Increased Cost Of Fioricet? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Has anyone else noticed a drastically increased cost of generic Fioricet in the last month or so? My last rx on 4/1 was 88.00 and my new rx today was 246.00!!!! Anyone know what's going on?

26 Replies (2 Pages)

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23 is awful.
I have severe migraines all my life...and fibrimyalgia..I can not take anything but the fioricet....and try not to take much...
I can't afford it. Already on the generic

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I have tried using the RX SAVINGS card before, and funny thing is, they do not work if you have medicare! It makes no sense to me, that because I am actually on disability- cannot work- I am penalized by not allowing me to use any savings cards. And WTH the price of this very old generic drug has skyrocketed in this last year. I don't know what to do either. I have used fioricet since I was 22 years old. I am 62 and need help.

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I was given amitriptyline with my generic fiorcet. The "anti depressent" helps the fiorcet work better. It has been explained several times. 20-30 MG amitriptyline. I, too need this for my almost daily headaches. The cost now is way over what it should be.Mimi

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It seems since they lowered the Tylenol from 325mg to 300mg, the price has gone way up which is just plain wrong. Some places still have it with the 325mg. I would contact your doctor & request to have the script changed to the 325mg dosage of Tylenol.

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Have either of you considered looking into a prescription drug savings card?

It sounds like that may be your best bet for taking the edge off that price increase. Some coupons, like the one offered here, allow you to save up to 15 - 75% off your prescription.

More details can be found in the link below if you're interested:
Rx Savings Card

I hope this helps!

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You prob already know that the formula is changing (from 325mg tylenol down to 300). That formulation is HOLY CRAP expensive, but apparently the old formula is still available. Until last week it was the same price as I had paid before with my AAA disc (see following), but my guess is it must be in high demand so they jacked up the price. Not just a little, it DOUBLED. My insurance doesn't cover ANY narcotics but I get a super discount (relatively speaking) with my AAA card. The AAA membership costs me $48/yr, and it pays for itself first fill! Be careful - some pharmacies don't allow "narcotics" on the discount program. CVS is where I usually buy it. COSTCO is cheap and you don't need a membership to use the pharmacy FYI (no AAA discount, not even needed!). My MD suggested I contact the Brand name mfg & see if they can help. I get Treximet (imitrex+naproxen) thru PAP for free, which is my "go to" first for migraines. (Plus if your car breaks down and you have AAA - bonus!)

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