Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 140)
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Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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You are so right about the gap between the rich and poor becoming wider.
Every utility I use has increased almost on a monthly basis for around six months now. I have spent time on the phone with each of them, looking for a solution to reduce my monthly bill. They tack things on the bills, like a $10 service fee for billing us. What happened to that being a part of their cost of doing business? Any utility or company that offers on-line billing, I have opted to take (save the trees). At one point that was a reduction on the bill, because it reduced their costs. No longer.
Gasoline increases by $1.50, then a week or so later it's lowered by .45 cents and we are told we just had a decrease in cost of gasoline, no my math says it was a $1.05 increase. And food costs just keep rising and rising. We didn't need a health care insurance premium increase to add to our problems.
If you are young, if you have a decent job, if it's in an industry that can afford to give pay raises and if you are healthy and able to work, perhaps all these increases don't impact as greatly as they do people on a fixed income. Boy that was a lot of "if" LOL

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Just a little clarification of what I meant about unreasonable tax amounts, every year there's a little piece on the news about when we are finished paying our taxes and then begin to work for our own benefit. Every year that date is a little further into the year. Last I paid attention to that date, it was the later part of June. That seems like an unreasonable tax amount to me.
Perhaps if we had a lower tax amount to pay, we could afford to pay for our health insurance.

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I am in a mood today LOL Stormy weather almost always causes my pain level to rise, and it is "high" pain today and was also all night, didn't sleep too well. I have the oxycodone for breakthrough pain, and I just "broke down" and took one, so perhaps my attitude will improve as the pain gets to be less. The question is, will this post appear before my last, or will I sound "crazy" again LOL. I am sick of the Obama Care already, and I am willing to bet, that like every other "stupid" law that has passed, this one will hang around for years, adversely affect "the working poor", and it will be decades before Congress takes any action to correct it.
Doesn't help my attitude, that the "bills" started rolling in yesterday from the three surgeries my husband just had on the veins in his legs. He has diabetes and has for several years had circulation problems, in his feet and legs. He also as a machinist has stood on his feet for over 25 years on concrete floors running machines. Oh, I didn't mention it, but he was working, not running machines for the fun of it. Obama Care which was suppose to help us, as I told you, has done nothing but hurt us by raising his health insurance premium by over $200 per month ($200 plus that we didn't have), lowered the amount the insurance company pays on procedures, and increased the amount of "out of pocket" we have to pay before they pay. I see the amounts we owe, and now I'm worried as to how we are going to pay it. He had insurance coverage before Obama Care, and his copay, coverage, our portion and everything about it, was what we could afford for him.

BL has been defending this Act, saying that there are portions that are going to be helpful to the pain management of the chronic pain patients, still haven't gotten any guidance about where this information is, so I'm beginning to wonder if it even exists. Before this Act passed Congress, I heard how wonderful it was going to be, how it was going to force people who make over $100K a year to purchase Health Insurance (what gives anyone the right to force someone to purchase anything). The people making over $100K a year, weren't entitled to any assistance for medical anyway, so if their choice was to pay expenses out of pocket, whose business is that? Don't see how the government should be allowed to say how they spend their income, unless the government is picking up the tab for their expenses. I heard how this act was going to make insurance affordable to the working poor who couldn't afford the premiums. I heard how the amount of paperwork that would be required for medical facilities to be in compliance would increase dramatically (another cost for medical facilities who aren't going to absorb that expense, pass it on to the patient). I heard how the IRS would be the "enforcement agency" to levy a penalty on those of us who didn't comply (great idea, give the IRS another task, when they couldn't manage what they were responsible for. Let them send out a few more tax refunds to people who have been dead for years.). You and your ex are among the many people that have said, it created no premiums that you could afford. It also hasn't made you any more eligible than you were for the existing government programs. If you are eligible for assistance now, you were most likely eligible before Obama Care.

