Doctor In Pittsburgh Pa That Prescribes Xanax Or Klonopin (Page 7) (Top voted first)


Every doc I've met with here in Pittsburgh Pa will only take cash if they prescribe you xanax.. Very unethical but since I have insurance I would like to find a doctor to prescribe me the meds I need. I would take either although I like the Klonopin better, xanax cause my depression to worsen after I take them... Anyone know of any Psychiatrists that will take my insurance and prescribe me meds?

150 Replies (8 Pages)

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I can’t find a doctor that will prescribe them for me but I will pray Costa Rica recommend me a doctor

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Re: Lisa (# 101) Expand Referenced Message

Dr cerul retired probably 6-7 years ago. Understand that no one in the world needs 90 bars and 120 klonopins. I’ve been on the same medicine myself for years. I just lost my xanax because of failing my second lab. It’s funny how everyone on here says they’re not drug addicts which some aren’t. But to claim you know the only thing that works for you is a benzo is ridiculous. Everyone has dealt with terrible things. We all do. Everyone needs to stop lying cause 90% of you know you're failing lab work or on methadone, and that’s why you can’t get back on your medicine. Besides, that the majority of all doctors are not writing them anymore. There is other medicine that helps. You guys don’t think everyone in the world wishes they couldn’t just take a xanax every time they feel like s***. But my advice is that you don’t ever ask for xanax or any benzo up front. If you have a history of mental health there are doctors that will work with you. Don't you realize when you tell a doctor “only xanax works for me” that you’ll never ever get it for sure? Stop begging for it. If you have the history there are still a few doctors that will help.

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Re: Tricia (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

I would really like to know,can't find any in Pittsburgh area,lmk z ty Tori,I'll give u my number when I hear back ty

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Re: DR TIM SAMS (# 135) Expand Referenced Message

Are you a Dr? Lol.

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Re: How much (# 119) Expand Referenced Message

I am a cancer patient that has been prescribed 1 mg Klonopin twice a day my doctor had died after 2 years I understand that I won't be on colada in the rest of my life but this is the worst time of my life on what's going on and I've tried all the other anxiety pills out there now they want to start me over again and try them all again since my doctor died and she prescribed me worked now the doctors are giving me a first thing they say is I'm taking you down

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Re: DR TIM SAMS (# 135) Expand Referenced Message

I live in Pittsburgh can you help me with a doctor that will take cash

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Kelly can you please tell me a couple of docs that will take cash for script. Hawk

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Re: Tricia (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Please give me your doctors name

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Re: Tricia (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Trisha would you mind sharing the doctor with me? I would appreciate you more than anything. Please hope to get reached back to by you thanks! {edited for privacy}

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Re: THE GOOD DOC (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Do you practice still?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Klonopin helped in the past, and didn't I didn't need to take it often.

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Re: Grateful Patient (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

That's why Ceruls practice was dismantled, lost his license, and was completely shut down...

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Re: Amy (# 141) Expand Referenced Message

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Re: Weez (# 143) Expand Referenced Message

No. Dr. Cerul was shut down by the DEA, lol.

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Re: Doesntmatter (# 128) Expand Referenced Message

He didn't retire. He was shut down

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Re: Elle (# 131) Expand Referenced Message

Schoenthal isn't prescribing for new patients anymore. Dr. Kang or Dr. Catena in moon/ Carnegie and Dr. Krimer or Dr. Fix- sq. Hill/Sewickley, respectively

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Dr. Cerul only see's people with legitimate documentation and all their mental health records. You also need a referral. So people need to quit making things up about him! Just because you are drug seekers and Dr. Cerul wouldn't write you what you wanted you make up lies. I agree with Grateful Patient, please stop spreading false information.

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Thanks I'm just trying get off these things inpatient rehab is not a choice I have so tryin find a doc anyone to help. I wish I never would of got that first script filled now I'm screwd

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This world is so disgusting with the immature vindictive people even spiteful. I've been prescribed xanax and ect my whole life including pain management for chronic issues and i had vindictive people call and say bs to the drs offices as well. People are so f up at the same time drs offices should investigate the allegations but most dont which is bs. I was with same phyc doctor since i was 12, im now 35 and a spiteful in-law called and said bs about me. Now they gave me 30 days to find another dr. I've seen them that long and they didnt even call me in to question me, they just listen to a total stranger. Dont understand that part. Dont ever tell anyone your drs name not even family, this world is evil. Take your dr's name off of bottles. It's a shame that people mess it up for the honest people. i've been prescribed every phyc med since i was a kid and the only anxiety med that honestly worked the absolute most is xanax no lie. Thank god my family dr temporarily took over till i find a new phyc dr. Hard part is a dr that will look at my charts and take over meds. Good luck to you all.

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