Seroquel For Insomnia (Page 3)
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I have been taking Seroquel for a year now for insomnia. Anybody else take Seroquel for this? I have looked around and it doesn't even seem that Seroquel is normally given to someone for this.

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Let me tell you that you WILL GAIN anyway! Doesnt matter what you do. I felt the same way you do but you dont have the energy to exercise its not a choice it just happens. I wish i had never taken that first dose. I have been seroquel free for three weeks. Its tough but i am doing it

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I took 25 mg for two years and gained 30 lbs also affected my sense of smell. I quit taking two weeks ago and is difficult to get much of any sleep

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I felt draggy at first, then that tapered off....but never again will I take that mess...hope you have better luck than I did....

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Do you feel tired during the day?

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my doctor has me on xanax at night. My son was on seroquel though and i still have a bottle. I wonder if that would work better than the xanax. Anybody else have withdraw symptoms from Phentermine in like a few hours? it was awful. Now i am tired bur can't close my eyes.

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I didn't know Seroquel caused weight gain. I have gained 25lbs in three months and couldn't understand why.

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They just started me on it.I took one 25 mg first night.Did not work so I took 2 next night.did not work either.I think I need ambium

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I also have taken for 2 years for insomnia. I only take 25mg but concerned about addiction and the withdrawals from it. I am going to stop and see what happens

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Just KNOW the weight gain is awful and I watch what I eat, exercise....never had a weight problem....went from 120 to 147 lbs in just under 3 months....I will NEVER EVER take serokill again....that's my name for like a champ, but I want to wear my clothes.....

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I was given 100mg of the generic to seroquel. It really doesn't work. I take it and have waited three hours for it to kick in. I work from 6am to 5pm. Getting up so early, I need something that has no residual affect in the morning. I tried two pills, nothing. Tonight I am going to try 3pills. I am off tomorrow. I will let you know how it works.

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I too am a sufferer of lack of proper sleep. I could be exhausted right before I lay down, but the second my head hits the pillow my mind starts going and I can't shut it off. Sadly, I am also having thyroid issues and menopause issues! I'm a mess. I have been taking Effexor XR 75mg for a month, and I am feeling better. Lexapro made me bounce off of walls. At night, we have tried Remeron and Xanax to find neither worked. I am now going to try Seroquel XR 50mg, and I hope it works. I am just worried about having the face twitching thing happen to me! Weight gain also worries me, but I'd rather sleep and feel better during the day so I can go to the gym and have the energy to workout! For me I prioritize sleep and happiness over a little weight gain that I can control. Remember, you can control how much you eat, but you can't control depression, sleep, or panic...not unless you're that good at doing your own hypnosis, biofeedback, or the like. What's more important? No, I am not being smart. But I was thinking like this too because I already am overweight...until I realized that it's my choice to feel better and be cautious of weight gain because I can control that. I'll eat a tablespoon of PB before I stick a piece of cake in my mouth, for example.

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what dosage do you take? My doc gave me 100mg but it doesn't work

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Pegasus, I am a chronic insomniac with no hope of recovery as long as I sleep in the same bed as hubby, who like yours snores terribly all night. I currently take either half an ambien before sleep time and another when his snoring keeps me awake during the night and sometimes seroquel. In addition I have loud white noise and earplugs. Not fun! :-(

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I have been on Seroquel for 2 years now. I am the type of person that once I am wake up or someone wakes me up, regardless how little sleep I get, I am up for the rest of the day. Since we have problems with our neighbors waking us up all times of the night it was time that I talk to my doctor. With much discussion I decided to give Seroquel a try. I am very pleased with this medication. Yes the neighbors still wake me up with making noises during the night. I can now just roll over and go back to sleep. I feel very rested and do sleep well with this med. The only side effect I have is a little weight gain (I have other meds that I take that also give me weight gain). I am no longer a Zombie, unless I don't take my Seroquel. Yes I have done that a few times.

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Yes I have and it works. However don't take benzos with seroquel it will cause it not to work. Alcohol as the same. Don't stop taking seroquel for your insomnia may return... Also for some reason the second time around it takes longer for seroquel to work or work at all.

