Lyrica Does Work (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Lyrica does work for myself. But I started having side effects. Double vision, being tired all the time, confusion, didn't even remember my age and that might be a good thing. But the drug is awesome for taking the nerve pain away. Just pay attention to side effects.

62 Replies (4 Pages)

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Any drug u take has side effects, and not everybody suffers from the same ones, or any at all. I would give it a try, just start slow, 1 a day to see if that works for about a week, then if needed, increase by one (1 morning, 1 night). They had me taking 3 a day and I worked 2 jobs. It got really bad, blurred vission, memory loss, could not sleep, and I could not remember driving to work a few times. Be careful with any drug, but it is different for everyone.

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Thanks for the info. I appreciate any information i can receive concerning Lyrica. I still haven't tried taking any bit I might tonight.

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Ok, I have decided not to take the Lyrica. I am not going to suffer with any of these nasty side effects. Why would they have a drug like this on the market if it is destroying so many people??? That doesn't make sense.

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I dont understand why Lyrica is still on the market if it has cause this much trouble for so many. I know how u feel. I still have bad side effects from lyrica, and my husband tells me that I am suffering from Alzheimer's, but it's from the lyrica I took. I am so sorry to hear u r suffering so much and it makes me feel like my pain is nothing compared to urs. Go to ur doctor to see what they can do for ur pain, only he/she well know more than the ER. Prayers for you and hope you get the help you need.

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Just started lyrica for neuropathy / pain in feet. Pain better but I'm in a fog and feel confused.

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There are way too many side effects that come with this drug. I would not advise anybody to take this horrible drug. Watch closely for side effects if you decide to take Lyrica. Be cautious! Bay

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I may give Lyrica another chance but not now. It did aid some common symptoms but to date the cure is worse than the pain. Ill deal with the pain. At least I will know who I am and what planted I am on. I did start to get use to it a bit. And one can fight through the lethargy if one chooses. I still can ride and ride as far as I could with Lyrica but you had to decide to. It wasn't easy. If you are on it remember that the lethargy is in your brain. You can work out and do stuff, you just have to force yourself And you can still watch what you eat and you wont gain a bunch of weight. It did relieve some systoms. but Ill think Ill go solo for a while and try again later

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Dear Cindy get used to the way the medical profession treat you as it does not get any better with time. Also these"experts" decide that if you don't react to things the way they have been taught to believe then YOU are wrong they are right and then they will ignore you. You need to get in there right in their face, go every day if that's what I takes finally the self righteous medical profession will finally start to believe you.

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It's true I went through the same and was on oxy, I'm back on it the min as its the oth only thing that takes my pain away from spinter of oddi . But im only taking max 300 gms a day trying to cut it down . Ur not going mad I'm a nuse a was exactly the same ringing wet of sweat too x along with the other side effects

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I know it works against pain it did for me, but the side effects were too much me for now. All my lab work says I'm hardy pre diabetic but the diagnosis is still diabetes. Hmmm? Im going to continue to work on me (weight etc) and see what gives. If some of the sharp pain I get remains constant or spreads, I would probably try Lyrica again. I am 66 almost at perfect weight. On strict Dr. Davis wheat belly diet which is living up to its promises so far. I'm not sure what cause of neuropathy is. My primary Dr and Neurolgist still say diabetes. Another Dr says my labs are too good for my symptoms. I'm at a loss but feeling better. So there ya go. Lyrica diminished symtoms for sure but too much of my mind away. In holding pattern here.

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I have been taking lyrica for 2-3 months maybe a bit longer and appart from a bit of dizzyness at first which has stopped now have had no other side effects. It has eased the pain no end. I had a bad!!!!car accident and have a lot of nerve and bone pain the lyrics is great and I would reccomend it to others to at least try.

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I had them the entire time. After coming off it , a horrible way, I can say that I am so much better about 85 percent better. It is a horrible drug, I experienced all of those and more.

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I Just started Lyrica 50mg x 2, I do suffer from chronic lower back pain, server RLS, ache muscles and damage nerves. I take opiates as well to manage pain. After reading the good and bad side of each story. I just went ahead and started. I take my opiates for daily tasks! But it's been 4 years now on opiates! I wouldn't mind if this lyrica works.

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I was taking 300 mg of Lyrica 2 x per day. I stopped due to swelling in my leg. The Lyrica was not the problem and I want to start back on it. Can I start back taking the 300mg twice daily or do you need to taper your way back up?

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So many posts about bad results from taking Lyrica. Anyone have any positive stories? I have been on Lyrica 50mg 3 x a day for peripheral neuropathy in my legs and have had great results. A 75% reduction in burning and pain.

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I have been taking Lyrica 75 mg twice a day for 5 years for phantom tooth pain. My insurance no longer covers this. I am now going to have to use generic Pregabalin and wanted to know what other patients have to say about the generics and which manufacturers do they consider to be the best.

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Re: joeldr2x (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

Contact Pfizer Pathways. If your income is less than 46k for a single person and $96k for a couple you can get Lyrica for FREE. I have been getting my Lyrica for free for 4 years. Great drug. Works well. Neurontin did not work for me at all. I take 50mg 3 x a day

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I have taken Lyrica successfully for a year. When DH went to pick my meds up on Saturday, the pharmacist advised him that my Part D would no longer cover it. I had taken my last dose and within 24 hours, I was in full blown withdrawl. My doc faxed the company early yesterday morning and they have 72 hours to respond. I have a feeling they will take the full amount. The withdrawl hasn't even started to subside yet and I am furious. This is the third med. they have dropped in three months.

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Except in about six weeks to three months you will be a pain free vegetable. That is what everyne is trying to tell you here. I sat in a chair for months, not caring about anything and worse not caring if I did not care. When my eye site finally go bad I decided it was the Lyrica and cut back, I am down to 50 MG a night and I still feel like crap. Nausea, BP up, vision problems still, so tired I can barely drag. Yes, those pains went away, but I will take the pain back and figure it our. Lyrica is slow death in a bottle.

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My husband almost died because of this drug! Lost all his memory, ended up in ICU for 4days. Yes took care of the pain but the side effects weren't worth it! In my opinion it should be taken off the market.

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