Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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ELKY - your situation sounds identical to mine, minus the small frame. I had some issues with childbirth was in a auto accident and have 2 destroye knees, back and Fibromyalgia. Seriously? Can't someone look at my history and figure out that 1) I have been on the same regimen for 8 years .... NO switching, calling in early, etc... Obviously it's working and I am living a decent life. It's bull**** what doctors make people go through. I am hoping that someone will see the light. It's going to be a battle, but chronic pain patients need to NOT GIVE UP!

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Does anyone know of a Doc in Hickory or surrounding area that will prescribe pain meds im 8wks post op of my 4th low back surgery and have had 4 neck surgeries still have a ruptured disc in my neck. My pain Doc just kicked me out and my surgeon said he cant prescribe narcotics because of that.. I cant even function on a daily basis with out pain meds. Still have about a weeks worth but scared to take em in case I have a really bad day..Been on the same meds for 9 years.. Honestly thinking of ordering over seas just don't want the trouble it comes with....

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Hi, don't ever double up on your pain meds. Your lucky, that you can go without when your taking care of your greandaughter. I would give anything if I didn't have to take them everyday. Youe very lucky.

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I'm so sorry that this has effected you at your age. get to a good doctor that understands.we all as a community get together and go after them and fight back for our civil rights and legal rights maybe we can change things for the better. hang in there more later

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Howdy all, I know of a great honest online pharmacy that has been around for over 10 years. They carry vicodin and a couple other pain med's, not sure which, because I don't order my pain med's. Let me know if your interested..

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Looking for an understanding doctor in Tyler/longview tx that will prescribe pain meds for spinal stenosis and other back problems. My other Dr who help me greatly is no longer practicing. Im having a hard time finding a replacement. All they want is to do surgery,that will not be an option for me as of now. Please help me out somebody.

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I am moving to the Portland, OR area and need to find a doctor who prescribes 15mg oxycodone for my degenerative disc disease. I have Xrays.

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Maybe its time we all band together and start a protest against what is happening and we should start a group writing our congressmen, senators and representives and every other person office or group. Informing them that we have a right to live as normal life as possible. Lets speak out.

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Need to see a dr in temecula,ca who will allow me to treat my l5s1 pain with vicodin

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I'm a female veteran,I asked my congressman's aide for help with the local VA HOSPITAL,he caused more trouble for me, making it political, I was told "I didn't go there to be their adversary-NOR,did I go there only to speak for you" I didn't ask him to fix the broken system,I needed a voice,for me...all he did was cause me grief!!I also asked twice for a meeting with my congressman,FORGET THAT,I NEVER GOT ANY RESPONSE.

I had a decent congressman,his people were top...we recently were rezoned,why it makes no sense...with my other congressman's people,I'd call,they were tenacious as bulldogs,never stopped until what was needed was received. I may as not even have one as little as they help...he probably doesn't even know half of what they do,since he's in D.C..Seems that unless some celebrity has a crisis,no one cares about the everyday Joe.

The VA HOSPITAL has caused more suicide attempts because they won't listen then they blame the veteran. America...this is socialized medicine......they decide who gets treatment.I guess with all the new aliens,children,we will get even less. QUESTION: anyone think a prisoner at Guantanamo would have to beg for care?

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Hello Java,
It is so true, what you said about President Kennedy. Perhaps we should contact one of his brothers, or someone in his family, since I'm sure they saw him suffer. I hope to get my petition out to all the government officials, as well in my state, and the DEA! These people do not have a medical background, they have no business sticking their noses into the business of patients, who are suffering terribly, not not with just a broken bone or a nose bleed. This is why I am so angry and have started this petition. I am also thinking of copying and pasting all of everyone's stories, on all Chronic Pain sites and sending them, via email to these people, who are denying help for us. I haven't figured out, how, for I am not a wealthy person, actually low income, which also makes people look down on me.
I do thank everyone who is signing my petition. I want to get 100,000 signatures, at least, but if I can't I still won't give up. It would be great if I can get the 100 million suffering Chronic Pain Patients to sign it, but I know that would be a miracle, yet, I still pray for it.
May GOD bless you, for signing my petition and more importantly, bless you in your life and help you with your incredible suffering....

