if you take it while you have Suboxone in your system, I take both all the time, subutex is the same drug as suboxone, it just doesn’t have the blocker in it.

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Re: Mrs D (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

My dr gave me the Troche. They are kinda clear color but they don’t seem to be helping me. It says bupren/naloxone 7.5/2mg. I’m new to this been on them a week but am still having HORRIBLE withdrawal. I was on 200 mg of methadone for 4 years and came down to 15 mg and switched to these. Are these as strong as the strips? I don’t have insurance so they suggested these but they aren’t helping me.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

They are not a fake, they are made by a pharmacy. I get them in broward at medix, so color depends on who makes them. They are half naloxone, half buprenorphine. Mine are green sometimes blue. I like them way better than films or pills. I looked for a pharmacy that had them and couldn't find one, then my Dr told me where to go. They are cheaper and better, and I go through less.

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The wax squares are a customized concoction specifically tailored to individual patients attending an inpatient program with Advanced Medical Center for Detoxification & Psychiatry. I think over in Mississippi or somewhere in that area. They have a couple centers but the medication is called butro and is made by the company troche. Check out the following link and you'll see the picture of the wax purple squares:

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Re: Jaret (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

I would like to make a ***correction to my original post & I also have some interesting additional information about Trochets along with other compounds that Buprenorphine (& other medications) can potentially be formed into, or "compounded." (1st) ***My correction: The wax squares aren't manufactured by a company called Troche. Troche is what the squares are called, they're a type of throat lozenge. After a lot of research I learned Pharmacys that compound medications can make Troches if you have a RX. I called every family-owned Pharmacy advertising compounding, of the 20+ I spoke w/ 2 agreed to make Troches but the catch: they can't (or won't) compound medications in the same doses/sizes already available. For instance Subutex 8mg is made generically by 3 or 4 companies i.e. the pharmacy can't (or won't) create 8 m.g. compounds in any form. The way around this obstacle is to ask your Dr. to write your RX in a dosage size not currently available on the market commercially, *Example: If you usually take 16 mg daily, (two 8 mg tablets...) Ask your Dr. to write your RX for: 16mg Subutex (compounded tablets) Qty. 30

There are a few other compounds some pharmacys can concoct. Compounds I have studied or heard about include: Troches (the wax squares, flavored lozenges, and even suckers are available at some compounding pharmacies, however I'm willing to bet obtaining suckers compounded with Buprenorphine would be difficult to obtain considering a narcotic substance resembling candy would increase chances of a child getting ahold of and ingesting.

Anyways, that is what I found while researching & calling many pharmacies. Last but not least, I was told insurance companies won't pay for this process unless you have a concrete medical requirement where a compound is the needed solution for you to take your medication. They consider it a novelty if the compounding is not medically substantiated. I did ask a pharmacist if my "disgust towards all available Subutex flavors" would qualify as a 'medical requirement' and they laughed and said not a chance..... Unfortunately lol. A quote from a" Mom and Pop" Apothecary for: Qty.x30 16 mg Subutex Trochets came out to $380. In order to order them I'd need to ask my Dr. to adjust my RX like the example above. I came to the conclusion it's not worth that much money just for the novelty of a new form of sublingual Subutex.

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Re: Leigh (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

Afraid to give phone numbers here but Dr. Harrell, is mine, Google "clinic 5" in gadsden/rainbow city here, he's mine and they are wonderful there I pay 150$ pe5 month.

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