Side Effects And Lack Of Transparency Harvoni (Page 6)
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As I read the side effects I find myself getting more and more annoyed at big pharma. If you google Gilead and litigation you will see that this drug was pushed though trials and sort of held back side effects. In addition that's not really safe because the people that participated in the trials were very ill.

My hepatitis was fortunately stable, as i posted on another thread 2 wks into this and i am going to the doc tomorrow and saying OFF! Of course they cover their arse and do the labs to see if its not anything else. My face is pasty white, i discussed the mood swings i am like a black box warning but alive. its taking every bit of energy to keep my emotions in tact. I DRINK a Gal easy of water, its not the water, its the freaking drug! I think they are either dismissive or don't care that the drug really was not researched enough to list the side effects they just want to make money. After 5 years if this 2 weeks didn't kill me i will come back. I never had anything pushed on me so much in my life its like it was gold to them. NO WAY was there not money involved. I am not an idiot.

To those of you who completed treatment with little to no side effects, i commend you. The rest do your research before you take this monster, its heavy stuff and we have only one body. Be well and God Bless.

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What country, Canada or USA with the drug Harvoni? How hard is up there? How is it to get pain meds there? Just wondering about the different health plans and societies? In general , really what are the difference in working with the Drs. Is their govt harder to work with when u r sick? Just to get a conversation going. Have a pain free day.

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Please don't excuse Gilead for withholding the true side effects of Harvoni. They shortened their drug trials by 50% and, even though many people have had problems since the drug was out in 2014, they aren't being honest about the possible side effects. They had had more than enough time to be honest. Have you read the Canadian FDA site on Harvoni? It lists the problems that we are having.

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I don't believe that patients who are suffering side affects from Harvoni and are cured are having these symptoms because their liver is damaged. I still have symptoms (similar) and have little to know liver damage. I'm beginning to feel that GI doctors are very cold and uncaring.

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I am 16 months post treatment. I still live with joint pain mainly my feet but everywhere as well. Saw specialist, they thought I had RA but more tests done revealed I do not. It is damage from the Hep C for forty years they said. I also was found to be depleted in B12 and Vitamin D after treatment. So far taking both hasn't helped anything! I was truly a test subject because I started it a month after it was FDA approved. No doctor will say it's from Harvoni. Don't waste your time and money on that. Just saw on another forum that a young lady's father died once he started it. And we have another person who's wife died from lung problems that started with her treatment. There are many deaths and we have the FDA reports!

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Buddy we ARE the test field!!!! send it to the world and see what people report about it. two things i found how the drug acted on me. i got very thirsty and i found that i need sugar to keep my energy up. my liver be so bad i am now cured with Harvoni that i found i need to keep my sugar up so i would have energy plus it makes u feel better eating candy, really, it works. i also found i neeed ice or ice cold things for my throat. like ices in a cup. i found it was easy to swallow since i have a closing of my throat also. so nothing stays down unless i have the cold ice. people you have to take care of yourselfs , find what works for you weather it is food meds or just watching tv or looking at old pics with your family. little stuff helps instead of staying trapped in your own body. u have to heal one self. u can do it. stay in touch and listen to what people say. learn from everyone tht u have contact with good night. Take care of pain first an d the rest will follow good spirits make for better healing.

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Three weeks off and going to a cardio doc next wk. it seems to have exasperated a nerve condition but I was only on it two weeks.
The men I know are tolerating it pretty well I speak to 2 a day and they have little to no sides. Not sure what to tell you if you are on any med's make sure they are stable. If your liver is bad I guess you should give it a try. Still not sure what went wrong with me. My heart and muscle skeletal were affected. If you can wait a year and see if more sides are reported that's an option. Depends on your overall health.
My concern is next year and the next year, I couldn't get through a month.

Good luck and keep us posted. I wish more ppl would.

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how are you feeling now? I will start Harvoni next week my liver not in best of shape. reading all the side affect scares the crap out me.

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I wish some of you that posted sides would come back on and let us know how you are doing. I think I found the culprit although we will never get a doc to admit it. Harvoni raises the CreatineKenosis (sp) it's all making sense now. Men with thicker muscle mass tolerate it better. It's an enzyme that this drug raises the levels of in our body. Affects our brain, kidneys and muscle skeleton nerves. I have tachycardia now after only 2 wks.
Please read @ this and see if your symptoms sould like this might be the cause. I HAD to know what went wrong and this must have been it. I did misspell the Kenanisis but if u google it you will find correct spelling.
To those who posted last yr or last month please let us know how you are doing. I encourage all of us to report this to FDA. I think this drug is more dangerous then they reported. Thanks in advance. Scary stuff.

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I am so very sorry about the problems you've experienced and I understand being mad at the drug company.

However, some side effects are not ever detected, until a medication is out there for real world use. Clinical trials are very limited and only include a limited number of people, so some stuff can't be known, until a drug is out there for real world use.

Other possible side effects, as reported by the FDA, may possible include nausea, dizziness, insomnia, diarrhea and fatigue.

Additionally, there is never any way to know how any given medication will affect any certain person that tries it, since we are all different.

Are you on any other medications?

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