False Positive For Fentanyl? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I go to pain mgt and tested positive for fentanyl. I had never even heard of this before I was questioned. I take 7.5 hydrocodone, cymbalta, nuerontin, and ambien. Could any of these cause a false positive? I am completely stumped and worried this will effect my future treatment when I've done nothing wrong.

31 Replies (2 Pages)

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My husband just got fired from his pain management doctor for the same reason! He has Never taken phentanol. The doctor just said oh well it's accurate and quickly left the room. The entire staff stared at us like we were criminals. When I questioned the lab tech she was just as rude.

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I was in the hospital this past weekend while there they performed a blood test which showed I had taken Fentanyl which is not at all possible. I've heard that Gabapentin can cause a false positive. Does anybody know if this is true?

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Fortunately, they do believe me because it is happening a lot at the same place with clients that have been in good standing for quite some time, all for the new fentynal test that just took effect, but if it happens again, they will be further investigating.

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I hear ya!
Same thing happened to me !
The dr told me that just bcuz people lie doesn't make them a bad person!
Wow! I didn't lie!
She acted like if I changed my answer(if I lied to her) that she wld keep prescribing it to me!
How can these Drs sleep at nite?!
They're such power trippers! Lol
My ua after that was clean!
Nice that drs give you the benefit of the doubt!
What kind of dr patient relationship is that?!
Actually it was a relief to leave that Drs office and especially with a clean conscious of knowing I did not lie!
Oh I take Ritalin, Wellbutrin, omeprozole, oxycodone, lisinoprel and methocarbomal.
Does anyone know if any of my meds can mimic Fentanyl?

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I have never taken fentanyl and I tested positive. I am just wondering how this can happen? I don't take any pain drugs. All I take is methadone, trazodone, venlafaxibe, clonazepam, quetiapen, naproxen and a migraine med. I have no clue. A lady at work gave me a muscle relaxant for my migraine. Is it possible if she is on fentanyl coated pills that it cross contaminated onto the muscle pill? That is the only way that I believe it physically got into my body. Please respond.

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My grandson found an old bag with fentanyl residue in it. He touched it while throwing it away. He tested positive on a urine test of fentanyl. Could this be because he touched the residue?

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Why is it I keep coming up fentanyl and I been clean for over 6monthe the besides one time about 40days ago but they say it been positive before that and after that for ab4months I only take methadone and seroquals for sleep

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HELP!!!! I have also tested false-positive for Fentanyl on a mouth swab test for DCS. I also take Suboxone, Gabapentin, Remeron, Omeprazole, Cymbalta, Micronor (birth control), and Melatonin. I KNOW I haven't been exposed to this drug, what could cause this?? They are opening a DCS case and I could lose custody of my son because of this. The mouth swab took over 10 minutes to administer, and it did NOT turn blue, my mouth was so dry I couldn't get any spit to come out because I was having a panic attack. The Fentanyl showed up at 15.8 ng, which is a HIGH LEVEL. My Suboxone only showed up as 4.8 ng, and I took 16 mg the night before.

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What ever came of it?
I, too am an RN and may lose my license and or go to jail due to a false positive test. What happened with you?

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I go to a pain clinic and get tested for meds via a urine test and I tested positive for fentanyl but I don't take that, but do change my wife's patches every three days. Could this make my test positive?

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I failed a urine drug screen for fentanyl and did not take any whatsoever. Could any other medication be the reason as to why this happened?

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