What Does Neurontin Show Up As On A Drug Screen (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Does anyone know if Neurontin shows up as anything on a drug screen?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I took Gabapentin (Neurontin) and they have shown up as methamphetamine in my system on a drug screen. So obviously it shows up as something. I lost a chance at a good job because I'm on these. And yes it's my prescription.

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dcoh (# 6) -

I am in a methadone program and wanted to know if they sent your screen to a lab, so I can know if it will show up on mine or not?

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Yes! I can and will positively show up if you are being specifically tested got it. Pain management Drs and Addiction Drs are however usually the only agents who utilize said test. It is not on a 3, 5, 7, 9, or 11 panel drug test. It could be on a 13 but I don't think so. Good luck and be careful of Gabapentin, it's horribly addictive and u will have miserable withdrawal if you're on a high dose a stop taking it abruptly... #experience

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Re: Me (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

What state are you in drug court in? I'm in drug court too so i want to know if it will come up.

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Does neurontin show up on a urine test in Oklahoma for probation?.i need to know.thanks.

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I was in the methadone clinic. For about a year. They had drug test cups that did instant results. I think it tested for 5 drugs. Anyways. One of the tests was for methadone I had just dosed that day. And then did my drug screen. The methadone did not show up on the screen. My therapist says that they must of had a bad batch of drug screen cups. She even admitted that there drug screens were not accurate. That's scary if your doing it for court.

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Re: ashtre (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

What does it show up as when it's sent off to the lab ? I need to know asap

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Will nuerotin show up in a hair folicul I have to take one in 90 days for my job

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Re: kipper (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

It will kill you. It's equivalent to taking methadone and xanax.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I took a neutrotin and I have a hair test coming up I hope it won't show up

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Re: Me (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

how do they test you do they send it off or in a cup

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Re: Jbaby20161985 (# 50) Expand Referenced Message

I'm also in a halfway house and haven't failed a test yet, and I take subs and neurontin.

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I'm on suboxone and used to take neurontin all the time. To answer your question the suboxone has no affect on the neurontin. It will not block it.

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This is quite incorrect. My fiance was a CHRONIC Xanax user and he went to jail on a saturday, still tested for them tuesday, and they were completely gone by Thursday. And it's also not true about the specific drug you take. For example, my boyfriend has a prescription for suboxone, and I have one for subutex. When he was arrested, the urinalysis was sent to a medical laboratory where they specifically test the best in the nation, and they could NOT tell that he has taken any of my subutex for replacement. If you actually get educated about this kind of stuff, you'll see that that's why manufacturers make their products that are in the same class as "like" drugs. Xanax and valium can also not be seperated because he had both of those in his system as well and all that found was benzos.

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It did at CPS texting in Butte county California, twice. After being sent to the lab it was determined that is what caused a positive for morphine on two separate occasions. That is why you tested for morphine do you should have requested a lab analysis.

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Does neroten show up on drug test there are a bunch of no's and yes so does it or doesn't

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you are wrong gabapentin and neurotin may come up as a benzo since one use is for benzo withdrawals it can show false positive if you use more than 150mgs

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Re: aaron (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

No bupropion is an antidepressant, the enzymes don't present as illicit drugs

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Thank you my fiance takes suboxone but this weekend he has had a lot of knee pain and needs surgery but he took adavan so it wld relax him BC he can't take anything for pain I however only take gabapentin and they do test directly in office so thanks

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I have a pre employment drug screen today. I'm so worried because they don't allow you to tell them any prescription drugs you're taking. I'm on gabapentin, acetaminophen/cod 30mg, and amoxicillin. Do I have anything to worry about? I really need this job.

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