Ear Care Forums (Page 3)

Recently active Ear Care forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Ear Care and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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What is a bacterial infection? Like what examples..... ## Hello, Tulu! How are you? As explained by the NIH, some examples would be strep, MRSA, a dental infection, an ear infection, some STIs and more. They are the only infections that can be effectively treated or prevented with antibiotics. Other types of infections that someone might get include viral, fungal and parasitic. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated

My little sister has complained of her left ear "getting stuck" for many years and the doctors have always brushed it off and haven't seriously attempted diagnosis/treatment. She's now 14 and explained that its the feeling you get on an aeroplane, she says pulling her ear lobe, yawning and swallowing can help it go away. She only ever gets it in her left ear. Its frequently "stuck" when she wakes up in the morning but it can also happen if the ear is touched/moved so I think its because she moves around a lot in her sleep. She doesn't use cotton buds in the ears. Any advice? ## Hello, Dave! How is your sister doing? I'd suggest taking her to see a specialist that knows what to look for, in such case. A friend of mine was experience such issues and, as it ...

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Can I use it for an ear infection? ## Hello, Crystal! How are you? This is an over the counter supplement, so there is actually no proof that it will treat any infection. For your own health and safety, if you suspect that you have an ear infection, it would be best to see your doctor for an exam and to have them prescribe an appropriate antibiotic, if needed. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Las pastillas ampitrexil son para la infección o para dolor

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hi, just wanna make sure if, this medicament will, help my small ear infection i have because recently I had a sore throat and kind of flu and my sore throat is gone but now my nose is plug out with some mucus and i feel like my left ear is a lil plug too. I want so see if this "PENTREXYL" will help me? ## Hello, John! How are you? I'm sorry that you've been ill. Pentrexyl is listed as containing the antibiotic Ampicillin, which is used to treat or prevent bacterial infections. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. However, you should consult your doctor, before taking it to be sure that you have an infection. If not, taking it could create the risk of your developing antibiotic resistant bacteria....

1 REPLY Updated in Ampicillin

I have an outer ear infection and was prescribed ear drops by a doctor. The first time I put them in really hurt is this normal ## Hello, David! How are you? Yes, that is normal and can be very annoying. Other side effects may possibly include feeling of fullness in the ear, drainage, itching and ringing in the ear. It should go away, in a few days, as the infection starts to clear up, if not, then you should inform your doctor. Is there anything else I can help with? In the future, such infections can be prevented by using ear plugs to prevent water from getting in the ear, when showering, bathing or swimming.

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each reconstituted 5 ml contains cefaxime trihydrate I.P. Eq to cefaxime 50 mg. what would be dosage for 2 year old with ear infection he weighs 28 lbs thank you! ## Hello, Lola! How are you? You should only dose a child according to the doctor's dosing instructions. At such a young age, it is far too easy to put them in danger by dosing them improperly. Usually, the dose would be 8mgs per kilogram orally once a day, or 4mgs per kilogram orally twice a day in separate doses. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with?

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amox tr k clv 875 125 - I have taken 4 of these pills for ear infection and awoke this morning with all my joints so sore I can hardly move, I had the upset stomach thing yesterday which was expected but is the joint aches a typical side effect? ## Hi, Glenda! Sorry you're miserable. And no, that is not a normal side effect of this antibiotic, as a matter of fact, I can't even find this listed under the rare ones. You should contact your doctor, as soon as possible, to discuss the issue. How are feeling today? Learn more Augmentin details here. ## still have the ear pain and the joint pain has lessened but taking aleve to help, thanks for asking ## Hey Glenda I had joint pain too along with general malaise and strong headaches. The joint pain was in my shoulder all the way down ...

6 REPLIES Updated in Augmentin

How often should I apply? Is there a limit? ## This often varies from woman to woman. You should consult your physician. ## In most cases, it really isn't necessary, at all. Your body will clean and deodorize itself. If you have had a lot of yeast infections, then you actually shouldn't use douche, since it can upset the PH balance of the vagina and make you even more prone to them. If you do choose to use it, once a month is usually more than enough. Are there any other questions or comments? ## you should never use any messenger juice and should never force anything in your vagina that's going to cause you to get an infection. you simply keep yourself clean and your body will clean itself just like a self cleaning oven. you just don't have to push any buttons if you ha...

3 REPLIES Updated in Massengill Douche

I get ear infections often and the Dr. prescribed AMOX-CLAV 875MG, but I still have some of the medicine left from last year, is it ok to take it today or will a year old prescription give me side effects? ## Hello, Patty! How are you? I'm sorry about the ear infection, they can be quite painful. What is the expiration date on the prescription? It should be one year from whenever it was dispensed to you by your pharmacy. If it is still good and your doctor okays it, plus verifies the presence of an infection, then you should be able to take it, as long as you have enough to complete a full course of treatment. According to the FDA, antibiotics may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. However, if the medication is expired, if y...

1 REPLY Updated

I have this Amox-clav 875mg. stop for five months.did not use all from ear infection. my ear is bad,hard of hearing, ringing get worse. Can I resume what is left ? ## Hello, Patrici! How are you? Do you have any ear pain? If not, then it may not be an infection and an antibiotic might not be the appropriate treatment. If it is an infection, you may not have enough left to finish a full 10 day course of treatment, which could create the risk of developing antibiotic resistant bacteria. This medication may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. It would be best to have this checked out and get a diagnosis as to what's causing the problem and then have an appropriate mediation prescribed, if one is needed. Is there anything else I can help w...

