How Long After Suboxone Can U Take Hydrocodone
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Will taking a few hydrocodone, during withdraw from suboxone, prolong the time it will take to get over the suboxone?

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Re: Gypsy (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve taken subox. For 3 days last one was on a Monday, it’s now the following Monday and I still cannot feel effects of narcos. So if says 10-14 days then try,

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You can take OC one hour AFTER suboxone and you will feel the effects. NEVER EVER EVER take OC, then suboxone unless it has been at least 24hrs, since your last opiate dose. Precipitated withdrawl is the the worst thing, ever. it is hell on earth.

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Hi I wanted to know I've only Ben taking the suboxon for about 2 to 3 days now and it's only been about a 1mg or less once every morning around 6am when is the earliest I can take a hydrocodone 5 and will I get sick about how long after the suboxon can i take one

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On what do you base your advice? You don't seem very knowledgable about subs at all. You are basically spewing the info from the packet insert, which is very general and usually inaccurate.

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Here's how suboxone works, the Naloxone which is the same as Narcan is to prevent you from being able to take any other opiates while it's in effect, it works very short-term though only 45-90mins. So after it wears off the Buprenorphine has had time to take effect. Even though Buprenorphine has a longer onset once it takes effect it has a very long half-life that lasts 12-24hrs. It dominates your receptors during this time so that if any other opiates are taken you won't be able to feel them. So as far as withdrawls go you only have to worry about that before you take a Sub for the most part and as for the withdrawls off of Sub's as long as the lortabs don't become a habit then they can help.

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I've taken some sub's for like 4 days.. Usually a 8 a day..I get my Vic's Wednesday.. I started suboxone.. So will I feel the pain meds Wednesday?

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Hello, Pat! How are you?

The Hydrocodone will not have any effect, since the Naloxone in the Suboxone blocks it and the Buprenorphine is what will have the stronger grip on your opiate receptors. You have to be off of Suboxone for several days, before you can take anything else.

The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Are you following your doctor's taper schedule?

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