Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication Portland Oregon (Page 10)
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suffering from cronic headaches and neck pain due to a variety of events

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In Portland you get a referral from your regular dr to a pain Clinic and they will prescribe the narcotic pain medication.

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Can U help me find a doctor who is willing to prescribe pain meds? In an unbearable situation.

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I have had my Dr. close her practice. I have been searching for the past two months trying to find a doctor who will keep me at my current level of pain meds. I take 45mgs of Morphine 3 times a day (I have reduced my amount to 15mgs three times a day on my own). I also take 6 Percocet (5/325) and they help me to get up and work around the house. I fear going without will severely reduce my ability to function. I have 3 vertebra out of of alignment in my lower back, Arthritis in my hands and Diabetic Neuropathy. My past three Doctors over the past ten years have had no problem with prescribing these meds but, now I can't find a doctor who will. My most recent visit to a Docter ended with him telling me that he wants me off all pain meds cold turkey. His words where "It won't kill you!)

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Hi, I was wondering what Dr. You found that was willing to work with you?
Thank you ~ Renee

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I was seen by a number of different doctors at that clinic. It seemed like they couldnt keep anyone there very long. I kept asking to see the same person each time but it never failed, I'd see a doctor a couple times and then go in for my next appointment and that doctor would be gone. It was just plain crazy!

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Who was the Dr. That dropped you?

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I am in the same situation with a methadone clinic!I broke my back in a car accident and have had multiple surgeries.I was with the same primary care doctor for 8 years on a pain contract with no problems.He closed his practice to do pediatrics and since then I have been through hell!The place I transfered to was a nightmare to say the least! I ended up getting pregnant and they dumped me at a methadone clinic so they wouldnt have to prescribe.(according to the clinic,they have done the same thing to a lot of other women who got pregnant while on pain medications.)I was told by my OB that I had to stay on the methadone or risk a misscarage.My daughter was born healthy but now Im having a hard time finding a doctor.The clinic wants me to transfer back to pain management since they only took me cause I was pregnant but Im having no luck.Ive never had a drug problem and the clinic is willing to talk to a doctor for me but I have to find one that is willing to take me.Any suggestions?Sorry about the long explination,its complicated!

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yes there are a lot of places who take Medicare I am on it Kaiser does but they suck. also a place called the dawn clinic look it up on your computer they will give anything

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anyone in Portland, Oregon know of any doctors prescribe pain pills long term?

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can you still help with pain meds?

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I moved to Portland a year ago and needed a pain Dr. quickly. I went to a methadone clinic for the first time to get relief while I searched for a doctor. I had a hard time finding one that would take Medicare or Medicaid or new patients so I gave up. now I can't stand the clinic(I can't travel) and need to find a Dr. who will treat me. Any suggestions?

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nope they only work with people oho need there cdl truck driving liscence

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Portland Integrated Health & Sports Medicine might be a good approach for (all of) you. They're a primary care clinic that integrates care within their own clinic and they accept Medicaid/care and private insurances. While not a pain management specific place, they do use multi-modal approaches to care, and even have a special 'pain school' group to help patients manage their pain. For those that have pain as a result of disease or injury, it's a great place as they treat both (they even have a chiropractor, acupuncturist, and massage therapist along with their regular doctors & family nurse practitioners). They're always accepting new patients and generally have same/next day appointments available for primary care. Check them out - 503-972-0235 - 1427 NW Flanders St. Portland, OR 97209

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Not accepting new patients

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I know a dr in Portland His name is mark Holloman his office in nw Portland he is on 2330 N.W. Flanders ST His phone is (503) 224-0817

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Well who are they?

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wow that's cool. but who can afford to fly all the time. there are Dr's in Portland that are really easy and caring about pain,

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did you ever find someone in portland?

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any one know of a dr who is willing to prescribe my meds that I have been getting from my dr who dropped me here in Portland I have rod, pins and screws in my back and they fused L-4 L-5 and iam in severe pain anyone know of a caring dr? please let me know. thanks

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Sandy I am from Portland too, did you find a Dr here in Portland and may I ask if you dot mind who or were? I went to kaieser and they are treating me horrible just horrible. I really need help, I have a rod, pins and screws in my back, and walk hunched over I can barley walk. thank you

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