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SEROQUEL WILL CAUSE FAST AND FURIOUS WEIGHT GAIN. Be careful taking this medication...I have NEVER had a weight problem. My dr. prescribed Serokill (that's what I call it) @ 150mg per night, but I have to add 1 (one) Ambien and two (2) 1mg Valium....well it worked for a while....then it seemed like over night I had gained 10lbs. I took this drug back 15 years ago or more and remember that weight gain was the reason I stopped using this med. Well, I went on a vacay for about 5 days got home and forgot where I had stashed my meds. So I was off of Serokill for 2 weeks and dropped the weight instantly, but no sleep...none, you know what I mean. Anyway, I found my hiding place (my bad) and started taking it again....WHAM I have gained almost 12-15lbs. I am beside I quit taking it for a couple of days, no sleep, but maybe a nap on 5mg of Valium...I started spinning out because of no sleep, you know that weird feeling, your body is fatigued and it seems like maybe blood pressure is increasing and I'll get a terrible headache over my left eye.... I look awful in the mirror, won't even let my husband see me in anything except clothes, I have been complaining about the weight gain and he hasn't said much, but I know he is freaked out too because he doesn't respond when I talk about how fat and ugly I feel.....I got so mad last night because I was so tired that I took too much and was like a zombie all day, impatient, angry about any and eveything because I don't want to eat anything and I am just plain PO'ed ...I had called in to the Dr. office to tell them Seroquel was making me gain weight, and we needed to find something else, and my Dr. wants to wean me off of it, _uck, I don't need to be weaned... I can just stop and have before. I can't begin to list the # of meds we've tried that work, but only for a short time...Told his nurse I was totally depressed and what use is this drug if it depresses a person already taking anti-depressants. I hope you don't have these side effects.

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Finally I've found someone who agrees that Zopiclone give you the craving for any food. With me I end up eating cholcolate which then keeps me awake all night. I've today found some Seroquel that I used a few years ago and will try tonight. I never sleep and sot watching trash TV and news all night every night and finally get to sleep around 7am and then sleep til around 1PM. My life is a nightmare.

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i take one (1) 150mg of seroquel, one (1) 12.5 mg ambien and two (2) 1mg xanax for insomnia when I feel dead tired and need to sleep which is often at 3, 4, 5 or 6am...I have had to experiment to get this combination to work...I don't think my Dr. would be to happy, but he isn't the one dealing with what used to be 6,7 or 8 nights in a row of no sleep....I watch my weight like a hawk. I normally weigh between 115-120 ibs and sometimes the weight creeps up 2-3 lbs so i go on a liquid works for me. I'm a former dance instructor and extra weight makes me crazy and pissed , for me adjusting what i eat is fiance wants to eat dinner between 5-6pm and I just can't eat that early.....during my dancing days i didn't get off of work till 8:30-9pm so I have always eaten late. If i HAVE to eat early, i can hardly eat even 1/2 of what is served....I drink a lot of Gatorade, OJ and apple juice....which definitely curbs MY appetite....I allow myself 1 Dr. Pepper a week and some popcorn, usually on saturday Yopalit yogurt, it's 80-100 calories, low in fat and very tastey....I also walk at least 1 mile a day, if I don't , I don't eat as much...I drink to fill up, try drinking a full glass of ICE COLD water b4 you eat and it will help fill you up, I don't really like water so I buy fresh lemons ans squeeze lemn juice in the water, when I eat out i always order water with lemon, yu can save a couple of hundred calories that way....I weigh every morning and the # on the scale dictates to me how I am going to have to adjust my eating for the day....I refuse to gain weight, I hate to look in the mirror if i'm even 3-5lbs over my ideal weight....hope this helps.....

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This is bad advice. Ambien has been proven to be highly addictive and not safe, it has more serious side effects than seroquel. People commonly report doing activities after taking ambien that they cannot remember like driving, acting very strange, and other risky behaviors. Seroquel does not do this. You take Seroquel. You get tired you go to sleep. Very simple. You take ambien, you get in your car and go for a drive like a drunken fool and possibly risk your life and the lives of others. Or act like a completely different person as if your black out drunk. Ambien is not the safer choice.

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