
100+ Topics Found

Hi. I am suffering from crohn's disease..I got multiple ulcers in my iliem...7 months back my doctor prescribed me pantoacid-it for 15 days and I was well then... Can I continue with the same medicine now or should I take regular pantoacid-40?

IS taking to many oxycodone can cause more pain with my ulcer ## Hello, Shauna! How are you? It may cause worsening of your ulcer, since there is a risk that it could increase your production of stomach acid. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Are you on any other medications? What do you take to treat your ulcer?

1 REPLY Filed under Oxycodone

Has anyone who has taken Adderall IR for more than five years (or at anytime) experienced a severe skin ulcer? ## No I have taken it off and on since 2005, BUT different generics use different fillers so maybe you have an allergy? ## It is not listed by the FDA as a known side effect of taking Adderall, the typical ones include nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, mood changes, weight loss, and anorexia. This medication also carries the risk of being habit forming. Ref: Adderall Information Are you on any other medications? Did you injure yourself in any way that may have led to ulcerations?

2 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

Can stillpane cause stomach ulcers ## Hello, Aubrey! How are you? That's a risk associated with most medications, so yes, it is possible. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. However, there are so many other things that can also cause or worsen an ulcer that you may never know for sure what caused it. What treatment has your doctor recommended?

1 REPLY Filed under Pain Relief

I have had ulcers (bleeding) but am fine now. Can I take Ibuprofen 600mg? I am concerned that it may cause bleeding again... Also, is ibuprofen 600mg a narcotic? ## No, it is not a narcotic. This medication is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, and, yes, it does increase the risk of bleeding, stomach irritation, and ulceration, or worsening existing ulcers, according to FDA reports. It would be best to check with your doctor to discover what medication is safe for you take. You may need to stick with one that is milder, such as Tylenol/Acetaminophen. Is there anything else I can help with? ## You might have seen this on another post but am asking about Ibuprofen and Tylenol (no other variations) combined. My post was moved to a not as appropriate post as I was hoping it would be... Is it...

2 REPLIES Filed under Ibuprofen

how can this be beneficial for mouth ulcers............i had s painful ulcer in my mouth.....how could that help. ## There are several ways it can help, actually. The Deasmethason is a steroid, which will help reduce the pain and inflammation, the Tetracycline is an antibitoc that will help get rid of any bacteria that may be causing the ulcers and prevent them from getting infected. Has your doctor prescribed this for you?

1 REPLY Filed under Dexamethasone + Diphenhydramine + Nystatin + Tetracycline

Is it safe for my wife to take Ibuprofen? She had two small stomach ulcers 12 years ago caused by H Pylori bacteria ## @Richard, Based on my research, regular use of aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can actually raise your risk for stomach ulcers. Although taking NSAIDs once in a while is safe for most people. Is Ibuprofen something your wife uses often? ## She just needs effective painkillers for a short time as she recovers from a hysterectomy. She started on paracetamol + codeine, but suffered problems with constipation from the codeine.

2 REPLIES Filed under Ibuprofen

Good day. I would like to ask if it's safe to use cipla actin while I have stomach ulcers? Thank you ## This medication contains the active ingredient Cyproheptadine, it is an antihistamine that is most commonly used to treat, or prevent allergy symptoms. According to the FDA, it may cause stomach irritation, and nausea, as side effects, along with dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and weight changes, so it would best to check with your doctor, before taking it, to be sure it is safe for you. Are you on any other medications? Ref: Medline Plus Cyproheptadine ## I have been using mayogel suspension due to the stomach pain I've been experiencing, which only tones down the pain. I would then opt to use cipla actin and the pain would simply fade away for days ## Can I take Cipla-Actin...

3 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

I was recently prescribed Bactrim for a badder infection which I've taken before. For some reason every time I take this medication I get an ulcer inside my mouth. Is this a side effect or an allergic reaction? ## Hello, Sophia! How are you doing? Have you consulted your doctor? Antibiotics can cause yeast infections, as a side effect, so that may be what's causing the sores in your mouth. It would be best to have it checked out, as if it is a yeast infection, it will need treatment. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

1 REPLY Filed under Bactrim

I was hospitalized for 5 days due diarhia caused by stomach ulcers. the doctor prescribed metazol for me. Is it safe to take it if I have ulcers ## Hello, Patty! How are you? Many stomach ulcers are caused by a bacteria called H. Pylori and antibiotics are commonly prescribed to eradicate that bacteria, so the ulcers can heal. The U.S. FDA lists the typical side effects of this antibiotic as possibly invading nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach pain. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Antibiotics

I WAS SWITCHED FROM SOMA - 3x's DAILY (for 6 yrs.) to Methocarbamol - 500 / 3x's daily. Will this New/Replacement medication bother my Stomach Ulcer? ## There is a chance that it might, it can cause nausea, stomach pain and irritation, according to the FDA, along with dizziness, headache and dry mouth. However, the only way to find out is by trying it. What are you using to treat your ulcers? This medication is listed as being a muscle relaxant that is most commonly used to alleviate the pain associated with strains, sprains and injuries.

