On Fentanyl - How Long To Wait To Take Suboxone (Page 2)
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i am on 100 mcg fentanyl patch every 48 and given the certain amount of waste each month with one or more galling off and whatnot i keep a couple suboxone from an old script on hand. how long should i wait to take a half an eight mg sub.??? thank you in advance

46 Replies (3 Pages)

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Sorry no one replied right away, any updates on how things are going for you? I assume by now you have taken your suboxone (I know the hell of coming off of fentanyl), I hope it wasn't too soon. Hoping you are well.


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Ive been on fentanyl 75mcg patch for five yrs now. In the beginning they worked really well for my chronic pain, im also on norco 5mg for break through pain, so fentanyl that dosent last three days anymore, and the norco wears off before the four hrs, I got ahold of some suboxone 8mg / 2 mg, I took my last patch off at seven fifteen this morning, and I took my last norco at the same time, how long before I can take the suboxone, I appreciate any feedback, thanks.

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I'm a victim of circumstance involving a rehab center I chose to seek help from in Nov..2014...I was prescribed fentanyl 150 mcg. 11 years....I wanted off medicine...rehab gave me 8 mg. subutex within 9 hours upon arrival...I coded 2 or more times...was dying..unconscious for approx. 14 hrs...my family was never notified..no one would call 911 except my roomie which was an RN, as myself... in addition, it happens all the time at WhiteSands Treatment center...Ft. Meyers, Fla.....

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so according to what you said - if I have appendicitis and have to have it removed - I cant have pain medicine during the surgery because it 'could' through me into severe with drawals? sounds like BS to me, and I doubt a surgeon would agree

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it all depends on how long you were on the opiates. I used to go back and fourth all the time and never had an issue until I did and learned the hard way. however once you are on heavy pain meds with long half lives like fentynel or methadone consistently with no switching between the two you have to make sure you are in full fledged withdraw before taking suboxone. ask anyone who has ever experienced precipitated withdrawal what a horrifying experience it is, and then ask them if they would take a chance on having it happen again.

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If 2mg gets you to the point that you are comfortable, that is great. Take that dosage daily for 3-4 days and try reducing from there.

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Waiing for the sun , thanks! I am now at 68 hrs. I. Will take some more as soon as I have coffee. I slept well. Thank you. Your right! 1 mg and I don't feel good but I'm able to sleep!

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Go ahead and take another (1)mg. Try to do it with as low a dose of sub as possible. People, including dr's, take and prescribe way too high of dosages of bupe and then the patient can't get off the subs. You should be able to stabilize at 3mg or less having been in 50mcg patches. I have quite a bit of experience with these topics if you need assistance. Good luck.

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After about 140 mg or less a day oxycodone habit, I was given 3 fentanyl patches 50 mg I wore these for about 6 days. I've been clean now for 55 hrs. About an hour or so ago I took about 1 mg of suboxone. I feel about the same,except a very slight headache which I used to get when taking subs before. Anybody know if its safe to take more?

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Can I ask you if I'm already in withdrawal from taking oxi 120 mg twice a day and haven't had that in three days and borrowed the patch to help ease w/d pain.....and it's not really working .....have all symptoms of withdrawal ....and I take the patch off at 1pm and my withdrawals are getting worse by the minute... can I take the subs one by 1 in the afternoon?

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If i were you i would wait absolutely no less than 36 hours from when you remove patch. you have to account for the time it takes for it to work in through your skin and into your bloodstream and then out again. generally when you feel the onset of withdrawal is when you're safe to take suboxone. and take it from me you do not want to jump the gun on that. my last transition was from fentanyl and percocet to suboxin and I only waited 24 hours and immediately went into precipitated withdrawals. trust me my friend you've never felt any kind of withdrawal like precipitated withdrawal. it basically packs 3 days were the withdrawal symptoms into 12 hours. despite what anyone tells you once you're in that state there's nothing you can do about it except ride it out. so my advice is be sure you feel really really lousy before you take suboxone. that's the only sure fire way to know that you're ready to make the transition because that means the opiates are no longer at your opiate receptors and therefore can allow the burprenophine to take its place at the opiate receptors. good luck and be careful

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I live in olive hill KY dude, I know they don't give s***. I get fent patches n I have ripped one off n literally took a half a sub twenty mins later n it didn't hurt me.

