Taking Subutex And Percocet Together (Page 3) (Top voted first)


My doctor just put me on subutex along with percocet. I've been on percocet for yrs for severe and chronic migraines. He told me to take the subutex and if it doesn't work to take a percocet. I usually take 15 mg percocet at a time. I've read some stuff online that worries me. Some people say if you take percs with subutex you'll go into withdrawals. I went through severe withdrawals with fioricet months ago and I don't want to go through that hell again. I took my first subutex about an hour ago and I still have a migraine so I want to take a perc now. Can I do that or will I get sick?

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Ok, I am not sure where you people are getting your info at but I'll say this. Subutex does not have an opiate blocker in it. Therefore it will not affect Percocet, Vicodin, or any opioids. Suboxone does have an opiate blocker, and you should avoid taking any opioids with that. Now as far as feeling or not feeling the Percocet if you are prescribed Subutex is something I can't answer completely because everyone is different. I'll just day from my past experience that I have taken both and been fine. I am not a Dr, just a very experienced patient. This is not medical advice.

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Re: Mr clean (# 575) Expand Referenced Message

I will settle it for you. I posted below as I work as a nurse in a pain clinic at Brigham and Women's hospital in Boston. We have a patient on 6mg of subutex but she takes it 3 times a day for pain. Today she came in as sick as a dog; sweat dripping off her face, twitching and shaking. We asked her what happened she said she took her 6am 2mg dose of subutex and was fine. But at 10am she had horrific pain (she has a bad nerve disorder) so she tried taking a 2 perks at 10am for the pain. (It was from an old script before she switched to subs) she said the perks did very little but she was desperate. She knew it was wrong to take but she planned on telling the doctor because apparently she's been having a very bad week. Anyway, she then continued and took her next dose of subs at noon and she said by 12:20 she was drenched in sweat and started shaking. She didn't think she would make the appointment at 1. She was so sick. The doctor told her she never should have taken the subutex so soon after the perk. He was also angry since she was no longer prescribed it. He told her not to do it again or she would get in trouble. But he did tell her that when she took the perk at 9am or whatnot, then she should have waited at least 12 hours before taking her next dose of subutex. So yes you can take them but you have to wait 12 hours after taking an opiate to start taking the subs again or you will be very sick like this patient today.

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Its naloxone not narcan get it right if your offering others helps. Subutex= buepanorphine... Spelling?
And suboxone= buepanorphine+naloxone. Its the naloxone that makes people sick.

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****Best Answer***** Here is the best answer to the original question... Swim had 2 8mg Subutex and over the course of 6 days swim took them nasally, the last bit Swim took at 11 30 pm on day 6 .. On the seventh day Swim had no more Subutex, but Swim did have 2 Rox 30s... So Swim decided to smell half of one of the 30s around 2 pm, Swim did not feel much (which would be the case if Swim had not been using Subutex) So Swim ate Lunch and about 30 minutes after the first smell, Swim decided he was not feeling any worse, if anything Swim was feeling a little better. So Swim smelled the other half... 5 minutes later, Swim was Swimming in a pool of Euphoria and Swimming just fine, didn't even need his Swimmies to float. Swim guinea pigged himself for this specific question and Swim came out like Michael Phelps. Yes you can go swimming after Subutex, Just make sure you wait over 12 hours or a little more before Swimming. Swim Out!

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My previous post warns against the danger of using opiates, but wasn't exactly useful info for the thread. I see a bunch of back and forth and honestly don't know where people are getting some of this info....researched extensively and had very in depth convo with doctor before taking suboxone, so here it is the 100% correct info on this...

Suboxone is the same as Subutex except it contains Naloxone, an opiate blocker. There's such a small amount of Naloxone included it only comes into effect if shot up, which will not allow the user to feel the Buprenorphrine in the Suboxone from shooting. Hence the user doesn't get high from it. Used orally the Naloxone has absolutely no effect and the Buprenorphrine is allowed to do its job. The Bup is such a strong binder to opiate receptors in the brain, it negates any other opiate taken afterwards. Yeah, maybe if you take enough opiates after using Suboxone you'll get some effect, but nothing close to what the high would normally be. Buprenorphrine has about a 36 hour half life, so even a day after the effects of another opiate are very weak. On the other hand, if an opiate is taken and the user is high, and then takes Suboxone, the Buprenorphrine literally kicks the opiate off of the receptors in the brain. Therefore, instead of having the opiate slowly removed from the body with withdrawals slowly kicking in, the user goes from high to a withdrawal state immediately, causing severe acute withdrawal symptom which from all accounts is pure hell.

Summary - Suboxone before opiates you're in the clear, but don't experience very much of a high if any. Opiates before Suboxone, you're going to immediately be thrown into severe withdrawals and want to die. For anyone that's ever been prescribed Suboxone, that's why the doctors wants to wait until the patient is already experiencing withdrawals to avoid the immediate and terrible symptoms.

Hope this helps!! Definitely accurate FYI.

