Drinking On Lexapro (Page 9)
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I was just wondering if anyone has drank with this med and were there any side effects? I've been on lexapro 10 mg for a month and am feeling great but I am petrified to even attempt to drink alcohol, but would like to try. So if anyone could help that would be great.

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I've been on Lexapro for nearlyt 4 months and have always been quite a big social drinker and never noticed any thing different in regards to post drinking lows or getting intoxicated quicker. But in the past few months have noticed my desire for drinking lessen, not sure if there is a realtion to being on the drug...?? But my doctor said relatively safe to drink on this drug

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Combining alcohol with SSRI's can enhance the side effects, making you experience them more intently and experience more of them.


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I have been taking lexapro or esipram for 2 mths & I still like to have a few drinks every now & then, I have no effects from doing this.

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Never do that! I was on that medicine for 2 years, and I was never able to drink! the first time I drank when I was on lexapro, was only 2 weeks from starting the treatment, I forgot I was on medication and I drank only 2 drinks and I fainted on a bar! Thanks to my sister nothing happened to me, but don't do it, it will get you sick big time! I kept on fainting for like 3 months, just because I kept forgetting I was taking the medicine (I'm ADD too). It feels horrible!

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Lexapro is an antidepressant. Drinking alcohol is not recommended, as alcohol is a major depressant, and undoes the work the medication does.

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I have been on Lexapro for 3 years. I drink about twice a week and everything seems to be fine. I have noticed that if you drink heavly for a few nights in a row you will feel a slight depression. Just don't over do it. I was worried at first also.

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