Withdrawal From Vyvanse (Page 5)


My son had a terrible experience on wyvance. He has phyciatic systems to include halluciations. The doctor took him off the drup cold turkey and Ihe seems to be having withdrawal systems? Is that normal?

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We are in the same boat with our 6 year old son, 30mlg and he has been on it for about 4 weeks, we are concidering taking him off now because of all these posts and the side effects of hilucinations and withdrawl and dependency... What are we to do???? He is totaly not his usual self on this Medication!!

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RE Cap: Search the internet for alternatives..it could be something as simple as his diet..maybe he has a food allergy..etc...look for natural ways to treat your child..these drugs are powerful and can have long lasting consequences..look for support sites where other parents are having the same experience..don't give up..this medicine is new and they do not have answers to our questions..good luck to u

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My son, 9, has been taking vyvyanse 20 mg. for 8 months. Before that, he was on concerta, but with no results from that, his dr. switched him. He seemed to do good at first, his grades improved and he got along better with others. But lately, he has had extreme bouts of fatigue, nausea, fainting, irregular heartbeat, and trouble catching his breath. His Dr. removed him from the medicine 4 days ago, and the symptoms still remain. In fact, they have gotton so bad he cannot go to school because they send him home. They have ruled out any other medical reasons for this, except for his medicine. Parents, and children, any medicine you take will probably have side effects. Especially ADHD meds. Please, please read all about this medicine you can before putting your child on it. Just because one person says its good, doesn't mean it will be good for everyone else. And if you notice anything odd about your child, take him off at once.

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So we have officially taken our 6 yearold off of Vyvanse and his pediatrician put him on the lowest dose of Concentra (The Brand not the generic) we will see how this one works out. Heres hopeing for better results:)

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RE: CAP..glad to hear ur decision to take ur son off of this medication..educate yourself on the food additives in our food today..artificial sweeteners can affect u and ur child much the same as add, adhd, etc...also food coloring added to our food has a negative impact..i wish u the very best of luck..i do not know the diagnosis of ur son, but there are other alternatives..google things like " natural ways to treat this or that" or "does my child need this medicine" a good website is "naturalnews.com" and check out Dr Mercola's site also..Dr's are so quick to hand out meds without considering the side affects..sometimes we need to look in another direction..after all the longer we stay "sick" the more money they make..much luck to u all

There are thousands of sites out there ...

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Vyvanse, or lisdexamfetamine is a prodrug of dextroamphetamine. It is not a narcotic (narcotics are pain-killers such as morphine, Vicodin, OxyContin) but all amphetamines (including Vyvanse, Adderall, Desoxyn, Dexedrene, methamphetemine, etc.) can cause physical and psychological dependence and/or addiction. Addiction and dependence are not the same thing! If you are dependent on a drug you may not be addicted and you are not abusing it but you will get withdrawal symptoms. Amphetamine withdrawal symptoms are not deadly ot life-threatening just uncomfortable. I used to take Vyvanse and Adderall. And I am a Nursing Assistant becoming a Nurse and now about medication (: Any questions just ask -Michael

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My son, age 9, was placed on Vyvanse about 7 months ago for his ADHD. It worked well in helping with his hyperactivity but he has developed hand tremors, high blood pressure, and has literally pulled his hair out. Even after stopping the medication over a month ago, he continues to pull out his hair to the point that he looks like an old bald with most top hair now gone. He started at the front and now is over half way back on the top. Has anyone else had this problem? I am a licensed mental health professional and have not found anywhere that hair pulling is a side effect but have been advised by at least 3 psychiatrists that it is indeed a side effect of this medication.

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Hi. 23/Male. I just quit vyvance after intensely researching the effects that stimulants can bring onto someone. They're serious issues. I'll first tell you that I took adderall XR 20mg for 4 years straight (almost every day) and switched over to vyvance 30mg about a year ago. I had gotten so tired of feeling the way I do from taking this stuff- I knew I needed some answers and also some changes. After intense research, I knew I needed to QUIT immediately. People, this stuff is bad for you. I had definitely noticed changes in my personality and even felt anxious at times for no reason! I had never had any types of anxiety my whole life! Number one thing that was terrible was dependence of the Adderall/Vyvance. I felt that I needed it to function. You may feel that way but that's not the case-you DON'T NEED IT..withdrawal sucks and you have to fight through a couple rough weeks but once your body adjusts to not taking it, you gain your body's natural energy and overall health back. Personally, I am very disappointed in Many "doctors" out there. They should warn people and encourage them NOT to start taking these stimulants-instead, they write off scripts like it's no big deal. In conclusion- Extreme fatigue when not taken, dependence/addiction just to feel like you can function normally, changes in sleep patterns, jittery/shaky feelings, DEVELOPING anxieties you never had before, an just feeling braindead and not how you used to anymore. Just like most drugs out in the world, people will always realize that you end up taking a drug to help with one thing, then you ALWAYS end up having Many other problems as a result from taking the drug. Go natural, get the drugs out of your system, eat healthy, exercise, and have a positive outlook on life and you will see that those are the only things you need to feel alright and be productive in school/ a job etc..