1 REPLY Filed under Methocarbamol

I have stomach ulcers. So I went to the clinic and they gave me anaerobyl with spasmol. Will they help? ## There is a type of bacteria that causes some stomach ulcers and, if that is what has caused your, the antibiotic may help. The U.S. FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. Has there been any change?

1 REPLY Filed under Antibiotics

I am not sure whether the allergy I have could be caused by the intake of Ziak and/or Zanidip. I continually have a sore mouth something similar to cold sores, I also tend to get a sore throat, twice I have had my tongue swell during the night which was very stressful and i have itchiness on my body in patches even my scalp itches which my GP has informed me is an allergy. Could the Ziak; Zanidip or Cymgen 60mg cause these allergies???? I take the Ziak in the morning and the Zanidip at night as prescribed by the doctor. ## Hello, Lynne! How are you? Cold sores only occur outside the mouth, on other areas of the face, such as the surface of your lips, edges or your lips, the chin area and etc. The ones on the inside of the mouth are canker sores and many medications can cause them, thoug...

1 REPLY Filed under Zanidip

i was dagonist with bacteria ulcer so can i use h pylori kit to treate it ## Hi, Onyonka! Yes, that is actually what the H. Pylori kit is intended to treat. I'm not sure of the exact medications used in the one you're talking about, but generally they contain a combination of antibiotics and acid reducers to help eradicate the bacteria and heal your gastrointestinal issues. Can you post back with more details on it? If so, I'll gladly let you know what side effects might occur and etc. Thanks!

1 REPLY Filed under Ulcer

I have a serious problem with vaginal itch and I have mouth ulcers. Can metronidazole cure those infections? ## Hi Agnes, sorry to hear about your health challenges. If your doctor prescribed the Metronidazole then yes, it should help your condition. This medication is used for a wide range of infections, not only bacterial, but also protozoal / fungal. Were you given a cream to apply, a tablet, or another form? If you are curious to know more about this medication there you can read more Metronidazole Details. I hope this helps you and best wishes with your health!

1 REPLY Filed under Metronidazole

I am looking for others who have suffered from severe ulceration of mouth & throat that originated after taking orlistat, alli, xenical or similar. What were your complete symptoms? How long did they last? What treatment did you receive? What conclusion did your doctor or consultant come to? We're you taking any other medication? Are you diabetic? Please let me know how the conditions affected you in the long term. ## While it isn't common, skin blisters over various parts of the body are listed as a possible side effect, just under the very rare ones. Learn more Orlistat details here. What has your doctor advised you to do about them? Have you stopped the medication to see if they go away? ## use something called collodial silver its natural will shift them for good brill s...

2 REPLIES Filed under Orlistat

I have got Mouth ulcers and tongue blistering all over and has used Rinifol Capsule. Is it good and help the recovery fast ? ## i have tonge blistering for a month i take rinfiol one time a day but tonge blistering same condotion plz susggest me what i do ## How many days take rinifal tab for mouth ulsar .how long. ## Rinifol is just listed as being a nutritional supplement that contains a variety of vitamins, and nutrients that are vital to your overall health and for prevent certain medication conditions. The NIH warns that they may cause nausea, in some people, due to their potency. Deepehs, and Raja, are they inner, or outer mouth ulcers? Deppesh, I know you mention mouth and tongue ones. Can you please be more specific? Shrivastave, when do your blisters occur? Is it after eating a...

4 REPLIES Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

There must be a chemical in the films that causes painful ulcers around the bottom of my tongue, when I take the film now it burns so bad I cannot tolerate it. Are there other options or other ways to take it thats proven, please..no BS, ok. ## Hello, Frank! How are you? There are pills available, as both generics and name brand Suboxone. You might want to speak to your doctor about designating that you receive tablets on your prescription. It would be best to let your doctor see the sores in your mouth, so they know what's wrong. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have them too and have tried everything. U...

4 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

I have chrons disesae since i was 18 I am now 42 and the pain is umbearable i have had an ileostomy for it, i have ulcer medicineand surgery,and nothing is working i have to bad knees i have a full replacement in my right knee and know i need a right knee replacement due to osteoporosis from so much steriods and arthritis in both knees even after operations and i am not doing well at all. My life is basically laying around not eating cause the pain is unbearable. i am really living a sad life i have two children a husband and i am losing alot out of life because i cant funtion. i am only 42 years old and im so sad that i cant leave a full life because i feel so sick all the time. I miss so much in life because im in so much pain and i feel disabled. I would love for you to be able to he...

2 REPLIES Filed under Kratom

I was treated with h-pyroli 5 months then yesterday got chest pains & the doctor prescribed ciplofloxacin & fenpar tablets but after taking them I am experiencing ulcers pain. can they be the cause? please advice ## Hello, Kena! How are you? It is most likely due to the Fenpar, since it contains Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, so stomach irritation can be a side effect, as reported by the U.S. FDA, along with nausea, dizziness and headache. Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and drowsiness. Do you take anything for your stomach? ## Yes I take Ranitidine for an ulcer.. Prescribed Ciprofloxacn yesterday and I am having stomach pain where uler is located.. Wondering if this is what is causing my pain ## Can ulcer ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Ciprofloxacin

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