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Has anyone tryed stem cell s for Copd. There is a place in Marriette Ohio that does it,has enyone heard about this. ## From what I've read, a number of clinics over the years have offered stem cell treatments for COPD, but these treatments can end up being pretty expensive and it seems to be unclear as to how well they really work. However, I did come across a number of studies on that you may want to have a look at via the links below. Perhaps some of the studies can help offer some insight on the effectiveness of this treatment: I hope this info helps in any way!

1 REPLY Updated

Has anyone out there had contact with this drug company to find out why their inhaler, Spiriva, causes weight gain. I, along with many others, have had this happen only to get no clear answer as to why this problem continues. It is a terrible side effect that won't go away even after the drug is discontinued. Thank you, Bill. ## Hi, Bill! I have looked over your other post and response where you said the weight gain is all in the abdomen. It's hard to say how any medication will affect anyone that uses it, so I don't want to discount the possibility. However, the chance of it being related to edema, as I originally suggested is still a possibility. A gain in that area of your body would be due to ascites. Or it could just be age related, perhaps hormonal fluctuations, becaus...

2 REPLIES Updated in Spiriva

small capsule has emblem and inscribed T101 ## This is an 18mcg Spiriva capsule, it's used to help treat breathing issues that cause bronchospasms. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, funny taste and dry mouth. This capsule is actually meant to be placed in an inhaler device. Learn more Spiriva details here. Are there any other comments or questions?

1 REPLY Updated in Spiriva

Well have taken Daliresp for one week today. Really have not noticed much yet. The insurance is going to pay for it. I guess I was hoping for to much, it just gets me down not being able to get outside and work. ## Hi Jana, It may take longer than a week for the medication to build up in your system and to take effect- so don't give up hope yet. I'll link you to a thread where other users talk about their experiences with this Daliresp, maybe that will give you a better idea of what to expect. Everyone does react to medication differently, but at least you will have the support of others who know more about the medication. Discuss/Daliresp-Experience-219303.htm You can learn more about this drug on the page for Daliresp Details I hope this helps!

1 REPLY Updated in Daliresp

I am looking for a coupon or discount to offset the amount that my health insurance does not cover ## As far as saving money on your prescription, there are plenty of free Prescription Drug Discount Cards out there that you can find on Google; which advertise a potential savings of 10-75% off your Rx. While this is not intended to be a substitute for insurance, I think it should definitely help offset the cost for you. Just run a Google search for "tudorza pressair coupons" and of the first few options there, you can simply choose to print out whichever one that offers the most assistance. I hope this info helps!

1 REPLY Updated in Tudorza Pressair

Please, I need to contact more people that have lung disease as COPD, to get together and find more of this medication. I understand that are not manufacturing any more, because doctors are prescribing newly medication that is on the market, TV ads. ## We are located in Arizona, city of Peoria. Since my last post, I visited the FDA webpage looking for some information regarding this drug. I found that there was a voluntary recall from the manufacturer, also we contacted 2 additional companies that prepare and sell this product. Result,.. there is some element that is needed to prepare this drug, that they don't have, this element come from Europa. We keep digging for more information and learned that FDA requested an update of equipment to the companies in the country. At the end, w...

2 REPLIES Updated

Took Spiriva once and when I tried to change Insurance programs, was DENIED because I took SPIRIVA once. ## Sorry to hear about your situation Jon. I can see how that would pretty frustrating since you only took it once. Have you tried asking your insurance company about the generic formulation as opposed to the brand name? Spiriva contains the active ingredient Tiotropium, so I think anything with that same active ingredient may still be a viable option with your insurance company. If not, you may just want to look into a different insurance company that isn't so uptight with their medication policies. I hope this helps!

1 REPLY Updated in Spiriva

Have happily lost 20 lbs but is there a woman on earth who wdn't be thrilled w that? The downside is an already aching back becoming horrendously painful crying out for painkillers ! Also, more frequent need for real bathroom breaks. A difficult choice to make.....has anyone tried going on and off the drug in some organized manner.I went off it for 1 wk but the elephant became intolerable so I put myself back on .Now shall see what ensues re side effects previously experienced.s ## Hello, Congrats on losing the 20lbs! Although I just read that roflumilast can cause weight loss as a side effect, I can only imagine how great that might make someone feel if they felt the need or desire to lose weight. :) But while I don't have any personal experience on this medication, I did want ...

2 REPLIES Updated in Daliresp

I started taking Daliresp five ago and I have flu like symptoms, very sick to my stomach, headache, dizzy, nervous, tightest burning sensation in my chest. But my main problem is acid reflux and gas. I take 20 mg Prilosec twice a day and I can't eat anything because of this. Just wondering anyone has had this problem and if so what did they do help themselves. I really do what to give this medicine a change to work. But just don't know how long I can take it. Thank you for your help. ## Those types of side effects were actually the most prevalent and problematic issues reported when this medication was being tested. Learn more Daliresp details here. Since they were considered to be mostly annoying, rather than dangerous, it was approved anyway. You may want to see if you can adj...

1 REPLY Updated in Daliresp

Has Anyone Had A Reaction To Daliresp That Made Them Have Delusions? If So How Long Does It Take to Recover From them? ## Hi Mike, If it's of any help, I noticed the following symptoms (listed below) to be side effects of Daliresp (Roflumilast). Perhaps they could explain the delusional/psychiatric effects your describing: nausea dizziness headache uncontrollable shaking of a part of your body lightheadedness fast heart beat Ref: Based on Roflumilast's half life of 17-30 hours, I would imagine that the effects should stop within a couple days at the most after stopping the medication. Has it gotten to the point where you would need to seek any sort of medical attention? ## mom had day surgery on 11/30/12, she is no ...