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Hi can anybody tell me what doc to see n or around Elwood,Indiana that will help me with my chronic pain please? I have fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, and back problems too. the back pain is only getting worse. i had a great doc that understood my issues and he had me n physical therapy and on hydrocodone 10mg (4xday),which i had been on fir about 8yrs. So he put me on roxicodone 30mg (4xday) bcz the acetaminophen n the hydrocodone. was starting to hurt my stomach and liver. it was such a lifesaver! I felt totally normal again and could do everything i needed and enjoyed to do especially with my 3 boys. it lasted several hours also. but same problems here n IN. the docs seem to b treating all of us on these meds like junkies. its unfair to those of us who REALLY need our meds. please. help me find an understanding, compassionate, and non-judgmental doctor in or around Elwood,Indiana. i will drive to wherever n IN as long as its less than a 2 hr drive. thank you!!! : )

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First, I'm sorry for the nightmare you are living. I have similar experience. I am fortunate to only be dealing with a fraction of your pain. I have three lumbar discs fused (December) plus a spinal stim implant at the same time that isn't helping. The non-narcotic drugs they keep pushing don't help and usually make life miserable with side-effects.

You're story sounds wrong. Not from your side, but from that clinic's side. I've had about 8 U/A's done in the past 3 months now myself, past every one, but when I see the insurance report I see what the clinic has charged for each one. They are almost all over $1,000 each. I researched this and found that if I were to send a sample to the most expensive lab in the USA for the most detailed U/A (15 point) I would pay approx. $120.00 retail. It sounds like your clinic is possibly committing fraud, dumping the sample without letting you see the thermometer on the cup (BTW did you check the temp strip yourself before handing it over? I'd do that, I do and it usually is in the 97 to 95 degree range. The process demands it is between 90 to 100 degrees F).

Your clinic may be dumping the samples, claiming a "fail" and still charging your insurance the full cost of the drug panel at a huge markup. Each evaluation is more $ in their pocket. Do another diagnostic. DEMAND to observe the temp with the nurse (the process as written by the facilities actually say this reading MUST be observed with the patient present and shown the results). Also, contact your insurance company, ask what this clinic is charging for each "failed" drug panel due to incorrect temp. If they are charging any more than a tiny amount for the cost of the cup, and the nurses time, then they are defrauding the insurance company. Take control and file a complaint with your insurance company and VERY IMPORTANTLY... File a complaint with your State's Medical Review Board. Each state has it's own regulatory agency overseeing the medical community and those practicing in the state. You can print out a complaint form and file it. My State has one that you can file on the internet without having to bother with paper and mailing, etc.

You're State may have a different name for this agency, but it should be available if you google your State, and medical complaint, or medical review. If you can't find it, get a phone number for something that sounds close and call. They usually are willing to help direct you to the right agency.

The complaint in my state is 2 pages. 1 page is just listing your info and the Dr or Clinic's info. The 2nd page is a very brief summary of the complaint, and a place to list where, when , why, who. Also list any witnesses if possible.

The worst that can happen is the clinic or Dr. will get a notification (your name will not be disclosed by law), and they will have to take time away from their privileged life to justify the decisions and show proof to their regulatory agency that they did everything correctly. It is way more time consuming for them than you, and will put a scare into them regarding their business methods and medical decisions.

I've had to file 3 complaints in the last month for similar issues.

Also, The Dr. is required to treat your pain by law, not dismiss it. The new re-scheduling of most pain meds from schedule 4 to schedule 2 has put a scare into the Drs and their corporate overlords to the point of commanding the Drs to STOP ALL NARCOTIC MEDS. PERIOD. NO EXCEPTIONS.

The DEA issued a warning when the rescheduling was made in November of 2014 warning the medical community quote "This new law is not meant for doctors to begin under medicating those under their care. It is only a way of monitoring the way these medications are being dispensed in order to limit abuse." The warning from the DEA is 2 pages.

