Detox My Body

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I had a work injury that crushed several discs in my neck and I have recently undergone fusion surgery which went well. However, I was not prepared for the pain I experienced. I have been on 10/325 norco for 7 weeks. I only took the Appropriate Rx amount or less; never more than 5 pills in a day. When I got to the point where I felt like I could manage the pain, I quit taking norco cold turkey. I wigged out. I experienced gnarly anxiety, mood swings, burning in my legs and feet, nausea, and elevated bp. I am trying to wean off the drug on my own but am super discouraged. Can anyone give me pointers on exactly how to do this? ## Have you consulted your doctor for advice? Your body will get used to any medication you take regularly, for awhile, even if you don't abuse it and take more...

1 REPLY Filed under Norco

I'm a chronic pain patient due to Fibromyalgi/Chronic Fatigue and Degenerative back & hip disease, for 21 years I've tried all kinds of meds and only narcotics have ever helped.. I'm on Percocet 15 mg, 1 every 4-6 hours, for 6-7 yrs now. . (Long acting meds behave as short acting in my body, so can't take anything long acting...which prevents me from being able to use a breakthrough med). I want desperately to get off the Percocet and detox, hoping I can start over. I've gone up the ranks from APC with Codeine, Lortab, Norco, Vicodin, etc, till I'm now on this high dose of Percocet. I'm not ever zonked out on it, though I think I've hit the max on it, cause I have lots of breakthrough pain. 15 mg is no longer 'enough' for the kind of pain I ha...

6 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

iam takin 100mg ms contin for a year now and am sick of it what would help in detoxing. I dont want to take more drugs and i know the pains in the legs are coming because i detoxed of panadiene forte years ago i would just like some tips ## What type of leg pain did you have? What is just aching, or was it muscle cramping? I have done this exact detox, cold turkey, so I can try to warn you of what to expect and give a few tips. If it was leg cramping, it might be due to the fact that narcotics tend to sap the potassium in your body and a low-dose supplement can help with that. You should check with your doctor first, though, because high potassium levels can also be dangerous, so you shouldn't add a supplement, without their approval. If you can get your doctor to help, by prescribi...

3 REPLIES Filed under MS Contin

2 years ago I went in hospital for alcohol detox doctor put me on Librium for 2weeks i have'nt been drinking I'm over all that now the thing is one minuet I feel like I'm drugged up then after a couple of hours I feel ok it's like that every day and it's getting me down ## Jenny No but even short term benzodiazepine use can have lasting effects. Librium is one of the oldest meds in this class but works very well for alcohol abstinence treatment protocols

1 REPLY Filed under Librium

The very best way to detox your system of any drug is lemon water at room temperature. Prob for 2-3 days. This makes an acidic body turn alkaline and changes the chemicals and the way they effect the body. Also organic virgin coconut oil at 1\4 cup a day will speed metabolism to increase this process. Coconut oil has about 30 different benefits for overall organs and total body function. Universal, antiviral, antifungal. Start slow or it may make you jittery or upset your stomach. ## Thanks for sharing this info on coconut oil and lemon water. I too am an advocate of using natural alternatives to combat and prevent various ailments. Maintaining an alkaline environment has been proven to offer a multitude of benefits in and of itself, but the added attributes from things like coconut oil...

1 REPLY Filed under Antiviral

will there be hard withdrawals for someone who injects 1 8mg dilaudad daily for 4 months? ## It really depends on the person, there are likely some people that won't, but most people probably will experience some withdrawal effects. Learn more Dilaudid details here. The severity will also depend on the person and the way their body reacts to such. Medications and withdrawal effects are highly individualized. Are there any other questions or comments? ## So honestly you might get sick but I inject my dilaudid all the time and usually blow through a g script of 90 on a week... But dilaudid withdrawal is really not that bad it only lasts like 72 hours and the symptoms peak 36 hours after your last dose. While they are intense symptoms it's really easy to get through with some Advil...

2 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

Have been taking .5 to 1 mg of Klonopin for about 6 months nightly after waking up in the middle of the night and not be able to get back to sleep. Wake up anxious and nervous. Past week have been nervous and anxious all day. Plus am only able to go back to sleep for a couple of hours. Am concerned that u am addicted to the Klonopin. How do I detox from it ?????? ## Hello, Matthew! How are you? I think you're confusing addiction and dependence. Addiction occurs when someone likes how a medication makes them feel, but since that's just due to side effects that wear off, they have to keep taking more and more to get those effects back, again. Dependence, however, is what occurs when you take a medication regularly for a long period of time, your body gets used to having it and you...