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Receiving the amount from SSDI that your ex is getting, tells me that he worked and earned a reasonable amount of money. So he paid his taxes, paid his Medicare (along with his employer). Perhaps that was his mistake. Had he not worked as much, or had he not earned a reasonable amount of money, he may be entitled to some assistance in his time of need.
Seems sort of backward that if you try to succeed, that you are in the end "punished" for that. Something is drastically wrong with our "system" in our country, and it does require an overhaul.
Perhaps what we need is to go back to the time before any "social welfare" programs, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid etc., and without unreasonable taxes. When the money you earned was not taken by the government with promises of how this would be to your benefit in the end. When the money you earned was yours to plan for your own retirement. Money you earned was yours to pay for your own health care. When the elderly, sick and disabled were cared for by family, charity, or religious organizations. When the family was able to care for "their own" because their money was also their own. That is a pipe dream, because once someone has their hand in your pocket to the extent the government does, no way are they going to give up that access.

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I believe that many of the problems I have had, have been caused by the fact that I have almost always been part of the "working poor". Being employed eliminated me from many programs, yet I didn't have the earnings to afford what the "system" felt I should be able to afford, such as health insurance.

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Estate Recovery isn't what I was asking about. Colorado had a law called "Medicaid Recovery Act" which isn't just Estate Recovery. When I applied for help with the cost of medication (prior to receiving Medicare), I was given paperwork to sign which agreed that any costs incurred by Medicaid were to be recovered from me, by attachment of any assets I may have.
As Medicaid is a federal program run by individual states, do any other states have the "Medicaid Recovery Act". Did the Affordable Health Care Act eliminate the Medicaid Recovery Act?
Estate Recovery is fair. My brother-in-law has Huntington's Disease and is in a facility. At this point, the combination of his SSDI, union retirement, and assets, have enabled us to pay all his expenses. If circumstances should change, such as a huge increase in the cost of his care, and we were to apply for Medicaid to assist, it is only fair that any assets he has become theirs.
Where can I find the portion of the Affordable Health Care Act that is going to help chronically ill people? Still haven't been able to find it.

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Next time I'm there I will pencil on paper again
of the 68 of my brother marines that I went to boot camp with that did not come home and died for a lie. I can not give you mine. I look at them once a year but than it takes a couple weeks to get my composure back.

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What state are you in been going through with drawls for two weeks. Went to one of those Suboxone doctors because could not find a doctor that has the guts to stand up for those in need. He told me and less I was buying drugs off the street. By law cannot help me. So I would have to lie and tell him I was buying H or drugs off the street to get help. And since I do not lie and would not tell them when I'm not by illegal drugs just so I can get help I'm screwed. You will be hearing from me soon on a bigger scale. I will be trying to get a blog together to tie into all social sites on veterans sites and on any Other site wants to March on Washington DC I want to get as many veteran involved and wear the uniforms. I will be contacting groups like rolling thunder,tea party this will be a peaceful march no weapons I want Americans that have taken the oath to defend our Constitution and those who believe that this Government as and is not living up to their other to protect the Constitution. I went to the first tea party march where there was at least a million but cnn and all the other left ring news papers Lie about how many where. I do not care if you are a democrat or conservative or independent Republican or the only thing I care about you believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States. And want those rights back. When this blog starts it will have all the prove needed to show why the want to take away the 1 and 2 just for starts and this march will need to be organized soon before Anymore bills about items that will be proof positive. I can not do it a lone. It is going to take all of us. Food for thought once they turn our veterans into to Depended on there drug of choice the will be helpless and unable to stand up for there. Because Uncle Sam is going to be their drug dealer.

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I would not walk across the street to urinate on him if he was on fire. And with one arm I most likely would come out on the wrong end. Unless he was willing to tie one behind him. But he does not even have the gonads to take me up on the Challenge. That's how I know he is a Progressive. That want someone else to fight and die for them. BL is just another pile of dog crap working with the socialist party. How about BL 5 minutes locked room you and me.

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Marianne, if his check is more than app $741 a month, then he is receiving SSDI not SSI. SSDI comes with Medicare. But, it doesn't kick in until 29 months after his Established Onset Date, that is the date that Social Security or the Administrative Law Judge decided he bacame disabled. The 29 months is the 5 month waiting period and the 24 month.