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I hope that after reading all of these post you will take your child off of this poison. It is so sad that Doctors pass this stuff out without explaining all of the side affects. My son has been on this drug for a year and a half. His D. prescribed it to him with a history of bi-polar and hospitalizations. He was great at first and has gotton worse and worse. This was a beautiful, loving child. He is sitting in jail right now. I can't imagine what withdrawels he is going through. This stuff is bad news!

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I am just totally shocked at the amount of drug use in this country... and yes, I mean prescription meds. On this forum, I have read posts about 5 year olds to full grown adults medicating themselves, and for what? If this world, culture, whatever is too hard, demanding, etc. to deal with, then maybe it's time that we question where we are going. Why are we working so hard? Why are we pressuring each other so much? when will it end and what is the purpose?

Last night, my roommate freaked out and cut her arm deeply (12 stitches). This poor 25 year old girl is over-medicated, taking xanax, vyvanse for sure, and who knoews what else. In my opinion she shouldn't be taking anything at all!!! Don't we realize that these doctors are literally being payed through kick-backs and promotions to sell these pharmaceutical drugs to the population? That's right, your prescription is a sale, it is a transaction, it is a money-based action. Of course that is a motivation for the doctors!

It is time to wake up people! I do not intend disrespect, but you probably don't have adhd, or add, or anything. Stress, anxiety, etc. are natural feelings for humans to deal with. We can do it without the drugs. It's all about our perspective and realizing that we don't have to live by some crazy artificial ideal, we just have to live. Medicating yourself takes away your life, takes the naturalness out of life. I am scared to know how many people are on prescription drugs in this country.

Please people... go through the withdrawals and get off, become yourself again. Love yourself, stop trying to hide. And for the kids, parents please take your children off of these horrendous meds. The kids that I knew who used to take add and adhd meds in my jr. high and high school ended up having severe psycholigical problems later in life, drug addicitons, even overdoses. This is bad stuff. I have always thought that the kids aren't the problem in the schools, it is the structure of the education they are receiving that is boring them into acting out, etc. They are forced to follow these strict educational curriculums which aren't very mentally satisfying. On top of that the schools don't help kids develop the things they are good at and many kids get picked on, wrapped up in adolescent drama because it makes more sense to them compared to the stuff they are reading in their textbooks.

Drugs are not the answer

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learn to spell and use grammer

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Hello, I have been on Vyvanse for about 6 months...This is the first drug or treatment I have ever taken or sought out ON MY OWN-- my parents never forced me to take medication when I was in high school. This is when my symptoms started showing the most. Possibly due to my mom being diagnosed with ADHD herself. I was in denial for years that having ADHD would prohibit me from accomplishing things, because I wanted to be strong and I did not ever want to be dependent on anything or anyone other than myself. I am glad I waited to see a doctor when I felt I was no longer able to manage. My point is, that you should educate yourself, whether it be YOU, or your child, before you take the meds prescribed. I was aware of the consequence and power of taking any med daily. To think you will not have a withdrawl from any med you take for a prolonged period of time is ridiculous. Therefor if you experience more negative side effects than positive, then be all means get off the medication!!! I have an overall positive experience.. I am actually less aggressive, because I am generally less frustrated, and I am more patient and listen more to my boyfriend. Instead of constantly cutting him off, and walking away sometimes mid-sentence w/o knowing.. At work I am able to concentrate on finishing what I start in a way that I could explain what I did start to finish, and why. I also have a better comprehension of meetings, work/personal, books, and can just focus on something. Which I have NEVER been able to do. SO-- of course when I decide it is time to stop taking it or start another drug, I wouls expect to ween myself off of it hopefully. As you should w/ any drug treating adhd. I hope this was helpful.. Could go on for hours.. I still have negative symptoms too sometimes, but for me it has been a worthy risk. I am on 50 mgs. per day. This has worked well, and is what I started on..

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...this is contnued...I also have been paying particular attention to my diet, any non-prescription drug interactions( which is extremely important, I have allergies, and cannot take anything now that contains loratadine and pseudoephedrine which speed up your heart and blood pressure and anyone taking vyvanse should not take this). My doctor said benadryl is a better option. I always ask him about any interaction. Also, any medication can have serious allergic reactions, and for vyvanse or any med taken for a psychological benefit it is imperative to know what is completely abnormal. If I was hearing voices at this point in my treatment, or anything behaviorly abnormal I would stop taking it immediately. If I ever for any reason were to start taking on psychotic behaviors, which in no way shape or form were tendencies stemming from my ADHD (i.e: pulling out hair, violent or aggressive behavior, or hearing voices/hallucinating) it's BYE BYE Vyvanse for me!! This is not a 'usual', or casual symptom and should be taken seriously. The first week I had more symptoms, but have slim to none now that are of worry because I constantly research. I am 27, and my worst symptom has been a fluttering heart rate about two hours into taking it. The side affects listed on this page seem incredibly serious, and meds are not for everyone. There seem to be alot of options out there so don't give up on the first try, and nothing is a permanent fix. But NEVER continue something that feels WRONG. Because it probably is for you. Use your descretion, get opinions other than one doctor, and trust your instinct. Don't let turn into some psychosis for no reason. It just seems that biologically people who are actually diagnosed with ADHD respond differently to stimulant meds, depending on possibly, age, weight, height, biological predisposition. Ultimately, do what the label says, USE CAUTION!

