Does Oxycodone Show Up As An Opiate? (Top voted first)


My pain clinic uses an icup test. I'm pretty sure it is a 12 or 13 panel test. Does oxycodone and oxycontin show up as an opiate and under oxy?

3 Replies

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Yes that's what they are. Hydro is a opiate also but it shows up as morphine for some weird reason.

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Yes, just as Thomas said, Oxycodone is an opiate narcotic and can be detected as such.

The NIH warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.

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Can oxycodone show up on a drug screen for opiates? Or does oxy have its own spot on a screen?

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