Lamictal Side Effects


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Please see the drug page about Lamictal for more details. You can also read the full monograph at:


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I have been taking a graduating dose of lamictal and am now on 100mg but will increase to 200mg next week. I have found that I have put on xtra weight and that sleeping at night has become a problem. My dr has now prescribed respedal at night to help me sleep and the occasional sleeping tablet when I am in a hyper cycle. Has anyone else had the same side effects. I also have muscle aches that seem to zero on a specific place ie. my ankles or my one arm or back, this only seems to last a few days then moves to another place. Could this be the meds causing it.

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Ducky - what you are reporting about side effects sounds accurate. The page for Lamical Details states:

"Common side effects include headaches, dizziness and insomnia. Other side effects may include acne and skin irritation, vivid dreams or nightmares, night sweats, body aches and cramps, muscle aches, dry mouth, mouth ulcers, damage to tooth enamel, fatigue, memory and cognitive problems, irritability, weight changes, hair loss, changes in libido, frequent urination, nausea, appetite changes and other side effects. In very rare cases, Lamotrigine has been known to cause the development of a dangerous rash called Stevens-Johnson syndrome (or SJS). The rash is more common in children, so this medication is often reserved for adults."

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Roy, thanks for the info I don't know about the night sweat as I have not had any but the heat during the day has me sweating much more than usual.

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Does anyone know if taking Lamictal can precipitate an increase in blood sugar to the point where one becomes diabetic (type 2)?

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Does LAMICTALcause sweating excessively and is Topamax better choice AND DOES LAMICATAL cause great weight gain?

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I am having sleeping problems due to Lamictal and have been looking for other people with the same issue. Does your sleeplessness still affect you?

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Re: Steve (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I take 2 Tylenol Pam's, am still on Xanax 7.5mg, I don't know how it'll be as she is slowly weaning me off.

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