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Your roomate seems deeply disturbed.. I hope she does get off the meds because a lot of doctors take no time on the individual to be able to make a judgement on if they have any other psychological imbalances.. She would prob just benefit by seeing a psychotherapist..(someone she can talk to:) Doesn't sound like ADD. Hope she gets better :)

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Oh! This was in response to Ali;)

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My 17 year old son was taking 60mg of vyvanse for the past 8 months as prescribed for his ADD. Initially he did well but over time his personality changed for the worse and he started to have bad physical symptoms. Rapid pounding heart rate, dizzy, light headed, tight chest, shortness of breath. Prior to taking this drug my son was very physically active and in great condition. We immediately notified the Dr. about his symptoms and he took him off the Vyvanse cold turkey. It has been 12 days and he can hardly function. Periodically still gets pounding heart rate, irregular heart rate, but is always dizzy,lethargic, and has fainting spells when he ties to move around. He has missed 7 days of school in the past 10 days. Does anyone else have experience with this withdrawal and its symptoms lasting so long? Thanks for any help you can give.

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I read all the previous posts. My husband has been on the Vyvance for a few months now, and his irritibility has increased. He missed two days of the medication and had a bout of rage so intense I've never witnessed before. I definitely want him off the drug but am not sure how to wean him.

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After reading your post about how to wean yourself from this awful drug, I wanted to assure you it is possible. My daughter who is 32 was given this drug because she worked the night shift, not only was that prescribed for the wrong reasons, she has successfully defeated the side affects and mood swings that came with the withdrawal. Sleeping and eating were also noticed. Vyvance depletes the dopamines in your brain and as long as your on it, they can't re-produce if you will. Do your homework before you make your decision, I do know the longer you are on it, the longer it will take and the more damage will occur. This drug needs to taken off the market, but it's making someone money so I don't see that happening. Good luck to you

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Michael please dont post things as facts if you dont know what your talking about. Shocking that your going into the medical field and dont know what your talking about. Vyvanse is extended release dextroamphetamine which is not as strong as methamphetamine but close to it. No u wont die from cocaine withdrawl or meth withdrawl but I AM IN DISBELIEF that you say it is not possible to become addicted to vyvanse and amphetamine. Amphetamines release an abundant amount of dopamine(feel good neurotransmiter) that can lead to addiction for many people so dont talk about stuff you clearly havent read about. VYVANSE is a schedule 2 drug under the DEA's controlled substances act. Other schedule 2 drugs are morphine, oxycotin and desoxyn(pill form methamphetamine). VYVANSE IS A NARCOTIC. Users who take a small amount of amphetamines orally every now and then to combat fatigue or get "high" usually do not have trouble stopping. However, people with a history of sustained low dose use quite become dependent and feel that they need the drug to get by. These users frequently keep taking amphetamines to avoid the "down in mood" they experience when the "high" wears off. IF YOUR DEPENDENT THEN YOUR ADDICTED, thats like saying so and so isnt addicted to alcohol hes just dependent on alcohol or else he has delirium tremens. Nothing you say has any scientific backing but everything I have said is true, you really should not comment on things as an authority on the subject and misleading people to believe you because your a nurse student. You sound like an employee for Shire(the company who produces Vyvanse and has just posted its best year of total revenue ever).

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It's been almost 2 years since Vyvanse reared it's ugly head toward me. I use to have dreams and aspirations, friends and family are almost non-existent. I am afraid this dark passenger will ride with me to my grave, reality is a blur and nothing seems to matter unless i'm on Vy.

taking somewhere between 350 - 400mg a day I have had pains in my body i have NEVER felt before, objects and sounds jump out at me. I couldn't say my ABC's or count to 10 in front of a crowd if my life depended on it...months fly by..half of which us spent in a whirlwind of Joy, chaos, bitterness, obssession, guilt...the other half in a comatosis/confused state.

I am not who I was 2 years ago, and i find it hard to believe i will ever be. I'm stubborn by nature so asking for "help" in this OBVIOUS TIME OF CRISIS is not going to happen i fear. Someone mentioned people don't like to admit they have failed at things in life and i couldnt agree more...pride is a two-edge sword..

i don't even know why i'm posting this, for it isnt helpful to anybody unless you havent started using yet. DO NOT. there are better things in life to enjoy, being crushed by a sea of overwhelming paranoia and hatred toward yourself is not one of them. Tomorrow is bday...maybe it'll be a good year and i'll cleanse myself of this poison, one can hope...I am not religious nor care for any words of "saving" you may have to share, nothing personal. Although if i were to believe there was a God, than there is surely a Devil who's color in shades of blue and orange is followed by the name...Lisdexampetamine

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