Page 1 outlines the new procedures (one month supply at a time, with the exception for those that may need more than a month, in which case up to 3 individual scripts may be written. These scripts may not be refilled until no more than 2 days before the previous script ends (so you can only refill after 28 days of a 30 day script). No script for narcotics may be called in or faxed to the pharmacy, they must be written by the Dr. and picked up by the patient or patient's advocate (Parent, wife, etc.).

Page 2 is all one long warning to medical professionals to NOT under medicate due to this new procedure and rescheduling of these medications. This warning is repeated FIVE TIMES on this page. It explains the new rules are to stop the very small amount of abusive practices that have led to overdoses and dealers getting massive supplies of oxycontins and dealing them at huge markup to those not under medical supervision.

The reason behind the law was only to keep the use of the narcotic painkillers under the supervision of a Doctor. Not a Dealer.

The Doctors, for the most part, are puppets in this fiasco. Their bosses (most doctors work for a hospital or managing group which is owned by a for-profit publicly traded company that owns countless other types of businesses). These corporate entities have actuaries and bean counters that are so far removed from the actual patient that you and I are merely a grain of sand on the world's largest beach. Worthless, except for the insurance payout we represent for the medical facility we visit. If we suffer then so what? whatever. Controlling our pain may stop us from getting more expensive procedures, taking more expensive and more dangerous drugs (the pharmaceutical giants have had a big influence here on your doctor's decisions). In short, your medical decisions are being made by an algorithm written by a mega corporation that has ZERO interest in you getting better. The goal is to keep you coming back more often, for more procedures, taking more untried and riskier meds that everyone but us makes more profit on.

Our only option is to make official complaints with regulatory agencies, watch our doctors and nurses and P.A.'s and support staff for unethical, negligent or illegal practices. It isn't much but if we all do it, it will be too much of a burden on the other side and we may start seeing some care back into the way things are being handled.

I'm losing hope myself. I've been out of work on disability for almost 6 months in the last year, which means immediate discontinuation of employment, including loss of medical benefits and I'll have to pay for many medical costs retroactively. I'm going through bankruptcy and am day to day. I still have not paid rent and will not be able to so now I'm going to be homeless in the near future. I've sold everything I own with any value. Just to feed an industry with an insatiable hunger for more wealth.

Greed is killing us off. We are the chickens that stop giving eggs that get taken out and ground up to be fed to the other chickens.

You work maintenance? Same here. 23 years as an electrician with two degrees. One Associates and one Bachelors. Skilled competent mechanic, exceptional electrician and automation technician. All thrown out because of that "bad back syndrome" that gets thousands thrown out every month.

"Bad back" is like having AIDS, Ebola, and 5 felonies on your record.

Only way to get a new job is luck and saying you are strong as an ox and never missed a day of work in your life. Wait 3, 6, 12 months for benefits to begin, and hope your Dr. isn't worthless so you can be productive (make eggs every day) for another 20 to 30 years so you can retire with just enough to survive for another 3-7 years before being broke again. All the time in extreme pain and never show it visibly or else you are fast tracked to the gate.

The industry is horribly broken. Profit is NOT the way to healthy, happy people. I lived in Canada, my sister lives in Germany. I have friends in England. These countries laugh at our protocols that kicks you out of the hospital 13 hours after major back surgery with no follow up support. Then treats you like a junkie looking for a "fix" when you go to whatever Dr. you are sent to by whoever. Our structure has two classes, those without relying on insurance and all our meager worth, and the upper class that can pay to bypass this whole joke we call treatment, and actually get the care they need because they can pay and get the respect that we all should get. Voting isn't the answer, all political parties are corrupted by money. We have no voice because money is the only thing that is heard in Washington and in our State Congresses.

File complaints until the Doctors are BURIED in them. Then file more until their backs break under the load.

Good luck everyone. Hope you find some compassion and competence somewhere. Only compassion I've found is a Psychiatrist and Psychologist who are both powerless, and do not have time enough to actually get me through this. They too have to see a patient every 3 to 10 minutes to remain in business.

