Procedure For Stopping Eliquis And Going Back To Aspirin (Page 3)


Anyone know how to safely get off eliquis and back on just aspirin?

188 Replies (10 Pages)

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Saw my doctor 7/6 and requested to be taken off of Eliquis. He replied that with my history; i.e., my age, 71, and high blood pressure, it wasn't a good idea. I had to correct him about the BP. I have NEVER had high blood pressure and was only prescribed Atenolol to slow my heart rate. He did say that if I did decide to go off Eliquis basically he would not be responsible, but that I should take one adult aspirin and toporol. Checked toporol. Again too many side effects. I have been on aspirin and one 50mg atenolol for three days and feel great!

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I was wonderng what problems you had taking Apixaban (Eliquis). I am havng awful gastric problems. Incredible gas, bloating and diarrohea alternating with constipation. I have paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Bouts approximately once every couple of months. Converts with Flecainide.

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I took Eliquis for a year after my ablation for afib I kept asking my doctor to get off of it finally he said yes I feel so much better I take a 81mg aspirin daily I was not comfortable taking Eliquis and it made me feel bad I have been off of it for 19 days with no problems

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Karen, I am hopeful that you will post a reply telling us about your ablation. I now have a doctor that has mentioned that there are some new procedures for AFib and I'm all for it if I can quit these blood thinning drugs. I am on warfarin and don't like it very much; and I take diltiazem with it. If ablation would allow me to discontinue ALL of the meds that would be great! I sure would not complain with an 81 aspirin !!

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Hi Jan--

Will keep you posted on my progress, too. I take Xarelto and Diltiazem and am having a catheter ablation in two days. Hoping it proves successful and I can say adios to the meds in three or four months' time.

Lost 45 lbs. in 6 mos. and have been living a healthy lifestyle to better my chances of no more meds at age 47!

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Wow, Paul! Glad to hear you are feelng better! I lost 10# and would like to not only stay at that weight but would like to lose 10 more. I can do it, I know ; but at my age it's been more difficult; I will be 69 this year. I will go for an ablation as soon as I can. I found a heart rhythm doctor in Nashville that says there are interesting fixed coming soon. I don't want to be on any drugs at all; I have a gym membership and do very well with exercise and common sense. Best of luck to everyone!

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Marty, did you have a good response to your proposed forum? Would be interested in participating. Had a most likely sports-related DVT with PEx2 about 18 months ago and bounced out of the hospital after 2 days. Am quite active, in my 70's, otherwise in good health and looking forward again to a prescription medicine-free lifestyle.

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I was on eliquis for several months and my Dr just switched me back to 81mg aspirin without tapering off. Everything seems fine.

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Just had ablation five days ago and back in NSR for the time being.fingers crossed that this lasts for the three month blanking period and I can eventually say goodbye to blood thinners forever.

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I also have had some side effects like i always get this pressure in my sinuses and throat that makes it uncomfortable breathing. I tell the doc but she nevsr listens to how i feel..

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I've been on Eliquis for a year for DVT's and PE's. Doctors now want me to stop taking Eliquis. No instructions or advise to take aspirin. I'm totally scared stiff of stopping Eliquis, because I have a genetic clotting disorder called Factor V Leiden. I've had joint pain, fatigue, insomnia, and wait gain while on this medication. I'm worried that stopping abruptly will cause another PE or stroke.
Anyone else have this clotting disorder and have stopped taking Eliquis?

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Easy bruising and thin skin problems are part of taking this drug. I spent an extra $150.00 for my doctor to tell me well that's what it does. Coumadin was working fine but this drug is better, so he says. I think it's better for his wallet, but they say they don't get kickbacks.

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Eliqis is a blood thinner that has no antidote. That means you must bridge it with Coumadin (Warfarin),Heperin, or Lovanox to safety get off. After a couple of weeks on the bridge meds. You can simply stop it without deadly effects. You must talk to your doctor to create a safe plan.

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LINDA, that is helpful information. Can you tell us how you arrived at that conclusion: through personal experience or perhaps from a clinical perspective? Some of us may wish to approach our doctors with such info if it is an accepted protocol somewhere in the medical profession. Thanks/

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My mother, 89 years old, was taken off of aspirin and put on Eliquis about three months ago. She just experienced retinol bleeding in one eye and had to have a procedure today to stop the bleeding. I suspected the Eliquis, looked on the web site, and a retinol bleed is one of the more rare possible complications. Eye specialist said he would notify cardiologist but if cardiologist takes her off Eliquis she might have a stroke. My mother is terrified of going blind. I think she would rather die sooner than go blind. Has anyone else experienced retinol bleeding?

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I am on eliquist and diltiazam and still am in atrial fibrillation most of the time. The dr wants me to have an oblation but I am afraid of what could go wrong. I am 78 and have no history of stroke or heart attack. Have any of you had oblation around my age? Thank you for response.

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Hi Frank. Sorry for the delayed response. What's the best number to reach you. We can discuss getting a forum going that comes up with evidenced based Best practice to get our arms around the whole blood thinner protocol. Thanks.

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Hello. After reading a lot about Eliquis I decided to stop taking it and switch to aspirin 81mg. I was diagnosed with a DVT (Lower leg)after a sprain in my ankle. Know I need to continue with a good diet and exercise and find out for How long should I take aspirin 81 mg for?
Any suggestion or advise? Thanks

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I got my information on the Eliqis website and by asking my cardiologist and surgeon questions galore. I chose Warfarin because Eliqis caused me immediate migraines that started with each dose and lasted 8 hours.

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Linda - Sounds encouraging. Are you continuing with Warfarin, or are you off of all pharmaceutical blood thinners with the approval of both your cardiologist and surgeon?

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