Shortage Oxycodone (Page 5) (Top voted first)


This is freaking ridiculous!!! Last month it took 3 weeks to fill the RX and this month, it's going on another 3 weeks. Pretty soon I'm going to have multiple scripts that I won't be able to fill any of them! This is going to screw up my whole cycle. I'm suppose to be taking the oxy with methadone at the same time for my pain. Do you realize how much gas and time I've wasted in the past 3 weeks? I've gone to the same pharmacy every day, you mean to tell me that none of them has them for the past 3 weeks! I get bogus excuse every like, ohh we can't fill methadone with oxy, or you need to be in the same county as your doctor, you are out of your zip code, we can't fill that many pills, you have never filled at this location....blagh, blagh, blagh!!! Or they tell me they are out of stock and don't know when they will be getting any, this should be illegal!! does the DEA understand what might happen when someone goes without their medication. I want a DEA to get hurt on the job and forced to take these medication and then all of sudden not be able to get any because of 'shortages'. I'm sure they would like the withdrawls and there's even a possibility they would die. DO THEY UNDERSTAND THIS??? I can't fill my scripts until after the 28 day cycle, although they r they reason why I can't fill going on the 3rd week, now I have to wait 28 days before I can fill and my dr's apt is next week!!! WTF!?!??! I've spend so much gas money just driving around every wallgreens and cvs just for them to roll their eyes and tell me off the bat that they don't have any. I feel like suing someone! How can we bring attention to the cause. Does someone have to die from withdrawls and their family having to sue the state/pharmacies in order for someone to care?? do they realize how much stress and pain they are causing us? I can't afford to be wasting gas just to track these down. Seriously, I've gone every day, spending 3-5 hours driving to each pharmacy and I'm only limited to local pharmacies since I have to stay within my zip code, which is ridiculous!!! The pharmacy in Longwood won't accept me because she said I'm out of the zip code, I live in LONGWOOD, it's even on my driver's license, although I live on the other side of town but still!!! I'm just so pissed and sick and tired of the pharmacist treating me differently, like i'm such a bad person. I'm just a person with pain, if that makes me such a bad person then so be it.

94 Replies (5 Pages)

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No you cant purchase oxycodone , but you can have your medication mailed to you from a mail order pharmacy. One that you may find online. You will need a prescription. yes its true you cant purchase oxycontin online because you usually dont have a prescription and the 'dr's' they provide online cant physically assess you to prescribe a narcotic.

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@ Heather: doctors and other people who judge pain patients need to remember WHY these drugs were created- to treat pain! If they're only for "junkies", then they shouldn't exist on the legal market. The fact is, pain patients were the ones these drugs were created for, and it's so backwards to judge them for taking it, it's ridiculous. It may feed junkies addictions, but the reason it still is legally available is because it works for people with real pain. I hope you find a good combination that really treats your pain at all levels. Don't be ashamed or let other people look down on you for taking a drug prescribed to you legally for a legitimate problem the medication was made for in the first place- you have every right to take them without judgement.

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maybe it is time to stop taking something that has not helped. Start exercising and walking, maybe get up and get a job. That will help.

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There is a shortage of My Hydrocodone too...sometimes it's months..not weeks. If they have the Lesser strength one (Which they always do) they give me that instead. While I will take what I can get for my pain, the shortage is frustrating.

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I am ready to sue people for this same problem. I'm in too much pain to go driving from pharmacy to pharmacy. Its too dangerous for me to even try. I was getting my meds at a mom and pop pharmacy but they thought I would pay 250.00 and them still charge my insurance. So I switched to mail order and they stopped without any notice or reason. If I were rich I could get my prescription's filled on the street easier than I could at a pharmacy. Since there is so much on the street you know the pharmacy has them. They just keep them for high paying cash customers. If you are ready to sue find away to contact me. I have chemo on the 5th but I'm not going if I don't have anything for pain.

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Teenagers are abusing oxycodone 30mg big time.The GOV has created a nightmare for parents and people like us that take are Med's the right way.My Pharm wont even have 60 30mg oxycodone in stock for fear of being robbed he told me it's that bad.The GOV does this crap then the D.E.A. starts watching how many drugs the Pharm's are getting.

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Yes I'm aware of kids as well as adults abusing pills. Here are my thoughts on drug dealers selling these medications on the streets. Here in New Port richey Florida there are mom and pop pharmacy that will fill oxycodone for 9 to 11 bucks a pill and only if you have a total of ten scripts. They will take insurance for non narcotics but you have to pay cash for the oxycodone... so who can afford this. DRUG DEALERS...someone with a script for 150 pills will have a drug dealer pay and patient walks away with 100 of the pills. This is what makes me so angry...update of my search...last night I went to a cvs that I have tried many times and pharmacist Said to call him Thursday that's when they get there shipment in. I'm praying I can finally fill. Being I had script since July 26th..does anyone in Pasco county have any idea where I can get my script filled? I also take 5 other medications daily..