1 REPLY Filed under Clonazepam

Does anyone know anything about this product --- Colodetox Natural Care? Or the company Orthomolecular Therapeutic Research Center and Professor Ryan Parisi? Can't find any info on it. Thanks. ## Hi Karen, Colodetox XR is the closest match I could locate to Colodetox Natural Care; although they appear to be one in the same. Colodetox is noted to be a powerful colon cleanser that will help flush out all toxins and other accumulated waste in your body. There are a lot of benefits to doing a colon detox; I would recommend doing it at least once or twice a year if your diet doesn't have a lot of fruits and vegetables in it. Anyhow, you should be able to find substantial information about this product if you run a search under the name "ColoDetox XR" rather than Colodetox Nat...


Can anyone tell me how long withdrawls last and how fast I should detox? I need to get off this stuff but I'm actually scared of how i will feel. Can anyone help? Advise me on the best way to do matter how long it takes. I'm not worried about detoxing quickly, just want to detox! ## Hi Gypsy63, Usually for drugs like this the safest way to stop taking them is to tapper off them, if possible. Some medications can be taken in fractions (actually cut into pieces) and these smaller pieces can be taken in place of the regular dose for a period of several weeks until the body is no longer dependent upon them. I would suggest setting up a time frame on a calendar as to how often and how much you decide to taper down your dose, until you feel comfortable going off of them comp...

7 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

Hi, I was taking 40-100 mg of Percocet a day- I weaned off and took about 10-40 mg of hydrocodone a day. I was feeling sick and got 10 mg methadone pills. I took 20 mg the first night-I did get a euphoric feeling and woke up with a terrible headache. I took 15 mg of methadone last night to continue taper going down to 1 10 mg of methadone tonight and 5 mg tomorrow, and hoping I won't feel withdrawal but my head hurts so bad-it feels as if it is going to combust. I can barely text this. Am I going to feel worse or better? My body aches all over as well. Did I overdose myself? Is this normal??? ## Hi DMM, you may be going through some withdrawals with some of your symptoms. It's difficult to detox yourself off opiates without medical intervention. The professionals know how much m...

1 REPLY Filed under Methadone

I have been going to a Methadone clinic for four months now, taking 40 mg a day. I want to stop because I can't be like this all my life. I am a 51 year old male (very healthy). So what's the best way to detox from Methadone? Lowering the dosage? Or is there other options, like the so called fast detox (one day detox)? Or is there another way? Please help me find a way. Thank you very much. ## Hello I know how you feel. Your lucky bacause you are on such a low low dose. I would suggest 5mg every other week. If you feel sick request to remain at the same dose until your body gets use to it. NO MATTER WHAT DON'T GO BACK UP!! Drink Calomile tea,works wonders. Valuims are good to take at night, but remember those are additive too. I would sometimes mix Thera Fluix with the tea a...

9 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I have been addicted to hydrcodone for a year or more. how can i detox at home, even with a doctors assistance ## Hi Mark, Usually for drugs like this the safest way to stop taking them is to tapper off them, if possible. Some medications can be taken in fractions (actually cut into pieces) and these smaller pieces can be taken in place of the regular dose for a period of several weeks until the body is no longer dependent upon them. In my opinion, another key component to weaning off is to have your doctor make you a tapering schedule on a calendar in order track your progress and keep you on the right path to complete your goal within a specific time frame. Without a way to track your progress, tapering can sometimes be much more difficult than it needs to be. I hope this helps in any...

3 REPLIES Filed under Vicodin

Due to a few episodes of delusion, confusion I decided to wean off of all my pain related meds. I just stopped takingSerequel, weaning off of Norco which I have taken for 13 years following 2 disc surgeries. I also was taking Seroquel, Ritalin, Morphine as needed, oxycontic, as needed, and this is my 3rd day and I am having terrible withdrawal. My body feels like it is someone else's and when I take the Norco down to 8 a day from 10-12 those feelings go away. I am suffering. Any advice??? ## When you have been taking high doses of narcotics and try to abruptly cut down or stop taking them, even though you were not abusing them, you will experience withdrawal effects, because your body is used to having these substances and has become dependent on them. This is actually true of any m...