You may want to see if you qualify for help with your Medicare expenses. Go to the Medicare gov website and put Medicare Savings Program in the search bar. This pays your Medicare Premium and also helps with deductibles and co/pays. Also put in Extra Help. This help with Medicare Prescription Part D expenses, as well as the cost of prescriptions meds. Both of these programs are income and resource based. But, it won't hurt to check them out to see if you qualify.

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Thank you, BL, for your kind explanation. My ex makes 1800/mo in the SSI checks, so I guess that leaves him out, for Medicaid too. But, it is not enough for him to live on his own, have help, and pay for expensive insurance too. I just don't know why this is happening to him, why this is happening to all of us. I, of course do not get medicaid, even though I make less than the national poverty level. I don't get medicaid either and I am disabled and 63. So, this means I have to get a supplemental, which, for me, is also expensive. I don't know how Obama thinks he has helped people, when he has hurt them. I was so happy, when he became president, because I thought he would do good for all, including helping with the discrimination problem we are having, still, in this country. Of course it doesn't help the greedy republicans aren't cooperating with him, as well. It is so discouraging, our President, doesn't care about the poor, just the middle class and the upper class. Yet, if the poor were helped, there would be less programs, less stress on our economy and they are also productive if they had the money to have the proper education to have higher paying jobs, instead of minimum wage. But, no one thinks of that, in our government. It's all about the money, the rich actually do get richer and the poor are becoming more and more poor. How is this a great country, when it can't take care of its own? Other countries, with less incomes, take care of their old and sick, for free. Why can't we study these countries and see how they succeed at this? But, the interest isn't there. Just kill off the poor, the old the sick, this is what the DEA/FDA and others are trying to do with Chronic Pain Patients and others. They allow Cancer patients to have their pain medications, but that's only because those cancer patients are going to die, soon. What about those who don't die, but continue to have their bodies, racked in pain, killing them slowly? I've lost over 70 pounds, in the last month, alone and am still losing. Pain is a vicious circle, making me not want to eat, can't eat, sleep, do anything that is healthy for my body. I try to use my Gazelle, I bought for my fiance', while he was first sick, thinking the exercise would help him, slow the cancer, but it is too difficult. My muscles are wasting away. I have always been in such good physical shape. I have always had great jobs, coming from a middle class family, but thanks to circumstances, the government, I am useless. This is just not my story, but many people's stories. The poor do not want to remain poor, the sick do not want to be sick, the chronic pain patients do not want to be in pain. Yet, here we are, in the greatest country, in the world, and there is no help in sight. Just rhetoric from politicians, every day, every month, every year. No one really cares. I fear for our children, our grandchildren, their futures. My parents never worried, this much. Their parents didn't either. But, we are saddled with these worries, as well. I've seen the situation become worse, hopeless, more and more, each day. I don't see anything positive for Chronic Pain Patients, the poor or others, in serious situations, ever happening again. Even though I continue to pray, so very hard for us all.
Well, I have gone on, far too much, when I only wanted to thank you, BL, for your information. It is good information, but unfortunately information that can't be used. Yet, I know it is helpful for some here, who don't understand about these things. So, thank you, for that. If you will continue to help with such information, perhaps you won't upset others, by not talking about people not getting the very things that help them. Thank you and may GOD Bless you, BL.

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Hello all I'm disabled and get Medicaid an Medicare i get 1 check every 3rd of the month I'm in so much pain i thought i was doing a good thing by getting. of the pain meds on off for a year but now that i just can't take it no more my doctor. is giving me all types of crap that is more for deppession not for my spine and half dozen other problems i lowered my tolerance so they would work so i can get by day by day but he keeps giving me the run around saying i won't let you continue to be in pain no sure he gave me meds with bad bad effects and i really need the help if anyone knows a doctor in Virginia that with proof and okayed by painmanagement write my scripts. once a month any help is better than none in in Lynchburg Roanoke area but might travel if i have to so anyone plz let me no thanks Kenneth