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Naloxone has nothing to do with it. Naloxone is only In suboxone to prevent misuse of the product. Buprenorphine has such a high binding affinity to the opiate receptors that if you take buprenorphine too soon after you take say hydrocodone or oxycodone, that the buprenorphine will throw off the remaining oxycodone/hydrocodone on your opiate receptors and send you into withdrawls

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I am taking 480mg of Oxycodone a day down from 840mg. daily. Need to pass a drug panel in the near future. Does Subutex take away the pain as well as Oxycodone? If not, can you take Oxycodone say at bedtime? If not then how many hours before Oxy works again once you stop taking the Subutex.? What other drugs are recommended while on subutex? Can you take Xanax? Before I was on Oxycodone I was taking Vicodin. My highest daily dosage was 15 Norco tablets which has 150mg of Hydrocodone. On sundays I did not do anything but watch TV so I did not take any Norco and had no withdrawl symptoms what so ever. Not so lucky with Oxycodone. I was wondering - what is the most Oxy anyone has taken on a daily basis w/o suffering any withdrawl discomfort? Also is it normal to be able to take the quanity of hydrocodone I took w/o any problems stopping. I wonder because I remember watching the TV show "HOUSE" and the doctor was grabbing the toilet one episode while off his meds. He was taking Vicodin 5mg./500mg. - the lowest dosage and they never showed him taking more than 2 at a time. The max. being 8 pills a day due to the acetaminophen max. at 4000mg. So what gives? Are the producers trying to scare people about Vicodin? Again, I had no trouble not taking any Vicodin on sundays while taking 150mg. otherwise and the good doctor is puking etc. from a withdrawl from 40mg. a day? Has anyone suffered withdrawl from Vicodin? Also whats the most Oxycodone anyone has taken daily and able to stop w/o problems? Thank you for your response.

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You people are confusing these others looking for help. It is now a common practice for a pain manager to prescribe subutex with opiates for severe pain. I have been on morphine and subutex for two years now and it is a wonderful combo. Things are changing and the pain management world understands the benefits of using subutex with opiates. The FDA just approved an extended BUP patch that pain managers prescribe with opiates for break through pain relief. Don't listen to these others who can't differentiate between subutex and suboxone. Talk to your physician about this new concept of using both in combination for pain management. Suboxone is used to help get off opiates and other major addictions and subutex is used for pain and has been for many decades now. Good luck!

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I think it all comes down to each individuals own chemical makeup. Some can take Subutex some do better with Suboxone. Some have to wait out the whole shelf life. Some don't. Some are more immune to opiates some are not. I mean let's get real. everyone is different.....Heck, sometimes I feel my perc 30's after being off of Subutex within hours, sometimes it takes me more percs to feel anything. Sometimes I only wait 12 hours, or less & take Suboxone after my percs. Either way......personally I have never experienced any withdrawls fron Suboxone or Subutex. Now I am prescribed just Roxi 30's @ 6 daily. It's what works for me. I have been on pain meds for 10 yrs now. I hate it cuz I have tried, w/doc, several combos of meds & am sick of these drugs controlling my life! However, I refuse to suffer so I continue. Please people.....it's natural to ask advice from others however, we really are all different and the best advice I could give would be to seek counsel with your physician. If your just taking to experience the high & don't have a doc then please just be careful folks. Peace Out.......

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Not judging for im a recovering addict but I see many posts on here of people asking questions like I've just took a suboxone or subutex, how long before I can take a hydro a perc or oxy??? Duh never!!! So many would give an arm or leg to have suboxone or subutex available to stop using. This brings me to my question.......why did you take a suboxone/subutex if your getting ready to take an opiate within hours of it? Suboxone/subutex is a miracle drug to me and many others. Think about it before you take either. If your in that position give the sub a try. You will thank yourself. God bless to all.

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JAMES: I agree with you. I am an addict too, so I am also no one to judge. And the only reason I am on here is to help and to answer questions. But yes, when someone's only question is "how can I use my drug of choice more effectively", it does make me sad. It also makes me wonder if I should even be helping someone like that. I mean, do I want someone to go into precipitated withdrawals? Do I want someone to catch HepC, or to overdose? No, of course not. But then again, maybe a little "tough love" would go a long way with some of these people.

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ZACH: I can only speak for myself, but I am on here to help people from my own knowledge and experience and that's it, really. As a 30 year+ opioid addict, I have been through a LOT, as well as having been premed, subscribing to medical journals, and regularly researching many different medical/scientific subjects. And I am certainly no one to judge a person choices. Nothing I post on here is ever purposely misleading, and whether a person is using something legally or illegally.....this is really not my business. I might bust your chops a little :) but in no way would I try to talk anyone into or out of their choices, as long as the person is being safe. If I can help, I will.

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DEEK: You can't "promise" anything, because you are just wrong. The BUPRENORPHINE ITSELF is an "opiate block", to you everyone's over-simplified terminology. Go ahead, I dare ya....do some really good, strong opioids, wait about an hour, maybe two, then take about 16 mgs of Subutex and then get back to me. Yet another person who thinks the Naloxone is the only thing that can send you into precips. The DRUG ITSELF is a partial antagonist, which is why it sends you into precips. Your "simple science" is so flawed, it's laughable.

