I Take 1 Mg Of Klonopin Per Day Why Does It Not Show Up In My Urine Test? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I take 1.0 mg of klonopin a day and as prescribed and it is not showing up in my urine test. The Doctor that prescribes my medication thinks that I am not taking it. Has anyone ever heard of this and if so what could be the reason for it not showing up in my urine test? The Doctor accused me of not taking my medication he prescribed. Yet offers no reason why it does not show in my urine.

149 Replies (8 Pages)

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The EXACT THING HAPPENED DAY BEFORE YOU!!! The Dr. assured me that they don't test there, it's sent to a "state-of-the-art" lab, but, the test came back neg. 2x in row! I did find this thread, & the only one that I figure, was that klonopin was the ONLY one of the benzo family that required a type of special test. Otherwise, there wasn't another that came close to making sense. So,me & the Dr. are waiting on a "state-of-the-art" answer!
I'll keep y'all posted!

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My (Goody2shoes2u) reply was directed to Sarah...not to Skyeagle. The way that the thread's sequence goes, it seems like my reply was put BEFORE Sarah's message. I wanted to clarify to who I was replying to...

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To Vincent Bonner... I don't agree with you that klonopin is not habit forming. It IS addictive & habit forming, I have first hand evidence after being busted & placed in jail for 2 weeks without it. I was also on methadone, which I was de-toxed down from. They show no mercy on you when this situation happens. Well?...

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my grandson was on morfien and it did not show up in his blood work and I was giving it to him every three hr I need help to know why they are charging me with some bull s... HELP THANK YOU

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I took a one milligram klonapin can someone tell me if it was in my urin in 30 minutes or how long does it take to get in my urin

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To Goody2shoes, I am only quoting what I was told by my doctor. However, I will clarify this. If I stated that it is non-habit forming I can see where that would lead to some confusion. I will say this: Yes, it can be habit-forming, but it is LESS habit forming than other benzos such as Xanax. Please understand that my intention was not to ''mislead'' anyone. But of course it can be abused, and I'm sure that there are withdrawal symptoms if if someone taking the medicine just stops. But Xanax IS more habit forming, more addictive, and in my opinion a lot more dangerous when mixing it with other substances. I hope that I cleared things up for you a bit. Thanks for responding! :)

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Vinton: I don't know if I really was expecting a reply, but, you did a fine job explaining yourself.For the record, during that time in my life, I WAS abusing the klonipin...But, at the moment I'm on a controlled pain med. program w/low level klonipin, that finally answered the mystery of the "where's the klonipin in my test"!!
So, thanks for your comments

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My doctor did a urine test for Xanax in my system. It came back negative. My
doctor has more or less accused me of "selling my prescription drugs". He refuses to refill my prescription or even see me again. I am NOT selling my prescription! I take it for anxiety and stress at my job. How can I file a complaint against this doctor for defamation???

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Because of the NEW law, I now have to have my urine tested for Valium..even though I am 66 and have been taking 10mg. each night for severe panic disorder. The test (a horrible embarrassing one, too :-( ) results came back today as NEGATIVE for Valium. Oddly, I had a bad panic attack because of the upcoming test, and had to take another 5 mg. tablet. Now I'm so scared my doctor will think I'm selling them or something!! :-(( I will have my husband call tomorrow and try to find out just what happened. This does NOT make sense!! PLEASE HELP! I need this medication in order to function!!

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The answer is concerning Clonazepam false negatives is that it is metabolized into a different metabolite than other benzos. Drug screens do not detect drugs directly, but rather the levels of their metabolites and the Clonazepam Metabolite is more difficult to detect.

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I'm replying to myself! ;-) My psychiatrist told me NONE of his patients who have taken Valium or other benzodiapines for a long period of time have it show up on a urine test. I've been ill with severe panic disorder since I was 23 and am now 66. He really doesn't know the whole story on this, but studies have revealed that people like me are so low on GABA that the brain uses ALL of it, and therefore the drug is not excreted in the urine. I've taken 10 mg. once per day since age 23. He also works David Sheehan, has done studies with him and other researchers..hoping to find a TRUE cure for severe panic. Anyway, he told me not to worry about it as he sure knows I never "sold" drugs in my life!! Actually, I HATE taking any drug, but must take Valium and Prozac in order to function.

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Akron Spike; Thank for giving help to those that STILL don't get it, & all that was needed to do, is READ THE POSTS...you got really technical, but the whole thing is to use a stronger type test (told to me by MY doctor) since lower levels of klonipin aren't easily tracked. If ANYONE is still having this problem, then it MUST be with their doctor!! Bless you all...

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Lets see, if you reallly want to show up dirty for benzos, swap to valium. The methadone clinic tested me and though valium is weak, it stores in your fat cells. I had been taking atleast 50mg of valium a day, which i found mild at best, for a week and 3 days. I hadnt taken any the 4 days prior to my test. Took lasiks (diueretics) from days one to 4 leading up to the test drinking loaddsss of water. The morning of the test i urinated when i woke up and it was almost clear then. Well took a 40 mg lasik at 5 am drank 7 cups of 24 oz water urinated 6 times to be positive it was clear. Took a vitamin and b complex peed two more times and took my test at 9 am at the methadone clinic. 3 days later still failed. So take valium and ull fail ur tests like you want. So that was wedbesday of last week i take another this week hope its not still there. Hell theyve found cocaine 6 days afyer i had used any. So other than stop, what can i do lol

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I am prescribed alprazolam and also take urine drug screens 2-3 tines/week. Recently one of my ua's was negative for xanax. All others are positive, two days before & after.
I do not take a lot, but I take my medication every day. They are monitoring my levels and sending the tests to a lab. I don't know what the cut off is, but this could cause SERIOUS PROBLEMS for me if they think I'm not taking my meds. Is there anything I can do to prove I am taking my prescribed meds? Is it possible for xanax not to show up if I take it daily?

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This is considered a peek a boo drug meaning you have to take it the day of your test or it doesn't show. This is the inly benzo like that, valium or zanax will show up they stay in your body longer

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I take 2 mg twice a day and they are not showing up for some reason

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No you are perscribed

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What is this (answer?) directed to??!

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