If you all never hear from me again it is because I took that "other" route that must never be spoken of out loud (even though this is a "free" country"). I know a nice, beautiful place that is so remote I will never be found so no one will have to bother with any nasty disposal inconvenience. It is a gorgeous place that I would be happy to spend a day or two and end the agony my own way. I am a free man in a "free" country. I chose to be free, not restrained to this pain industry. I'll fight a little longer, hopefully get lucky. But the odds don't look good. Better odds of winning the Powerball at this point. Climbing K2 with one hand tied behind my back and naked looks less daunting than navigating this structure and being successful in getting any relief from the agony.

Also, The Spinal Stimulator Implants.... the numbers they give you when they sell it to you are FALSE. I did my own research through FDA sources and read all the research and trial results and the numbers are cherry picked. The chances of fatality or complete paralysis are more than 10 times the numbers published by the device makers and quoted by the doctor selling it to you.

The trials actually threw out half the results in most trials with NO explanation why. The results on the failures were shredded and or "lost". I was shocked at the risk involved and the lower than advertised success rates. My implant is useless, I get tingling in my feet and my lower ribcage, NO tingling/relief in my back. None. And the Doctor thinks I'm lying (my doctor does not communicate with the technicians or read their notes to him) and the device technicians programming the implant have given up trying to program it so it works. They say the only option is more surgery to move the leads attached to my spinal cord, resulting in much more risk, and 6-12 months recovery. Plus, no guarantee it will work.

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Anyone who is having problems finding a dr to treat their pain needs to get a copy of theri medical records and read them. Drs write things in patients medical records that they don't always tell them.

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Annie, there is no way of knowing what a dr will prescribe you. Even if they prescribe Methadone for another patient, that doesn't mean that they will also prescribe it to you. The only thing you can do is start seeing a pain dr and be sure and take a copy of your medical records from your last pain dr. Do not ask for Methadone or any other med by name because it is a red flag. Each dr has their own way of prescribing for their patients and especially new patients. It may take a few months or longer for you to know if a dr will prescribe you Methadone.

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LIHEAP can be done every 6 months
Put LIHEAP AND your state in your search bar. You must meet the usual food stamp criteria even if you're waiting on disability. The amount you receive depends on your total income, basic expenses you pay like rent, utilities, and dependents. Some states have cash assistance for those that meet the state criteria for disability. This is not the same as SSI or SSDI and is like welfare. except you don't have to have dependents. If you receive Medicaid, Transportation to and from your medical appointments is a mandatory benefit in all 50 States. If you have Medicaid you can request Long Term Personal Care Services and an evaluator from the state will come to your home and evaluate you to determine if you need the help and if you do how many hours a week you need.

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Robert Have you tried ordering from online? There are some great sites, try Kratom Infusion. They have a great sample pack. Bumble Bee Vietnam is my favorite for pain.
Kratom Therapy, and Coastal Kratom are also worth a look. I have ordered from all of them and like Kratom Infusion the best. Hope this helps. Karen

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He isn't on medcade or medicare he won't be qualifiy until next year. In Indiana they have places to help with people don't have ins. and they go by a sliding scale that s. fits your budget .it was hard to find the place I had to go through a lot of people to get there .but he needs to be on some kind of pain medicine to have somekind of normal life.anything can happen to anyone at anytime all it takes is one person to mess your life up and those who love you. It s how you choose to deal with it make it or break it we choose to make it?

how you deal with that makes or breaks you.we choose to make it?

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SH, getting treatment at a Methadone Clinic will make it impossible for you to find a Dr to treat your pain later on.

P450, there is an offset with when you receive WC and also received SSDI. The SSA laws are specific on this.

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There are no state laws in any state that says a pain management Dr is the only Dr that can prescribe pain meds for chronic pain. But a lot of drs tell their patients they can't prescribe because of new laws. If a Dr or anyone tells you that only pain management drs can prescribe pain meds in your state, look up your state laws.

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