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Sorry if this is a reply. Couldn't figure out how to pos a new comment. Boy, do I need to b**** right now!! I've posted on this thread a few times. I have been on Subutex pills, 8MG, 2-3 a day, for 3 1/2 years. Someone on here pointed out that even though the Subutex pills do not have the full Naloxone blocker that the Suboxone strips have, Buprenorphine in ITSELF is an opiate blocker!! I just went in for surgery. The surgeons were clueless about my Subutex pills, surprise surprise!! And my Subutex prescribing doctor is a DITZ!! He insisted that with zero Naloxone like the strips have, I could remain on my same dosage of Subutex pills right up until the surgery. Partial sedation (SHOULD HAVE BEEN FULL) with Dilaudid and Fentanyl IV. I took it upon myself to wean my Subutex dosage for a week. But of course, too difficult to stop completely for 72 hours. The surgeons kept saying that the hospitals' pain management team would consult with me and my Subutex doctor a week before the surgery. They never did. Well let me tell you right now, the Dilaudid and Fentanyl IV did not do their job!! There is no doubt in my mind that the Subutex pills partially block the opiate receptor sites. In fact, as the opposite has been mentioned on here (going from opiates to Subutex pills, which is what they give you inpatient for detox in opiate rehab...NOT the strips)...REHABS WAIT 72 hours after your last opiate before administering the Subutex pills. Or else you will go into precipitated and rapid withdrawal. So if the Subutex pills are enough of an opiate blocker for rehabs to wait 72 hours after your last opiate, THEN THEY ARE ENOUGH OF A BLOCKER TO MAKE OPIATES NOT WORK WHEN YOU GO IN FOR SURGERY!!! I know that docs have to take a 2-day course and exam to be certified to prescribe both the Suboxone strips and the Subutex pills. It is my thought that every ER, hospital, and surgeon in the country also need to take this course, or else the FDA should take Buprenorphine off the market in general.

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YOU CAN'T AND DON'T! ALL OF THIS INFORMATION THAT PEOPLE ARE POSTING ON THIS IS INCORRECT! Only suboxone or any other drug containing naloxone in combination with a narcotic will place you into withdrawals! Physicians prescribe subutex and narcotics together all the time! It's straight buprenorphrine and will not cause you to go into withdrawals taking it with narcotics...it MIGHT minimize the effects from the narcotics if taken closely together but you will not go into withdrawals...people are not posting accurate information and thay pisses me off to no end. You can also use narcotics with the butrans patches which is buprenorphrine without any problems...you guys are wrong...I've personally taken narcotics recently in combination with subutex due to having a huge recent surgery.don't mix it with suboxone, which is a completey different medication but it's safe to use subutex people...please get your info right before posting on these sites

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As i speak i have taken oxycintin an subutex,started today with 40 mg oxy and 2 hours later snorting 2mg buprenorfin/subutex,i have no withdrawals at all,so you probably will be just fine mixing them,but word of advise is dont take any of the s*** if you dont need it,its gonna give more pain than pleasure when you get addicted.

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God, you guys are all wrong. Subutex will NOT put you into withdrawals if you take any other opiate. Suboxone will only take you into withdrawals if you are doing an opiate IV. That is the only time the naxalone goes into effect. So if u are on suboxone and do not use an IV for the opiate, you will also be fine. Everyone out there needs to stop posting things while high cuz what has been stated makes no freaking sense.

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Naloxone will kick in more than just IV use. If you take to much suboxone it will kick in, like you said by IV naloxone will kick in also if you swallowed the suboxone tablet instead of dissolving under your tongue. Your stomach acid reacts with the naloxone and puts you into withdrawl. If your taking suboxone than you need to learn more about the meds before telling everyone else they are wrong when you are wrong. 95% of the replies are fairly accurate and then yours comes up basically telling everybody they are stupid and dont know what they are saying. If you did know than you would have put it down on your reply. So really your wrong and dont need to be putting the info down high or not high until you learn more about it and get it right. I have been taking for 6 years and through that time i read up and studied the meds i was putting into my body. You should do the same.

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Okay no, HERE'S the best answer. If you take a real opiate after Subutex OR Suboxone, depending on your dependence on the bupenorphine AKA subutex, one of two things will happen. If you've been using the bupenorphine for a long time, months or longer, basically nothing will happen. You won't feel much if anything at all from the opiate. Now if you've only been taking the bupenorphine AKA subutex for a few days and recreationally and then take an opiate, you'll feel it more than most likely. Where it gets bad is the opposite way around. Again, also depending on how long you've been using subutex. If you take subutex within 24-36 hours of your last use of opiates and you were a fairly heavy user, paws or pre anticipated withdrawal syndrome will kick in and you will want to die right there.

Moral of the story, take opiate after bupenorphine, doesn't really matter. Take bupenorphine after opiate, and you're screwed.

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There is a reason why the Dr. gave you you Subutex w/percs.
These people dont know what they are talking about. the specific reason why subutex was given to you with an opiate. That is what they where designed for.
U can take an opiate the dr.s give it to patients during surgery and the use of opiates pain killers or after surgery.
It does not hut you these were designed to take them you are w/opiates.

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