2 REPLIES Updated in Daliresp

Been on otc decongestants for more years than l can remember. I have 3rd stage COPD and need all the help l can get. At witts end. Thank you for your responses ## Hi hart, This is a random question, but do you eat a lot of dairy products? If so, it could be contributing to the congestion and COPD; mainly because dairy is mucus forming and acidic to our body. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Because doctors and pharmacists only offer "treatment" options as opposed to curative ones, I'd also suggest consuming a lot more fruits and vegetables in your diet. This should help allieviate the symptoms associated with COPD, including any congestion. Eating this way is a lifestyle change however, so it's not something you can just do for a couple weeks and expect all you...

1 REPLY Updated

Has anyone considered that those who have to open those little packets might also have arthritis? They are the most difficult little packets to open. If one didn't have decent fingernails, you couldn't even do it. ## If you let your pharmacy know, they will change the packaging for you to make it easier for you to use it. ## No kidding! I have a hard time even with cereal boxes. Pill bottle tops, too. Even when you tell them you don't need child-proof caps. ## My 87 year old mother uses Spiriva and swears that her capsules are defective....empty. She pinches them and doesn't feel anything inside. After she has used them, she says they are cracked (not just poked) and that nothing (no powder residue) is left. We can't return them to the pharmacy to check because they ...

4 REPLIES Updated in Spiriva

where can I purchase spirina 2.5? ## Hi vera souza, From what I could gather, Spiriva HandiHaler (tiotropium bromide inhalation powder) is available by prescription-only. I did however find that the companies webpage offers a great deal of information about this product. You may want to have a look at the prescribing information (linked at the top of their page) before moving forward with a doctor's appointment: I hope this helps!

1 REPLY Updated in Spiriva

is doxolin 400 specifically for COPD?? And is COPD treatable?? I have continous coughs during summer??? doctors say that it is allergic reaction but i did some online research..n i think it is copd...pls Reply as soon as possible..I am afraid...thank you ## You really should follow your doctor's advice to get the best results, they would be able to run tests to know if you have COPD, or if something else is causing the problem. It is highly possible that allergies could be causing your symptoms and it isn't safe for you to try to self-diagnose and self-treat. If you disagree with your doctor, then you should get a another opinion from another medical professional. As to COPD, yes it is treatable, but not curable. And the Doxolin contains Doxofylline, which is most commonly used ...

2 REPLIES Updated

I am currently taking Spiriva, Advair and Atrovent as a rescue inhaler and have been for many years. I would be interested in knowing if there are newer, more advanced, medications on the market which are now being prescribed? ## I am not sure if it is available for you yet, but one of the newest to be approved in the U.S and the EU is Daliresp for COPD and other inflammatory breathing issues. There's also a pretty active thread about people's experiences using it here: Is there anything else I can help with? ## My mum has COPD and has been using the spiriva inhaler for a week now. Since using this she is coughing alot more . Is this normal and will the coughing subside?

2 REPLIES Updated in Spiriva

have read that some people have gotten empty capsules of Spiriva. I just began this medicine ten days ago, and do not know how to tell if i get a "dud" capsule. today, the capsule rattled in the device as soon as i inhaled the first time. usually, it rattles in the middle of the second inhalation. do not want to use another one, just because it "might" have been empty. how can one tell before using it if it is in fact, "empty"? ## I can't find any official word on this, but did see quite a few other posts from people that have had similar complaints and suspected they'd gotten empty capsules. Have you tried talking to your pharmacist about it? ## i too have gotten what i thought might be a dud a time or two but that doesn't happen very often.most of t...

2 REPLIES Updated in Spiriva

When might be the best time of day to take this medication? Is it better to take it in the morning or evening? ## What has your doctor or pharmacist advised? In many cases, these types of medications are used in the morning, or during the day, when you are going to be out and about and therefore face the greatest possibility of being exposed to substances that can aggravate your condition. However, you should check with you doctor to be certain of the best dosing time for you.

1 REPLY Updated in Daliresp

Boehringer ## I found a mint green pill with TI 01 on one side and a strange symbole on one side ## The green pill you are describing is an 18mcg Spiriva capsule. Spiriva (tiotropium) is an anticholinergic agent. It works by enlarging the airways to allow easier breathing. It comes as a capsule containing dry powder, which is inhaled through the mouth using the HandiHaler device. Spiriva is used to prevent bronchospasm (narrowing of the airways in the lungs) in people with bronchitis, emphysema, or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). You can read more about it here: I hope this helps!

2 REPLIES Updated in Spiriva

Since taking this med, I am experiencing (at least 4-5 times a week) sudden pressure to my head accompanied by light dizzyness, then temporary blindness where a bright white light diminishes my vision for several seconds. I asked my doctor about this but she said she never heard of that reaction. What scares me most is that happened when I was driving and luckily was able to pull the car to the side of the road safely until the symptoms subsided. Has anyone else experienced this with Spreva ## This isn't listed as a known side effect of Spiriva. Did your doctor run any tests or suggest any solutions? That could be the sing of a serious health problem, which may be unrelated to the medication and testing should be done.

1 REPLY Updated in Spiriva

My dad was put on daliresp and has emphazema and lives alone. I live 200 miles away from him so I can't check on him daily and am concerned about the side affects of this drug!! I have also read it is not for emphazema so am wondering why he is on this drug at all. I have called his doctor and am waiting for them to call me. He of course had weezing but has for years. Why would they put him on this drug???? ## I understand your concern. My dad has emphysema which is a form of copd and lately his breathing tests were getting worse; he was also getting more short of breath with minimal exertion. He is 94 and I was very concerned about the side effects. He started the drug and immediately he had severe insomnia - much worse than usual - he coped by taking cat naps to get him through th...

1 REPLY Updated in Daliresp
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