3 REPLIES Filed under Norco

Hello, I have been on Oxycodone for two and a half years. I take 80 mgs for a bad back and recent gall bladder surgery that went horrible. Because I have such a high tolorance for the Oxycodone. I now get no feeling and it is starting not to work. What can I do to rid my body of this medication so that I can bring the work part of it back and the euphoria as well! ## The only way to really do that would be to stop taking it for a period of time, which may mean several months, or longer, since you have been taking it for such a long time. You should also be informed that the feeling of euphoria has nothing to do with whether or not the medication is working for you. That is just a side effect and it is completely normal for it to wear off, as your body gets used to the medication. Have y...

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

been on the 2.5 325 2 months doc gave me vicadans was taking them now i found out after going through some of the symptoms want to stop the vics what am i lookining at detoxing ## A lot of it really depends on how your body reacts. As reported by the FDA, withdrawal symptoms may include nausea, headache, fever chills, diarrhea and rebound pain. A slow taper usually helps keep them from being severe. Have you asked your doctor for help tapering off?

1 REPLY Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

If I take suboxone can I drink everyday detox teas? It says it's suppose to be healthy for the liver and I wanted to try it. ## Since they are supplement products, they are not checked for possible issues and interactions with actual prescription drugs, so I'm sorry, but I don't have information on this for you. Additionally, you should be informed that there is no medical or scientific proof behind detoxing your body or liver using any of these products, according to the AMA. Your liver and body does its own thing to detox itself and there is really nothing you can do to change the process. That said, there is likely not harm in drinking the tea, though you may want to double check based on the possible ingredients, but all you will really be doing is enjoying a cup of tea....

1 REPLY Filed under Suboxone

Can a Methadone patient detox with Suboxone and what mg dose do they need to do if they are currently on 30 mg Methadone a day? And what's the procedure? Like, do they have to taper the Methadone down first, and by doing, so do they go through any withdrawal symptoms? ## Each individual is likely going to have a very different withdrawal experience due to several factors, such as tolerance to pain, reaction/tolerance to these types of medications, one's body chemistry, mental fortitude, and so forth... However it doesn't really sound like you'd be detoxing (withdrawing) much at all if your just going from one synthetic opiate to another. (Suboxone and Methadone are both used to treat patients with opioid dependency or addiction). The only thing I would strongly recommend...

8 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I have severe case of Fibromyalgia with many flare ups where the pain becomes s bad I end up in the ER on dilaudid via IV. I became pregnant 6yrs ago and had been taking percocet for 2 years and was when I became pregnant so my OB/GYN advised on start on the methadone maintenance program. By the end of my term the clinic had me up to 175mg's. Recently I detoxed down 2 mg’s a week and now I am at 46mg's. It hurts something terrible. My PCP said after i’m thru detoxing that he will put me on a Vicodin patch s not to have to take pills again. My issue is as I go down even lower (I am holding at 46mg’s right now) I know my pain is going to be 100 times worse! My body cannot handle it and also I have a 6yr old daughter to take care of. I thought about a detox hospit...

7 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

taken 3.5 mg of zopiclone at long would this drug stay in the body...IE,24 hours, what is the build -up if taken evey other drugs involved or booze, age 80 use to-date 4 nights... ## The half-life of Zopiclone is roughly 6 hours and the time it takes for it fully process out of the body is usually 5 to 6 half-lives, so 30 to 36 hours, after last taking it. However, individual factors are always going to have an effect, such as your metabolism, overall health and etc. so this time frame isn't precise. Are there any other questions or comments? ## How long does Valium take to be metabolized by the body?

2 REPLIES Filed under Zopiclone

Had been in hospic for Aids. Doc thought I would die, but got better. Placed on 150 mg of methadone per day and 30 mg of morphine per hour (using 20 to 22 pills a day). Two weeks ago informed no pain clinic would treat me because of high dosages. Sent home for hospice two weeks ago and told they would begin the detox from methadone. Went from 150 to 140 to 130 to 125 to present dosage of 100mg of morphine and same amount of morphine. I would like to know what symptoms and side effects will I experience from detoxing this quickly from the methadone. ## Hi Anna! The withdrawals r TERRIBLE! I'm NOT trying 2 scare u, just being honest. U will feel like u have the worst flu, your whole body hurts bad , runny nose , sneezing , hot flashes and cold chills, u can't sit still. Not 2 ment...

22 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

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