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Marianne, if the checks say "SSI" then he should receive Medicaid. Medicaid comes with SSI. If he does not receive Medicaid, he needs to call Social Security Administration or his county Medicaid office. If he meets the income and resourse requirements for SSI, he also meets them for Medicaid. In some states you automatically receive Medicaid when you receive SSI, in others all you have to do is make the Medicaid application. If he is currently only receiving SSI and is not entitled to SSDI in a few months, he didn't have enough recent work credits. The only way he will be eligible for Medicare in 2 yrs if he in not receiving SSDI before thn will be because he will turn 65 and the SSI will change over to Social Security Retirement, which comes with Medicare.

CO Susie, Estate Recovery is when someone 55 or older goes into a nursing facility and signs a statement giving the state permission to recovery Medicaid costs for their care upon their death from the persons assets. All states currently have Estate Recovery. It does not apply if someone doesn't meet the above criteria.

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what's the doctors name and how much does he charge ???I just lost my insurance and pm doctor wants $200 a visit to write my scrips . thanks

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Yes, Susie, I agree with you, the pain medications aren't for us to enjoy, but to enjoy our lives, as normally as possible. We don't want to be burdens on society or anyone. Without them, we can't function, spending our time in bed, depending on others to help us. If family isn't near, like mine, then we have to depend on strangers, who may need to help others, much older and worse than us. If that is possible, they can be worse. We want to be part of the community, so we can help others, but how can we do that, in bed?
I have been so miserable, as late as last night, not being able to sleep at all, I'm sure it is affecting my health, even worse. I am worried about the Norco, affecting my kidneys and see signs that it is happening. But, I keep drinking my cranberry juice and keep praying, everything won't get worse, til I get to a doctor. If I can find one. The two I found, which I am not sure they will see me, are 60 years old. This means, they will retire soon and then, I am looking again. With two doctors already quitting on my, I am so worried I will be thought as a junkie bouncing from doctor to doctor, just to get my fixes. But, that is so untrue. Most of the doctors, regardless of the population, in my area is booming, are moving back to Tucson and Phoenix, where the real money is. We are not a poor town, just have a lot of poor around us, yet, they leave, anyway. The weather here is better than most places, no or little snow, that melts, right away, no tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and all that Mother Nature throws at us. Right now, we are in our low 80's. Beautiful day, today. This is why people are retiring here, or just getting away from where they are. So, I don't understand why the darn doctors are leaving. But, such is life, I guess, I can't spend time on figuring that out, but am spending time, searching the Internet for natural remedies to help my challenges. Trouble is, everything is so expensive and isn't covered on the insurance. What would make sense, if the insurance companies would pay for those, trying to get people to stay well. But, then again, they probably won't make so much money and that is what insurance is all about, isn't it. Not about caring for their clients. Sigh. Just like the doctors are becoming, money, not patient care. Oh, I could go on, but I've written enough, as it is.
I am praying for all those who are suffering, not getting the medications and help they need, on here...

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Hi Co Susie,
Thanks for your well wishes. He was supposed to come, to me, at the end of August, but something happened, so he won't get to me until the end of September. I just hope, he isn't made to go to fight the ISIS, for that would be horrible. He's been in the service for over 28 years, he's 58 and I'm hoping he will be able to retire.

To be honest, I had hoped, once we are married, I would be able to have some VA insurance, to supplement my Medicare, but really didn't think it would happen. I am hoping I can find a good doctor, (ha, ha), before he comes, to try and get one of the new meds, I've been seeing, maybe the one you are taking? It is really disgusting what they are doing to the soldiers, who have fought and are fighting for our country. What is the matter with this country? I bet our fore fathers are rolling over in their graves, by now. Poorer countries have it better, health care wise, than we have here, and we are supposed to be the richest country, in the world, or close to it. What a joke.

Anyway, thank you for your lovely post, my dear friend. I always like to hear from you and wish you all the best too, including your lovely daughters. I sure hope they will not suffer like you and I, perhaps the future will be better for them? Yeah right. But, I will pray for all of you, my dear...