1 REPLY Updated

Will this medicine cause me to have leg pain in my calves? I am 3 months pregnant, and read that leg cramps are common in pregnancy, but it started after taking this medicine. I'm to take 1 pill a day for 7 days for a uti ## Have you spoken to your doctor, yet? This medication has been known to cause this on very rare occasions in some people that have been taking it, but since you are pregnant, you should talk to your doctor, as it's very important that they check and ascertain whether it is from the antibiotic, or from something else. ## My 4 year old has an ear infection we have been up all night with stomach pains is this normal

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How long can u use this after it expires? ## Hi cindt, According to the manufacturer, Otic Edge (acetic acid + antipyrine + benzocaine + Policosanol) should be properly discarded when it is expired or no longer needed. They then recommend contacting your pharmacist or waste company for specific details on how to go about that safely. Pills are one thing, but when it comes to liquid eye drops, I don't think there's anyway to know for sure if the contents are still safe outside of the marked expiration date, because it may be difficult to determine if the product is degrading or not. How long has it been since the listed expiration date?

1 REPLY Updated in Acetic Acid

My son has an ear infection, can he take ammoxicillin in pill form yet? Hes 6 yr old and weighs 55 lbs ## Hello, Gen! How are you? I'm sorry, but can you please post back with more details? You forgot the provide the most important information, which is the dosing of the pills. :-)

1 REPLY Updated

Can it be taken for ear infection ## Hello, Kim! How are you? If you think you have an ear infection and want to take antibiotics for it that were leftover from treating something else, no you should not do so. The presence of an infection needs to be confirmed by your doctor and then the proper antibiotic prescribed in the proper amount. If you don't have enough to completely eradicate an infection it creates the risk of your developing antibiotic resistant bacteria. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated

Took Amox Clav for a mild ear infection. Had a 7 day dose. Tongue started hurting. Started to look white and hairy. I had no energy. My eyes starting burning. No major digestive problems. Could not take it more than 3 days. Concerned I should have never been given the antibiotic for mild ear infection. Concerned I messed myself up. Feel better after stoping the medicine....just hope I didn't buildup a tolerance. Any responses? Thank you! ## Also received some sort of steroid shot. :/ ## Hello, Al! How are you feeling? No, it can be used for such infections, however, there is always the risk of experiencing side effects. That's just how medications work. The issue with your tongue might have been the start of oral thrush, which is a yeast infection and antibiotics are well known ...

3 REPLIES Updated in Zyrtec

I put Murine ear drops into my eye mistaking it for Murine eye drops. I had hard contacts in my eyes. Searing pain! Had a hard time removing the hard lens. It stuck to my eye. Once out, I flushed my eye with eye flush for 15 minutes. 24 hours later my eye is still very sore. I saw a specialist. He said my eye will recover but will be sore for a few days. He gave me a steroid eye drop. Checked out the health of my eyes at the same time. All is now on the mend but still stinging. During the first night a cold pack on my eye was very helpful. Note to self "read labels carefully." ## Hello, Effie! Wow! I am very sorry about what happened. How are you feeling? Eye drops in the ear are okay, but not ear drops in the eye, because they aren't sterile. Just an FYI for anyone else tha...

1 REPLY Updated in Murine Ear Drops

I have been using calcee 500mg for 10 days for an inner ear infection. Is it normal now to have excessive flatulance? ## Hello, Cricks! How are you? Yes, most antibiotics can cause these types of gastrointestinal side effects. It should clear up a few days after you finish the course of the antibiotic. But please, consult your doctor to be sure. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated

bymistake I used Otilan ear drop for eyes. wat shoud i do? ## i accidently put murine ear drops in my eye ## my daughterhas an eye bothering her and i accidently put falcon ear drops in her eye what should i do? its not hurtin g her any worse than what she said it was but i just wanted to make sure. ## i put murine ear wax removal in my eye by accident. realized immediately and flushed with water do i need to go to the doctors ## I put Murine ear drops into my eye mistaking it for Murine eye drops. I had hard contacts in my eyes. Searing pain! Had a hard time removing the hard lens. It stuck to my eye. Once out, I flushed my eye with eye flush for 15 minutes. 24 hours later my eye is still very sore. I saw a specialist. He said my eye will recover but will be sore for a few days. He gav...

4 REPLIES Updated in Murine Ear Drops

i suffer from allergic cold. my doctor prescribed cetzine A and told me that it can have problem while driving and advised me to discontinune if i wnnt to go on long driving. ## I have a sneezing problem, mainly in cool weather. I am now 70 years old and have this problem since I was 60. However, it disappears if I wear socks. Thank God it is not serious enough for me to take any anti-allergen. Different people have different cold-spots. For some it may be 'head' and they may get relief by wearing a cap. ## Cetirizine has lot of side affects on your body like headache, constipation, drowsiness etc . Many other are long time sideaffects like blurred vision and body aches.pls try the boiled water of giloy kwath and shwasari kwath of ayurveda for at least 15 days and see the differ...

2 REPLIES Updated in Allergen

Can this medication help an ear infection ## Hello, Brenda! How are you? It is an antibiotic, but it's not generally used for ear infections. There are specific ones that are known to help much faster. Have you consulted your doctor about the problem?

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