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been on duradesic patch for 2 yrs 25mcgs every 72 hrs ,, moved bk to ky,,oh i was in MO whenprescribed!! Ky drs don't give NOTHING!!!! Especialy'At KDMC in Ashland KY!!! Have'nt had a patchonin over a week! Can i take a 'Quarter piece od Suboxone now w/outgoing into(PW's) IHope!! TysvmFor Your Answers n 'God Bless!!! ' Steven!!,

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Warning! I just went through this yesterday. I was on fentanyl for a month 100 mg a day. Took my patches off saturday night well technically monday morning about 1 or 2 am. I dosed again till about 4 am so that i could sleep through the night. monday afternoon at about 2pm i took my first dose of suboxone about 20mg. Within ten minutes i began to spiral out of control. i didn't know what was happening but it was scary as s***. diarrhea, sweating profusely, severe pain, anxiety, uncontrollable shaking, restless leg syndrome, and all making normal withdrawal seem like a walk in the park. so i immediately hit the web and found out it was called precipitated withdrawal.. found lot of advice. most say ride it out it will get better and it does. the drug web sure says to take more in small intervals until symptoms dissipate, tried did not work! and most say DON'T DO IT. its now been at least 36 hours no opiates and 24 hours since last dose of suboxone. my symptoms have improved marginally but dr recommends waiting another 24/48 hours before taking again. the pharmacist said to take again 24 hours from last dose and should be fine, but doesn't give a 100 percent that i won't react again. so I'm now in normal withdrawal, which take it from me is a cake walk compared to precipitated withdrawal and am trying to hold out another day because the alternative is way worse. So moral of story is WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE IN FULL FLEDGED WITHDRAWAL NOT JUST STARTING TO FEEL WITHDRAWAL BEFORE TAKING SUBOXONE OR ANY DRUG CONTAINING BUPRENOPHINE. TRUST ME LEARN FROM MY MISTAKE! you will spare yourself the most horrendous crisis you could ever experience. if this keeps one person from experiencing precipitated withdrawal i have done so so much good. I had experience with suboxone and had never been aware of this aspect of it so take heed!

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Question: For the first time today I tried Fentanyl for my pain. I cut a 75mcg fentanyl patch in half and put one have one my arm and stored the rest away. I wore the half a patch for about 11-12 hours and just took it off. Would it be okay to take a piece of a suboxone strip in 10-12 hours for pain and withdrawal? Or how long do I have to wait to take the suboxone after taking the patch off?

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I took a sub 8mg 7 hours ago. How long until I can do me 100mg fentanyl patch and feel the full effect....? Plz Harry some1 and let me know plz.

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My last fentanyl patch was 24 hours how long until I can take subboxin please reply thanks .

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How long were you on the 100 patch? A year at least before you say 20 hours is ok

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Yes The naloxone in suboxone will put u in withdrawal but only if u take one within 1 through about 10hours after u take off the patch or stop taking methadone within at least a day they say that it could kill u if u take a suboxone within like a couple weeks but that is overkill i was always good within a day or two easy with done im not quite sure about the fentanyl as much as i am the methadone. Naloxone is some nasty business i overdosed on methadone and xanax they shot me up with pure naloxone and adrenaline and the paddles but the naloxone was the worst its like going through a week of withdrawels all at once its gnarly. but this is just my experience and advice take or leave it.

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can i take 2mg seboxine after i took off 100mcg fentynol patch 8hrs ago starting to feel withdrawel

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