How Long Does Oxycodone Stay In Your Urine (Page 8) (Top voted first)


I took about 40 mgs of Oxycodone between Saturday and Sunday. Will I test clean for my drug test on Thursday evening?

175 Replies (9 Pages)

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Some of these folks who are asking the questions about drugs showing up on urine tests because they NEED them to show up/read positive. Tests are ordered by prescribing doctors to ensure that the patients are using the medicines as prescribed. At least two of the posters were in this position, they were going to run out too fast.
I don't have an answer for those folks except to say that if they are really worried and still have any meds left then hold on to one dosage and take it a few hours before their appointment time.

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Hi, I see this post is really old as it is now in 2017. But I had a question about methadone and oxycodone taken together and can't find any answers. Ur question pretty much answered mine but wanted a lil more detail. Plz let me know if ur still available to answer my question. Thx

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So how did it all end for you? Any luck. Do you still random drops?

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Re: soldier (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

So if I take it Wednesday at 7pm and see my doctor Thursday at 1:45, will it be positive?

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Pain doctor told my husband 4 hour life span for oxycodone 5mg....he ran out 2 days before and testing her on his urine at pain clinic.

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I took 240 mg of oxy for an extended period of time it has been 10 days since I last used and I have been drinking water like it was my job for 5 days will it show up in my urine drug test??

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If you take hydrocodone and friends drink vinegar on a daily basis, how does that affect your urine?

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Re: Miketheone1 (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

Only if your iron gets sent to a lab can they see the amount of mg in the urin instant test don’t show

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any advice for my situation urine test in two weeks and been taking 20mg oxycontin from 1-3 a day,im also preseribed 2mg zanax which I know isnt a problem but if show narcotics there goes my zanax,,,anyone HELP!!!!

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thank yor your advice, so just to be safe, it woud be better to just one week ahead...also noticed that my 2mg four times daily has had little or no effect recently, Could that be because of the oxycontin interfering with the xanax?

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Oh I didnt realize you had been doin the oxys for that long....Thought youve been on zannys for awhile and the oxys just a short time or a few here and there....If withdrawals are a problem,quit 3 days b4 you test instead of a week....Some people can take certain otc drugs or scripts like clonidine,etc to keep some withdrawal symptoms at bay....If its just a 5 panel test you could take a real low dose(30mg)of methadone....Some test dont screen for methadone because its a 100% synthetic drug whereas oxys are semi-synthetic.....Its a s***ty thing deciding on whether you can handle withdrawals vs cuttin it close on takin ur meds hoping youll time it just rite....Is there anyway you can sneek some clean piss into the bathroom or do they perform observed ua,s on you???

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Regular user of ocycodone took ,45 milgrams friday night . It is now tues . Been drinkinking water and cranberry daily some green tea doing drug testing for jjob curious if out of system

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"...why would you take something only days prior to a drug test?" I can only speak for myself, but the answer to that is quite simple. I take oxycodone for pain relief..... Do I need to continue with this explanation, or is it pretty self explanatory?

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You act as if you know what you're talking about, yet you repeatedly mis-spell xanax. Should be a big red flag for people asking advice.

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Yeah, insufflating oxycodone is so awesome! It's completely safe too!

That's sarcasm...

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Here's a suggestion: You're supposed to SWALLOW pills, not crush them up and insufflate them. What in the world were you thinking when you first decided to insufflate them?

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Do you realize that you're taking massive amounts of Tylenol too? Not a good idea.

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Gman, and your liver will thank you for all that tasty Tylenol. :P

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70RC4, as you say "knowledge is power", so I'm sure you're aware that some people are given urine tests to VERIFY THE PRESENCE of a drug, right? Or course you knew that, how silly of me.

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tman, I gotta ask why you'd choose to insufflate oxycodone? Do you realize how much of a pill is just "filler" material? It's just a bad idea on so many levels.

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