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You just gave me bunches of meds to look up LOL. I know nothing about any of those LOL.
I did notice that when you have pain medications to assist you, that you try to continue on with a normal life. That's part of what I was just saying to Veteran. I'm always looking for ways to improvise and overcome. Pain medication is what keeps the pain to the level that I want to improvise and overcome, without it, I am in bed.

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Great about the Captain. That would be wonderful for you.

Oh my goodness, I almost said something really stupid, which Veteran can say is true also. I almost said, how wonderful, perhaps the marriage would get you more options on medical care, but from what I have seen with our daughters, that is no longer true.
They are both married to active duty military members, but the dependent health care benefits have been gutted to the point that they both have trouble with finding doctors and getting decent care. Health care of our veterans is all over the news, so no need to go into that.
The oldest daughter has had a problem with her back since the birth of her son 10 years ago. Only this year did they finally order an MRI (why 10 years of waiting, oh I know, cause she was under 30 years old so she must be a druggie and just after pain meds). Surprise she actually has a medical condition that is very apparent on the MRI. She has a degenerative bone disease which has eaten away at her discs.

Away from that negative. Congrats again on the Captain. When does he discharge?

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Haven't heard from you for awhile, hope you are doing well. Thanks for the info on the new VA bill. If you get a chance, it would be wonderful if you could post the info again. I'm always wanting to pass internet site info on. I'm not sure if it's my eyesight or my typing abilities, but something I do is wrong, and people don't get the site info.

Big Brother, now that's a subject that we could possibly write a book on LOL. I wondered about monitoring of this website. Even had a couple of my "old timer friends" warn me that I may be opening a can of worms by giving information about my life on a public forum. I felt as if I would take that chance. I was feeling so alone, and that I am completely alone in the problems that I'm facing on a day to day basis. I have shared my feelings with the "old timer friends" but only one of those people has a chronic illness, and unless you face a chronic illness or chronic pain, you can't understand how someone who does feels.

Lots of people, my husband included, have faced short term illness or short term pain, but they always have the knowledge that things will be better. If not tomorrow, then next week. That is so different from knowing that it won't be better tomorrow, and it won't be better next week or next month or next year. I hold out on hope for next year, there may be a scientific breakthrough LOL I don't give up. I fight to keep my life as normal as possible and to be able to participate in what others around me are doing (sometimes I participate by watching, but at least I am still a part of my family's life). May be the military background but I believe in improvise and overcome. I look for small ways to accomplish what I was able to do prior to being ill. Shop vac instead of a regular vac, Shark steamer instead of a mop, small bags instead of regular, etc. It's not possible for me to mop, vac, clean, finish any one chore at one time. Now I always have to start, do a little, rest, do a little, and some days not accomplish it, but continue on the next day or day after. I am always interested in hearing how others do the normal everyday chores, that keep them a part of everyday life within their family. People who aren't chronic or don't live with a chronic person, can not have a concept of what is faced, no matter how kind they are,

I think that the hopelessness that chronic patients feel is part of what others have tried to explain to BL, who doesn't seem to get it, which causes others to get angry with BL. BL hasn't responded to my repeated questions on where in the Act is the great information about pain management, so I'm beginning to wonder if it exists, or perhaps BL isn't so ill, and is just amusing him/herself with the website.

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Thanks CoSusie for that information about Humana. You are right, about AARP, my fiance', tried to get auto insurance from them, the Hartford, but they messed up, terribly and were too expensive, after he signed up. I will go online about the Humana. My biggest challenge, besides myself, is my ex-husband, who has no insurance at all. It is so expensive, for him, what are poor people supposed to do? This really angers me.
Oh, by the way, I don't know about Norco being the same as Vicodin, I think it may be stronger. Oxycodin, is like Morphine, if I am not mistaken, for she had me on that, then changed it, by mistake to morphine, which worked the same. Neither of these are now available through the doctors, down here. I am not sure if a doctor will see me, once he finds out about my chronic pain. How sad, I thought they took an oath, guess I was wrong... It's all about them and their money.

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