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FDA.... 855-543-3784

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Thats just how it is. Sometimes I drive all day and got nothing and sometimes I get it filled on the third pharmacy. One day a few months ago I just decided to go into the pharmacy that filled me and showed her my file. Everything is good now. Knock on wood! I'm in South Florida, but she did make me change my address to my parents house. BC, I was staying with them bc when I am in pain I can't feed myself. She keeps my scripts and if they don't have it she orders it. Since they are good to me I have been taking my parents scripts. I was fed up. Now, I am just trying to treat my ADD bc I need to pass the LSAT so I can have a decent job when I am better. My PT comes MWF at 10AM for an hour and she says I am getting stronger and sometimes I feel that way but when the meds where off I have this intolerable pain in my sacrum. I have injuries from my cervical to lumber spine and its been getting worst but my Xrays are fine in my pelvic area. My PCP thinks it could be that thing that attaches to the tendon. I have three degrees and I got in a motorcycle accident in Oct 2008. A person I met at the doctors office needed a ride to apply for SSD and I had no idea of it and I applied in July 2011 and was deemed disabled back to mid 2009 and my health insurance started in March 2012 and when I got the letter that I was fully accepted within ten days I got a lump sum check of $33k. I use to work in an office position for 10-12 hours, now I can't even sit for 45 minutes straight bc I really have a high tolerance, what I get isn't enough.

It gets me through. I probably have an average of a 3-4 pain level on meds. I ge Oxys, Morphine, Somas, and Xanax. Im also ADD, OCD, and GAD and those issues work against each other and most doctors are too afraid to take on too much liability bc they don' know me. I haven't gone to a decent psychiatrist to stay with yet. It sucks to have chronic pain. I have nine siblings and just to make them happy I went to a holistic rehab in the middle of the country for 155 days and it was like jail My sisters husband tried to get me to work for them, but no meds, I was miserable. I went to the restroom for a couple minutes one day and she checked my back pack. It cost them $60-70k to pay for the program and for them to pay my bills when I went off the grid I tried to leave but my Mom found out and screamed at me and I didn't want them to worry anymore and figured I just had to do my time I couldn't bear two months outside and my back was killing me. You know when you have so much pain and all your doing is laying there but your so exhausted fighting the pain. Its like being constantly tortured and people who don't have chronic pain don't understand. Its miserable. I rather not live if I had to live in that much pain. But my sister was shocked, hurt, then angry when she found my meds. She sent a pic of it in the toilet and I made my Mom go back to her house to get my things bc my younger sister was so pissed. Now they understand my pain a little. One of my siblings told me it hurts them to see me that way. But now that my Dads sick, pain or not I have to step to the plate, although I spend an average of 20+ hours in bed doing my work. I feel really bad moving back to my pad on the beach but I told my Mom I will come help her take him/them to the doctor and pay their bills. I had to open up their Bill Pay. Dads almost 80 and Mom never dealt w/the paperwork. Its not fair bc theres seven of us here and I do most of the work. I raised the last three but they were so young they don't remember.

I have been translating for my Dads doctor appts for 15 years. I have only lived here for 12-13 so when I visited I always had to do something for him. The boys are spoiled except for a couple. I call a few of them The Gossip Girls, its all the younger ones and a couple older brothers. It seems the more manly they are the less dramatic they are. I don't hang out with Asian people and I'm use to the gossip since I was a kid bc we come from a pretty respected family. So anything they hear they were asking for bc no one would say anything about me if they weren't leading them in that direction. I am a very respected person, and it sucks but I need to find a good doctor so I can focus. They asked me how I finished my last two degrees in two years and I said I had a boyfriend and my parents moved down here and he was controlling and I finished my MBA in a year and my 2nd BA. Two degrees in two years. I told them I don't know what the problem is and they say its the meds,,,but its not I've always been this way. And, I just figured out what happened. I didn;t do well with my first degree. When I started dating my ex, my family moved to Florida and he tried to isolate me from my friends and I fell asleep with books on my head and I didn't know what was right or wrong in a relationship. It took me eight years to figure out possessiveness, jealousy, and a controlling nature wasn't love. So, thats my plan for my next appointment is to bring my transcript and this silly rule lst he wrote for me. And, I need a psychiatrist, a good one-thats the next step. But, I am glad my driving around days are over. Yea, its a messed up situation.

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This is an old thread I know, but to the poster above, PLEASE do this "I am calling a lawyer Monday and I'm going to try and sue Walgreens for discriminating."

Also, forming a group of people like ourselves and instigating a litigation against the US Government and it's subsidiary's like the DEA is the ONLY way we can get back control over this illegal discrimination. If you do take any action, please post it on here. Many people have their email linked to this site for when new questions and answers are posted. Thank you and good luck.

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Re: Jesyca (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

HI, I am 100% with you and how frustrated and angry we are. The people who honestly need their pain meds are the only ones suffering! The problem is also up here in New Jersey as well. I have debilitating RA, spinal stenosis, etc, etc.Already on ssd. I am scared to death for my future. What do we have to do? We have to stick together as one big group nationwide! Please keep in touch, sending prayers your way!

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Hey Jesyca i am 28 years old i am in port saint lucie fl i am like 25 min from you the fda says there is no shortage in florida they stopped sending roxicodone to walgreens and cvs last month cvs claims they dont sell the meds no more but thats a lie they do where i live .well this is what walgreens tell me if i go to a doctor in palm beach or down south she wont fill my script if i have a doctorin my area she will fill no problem i mean she fills my script every month and i go to a miami doctor but everytime she fills she telle me hey this is my last time sweetie filling for you she has said this for 8 months now she gave me a paper with local doctors but they are not takeing new patients i let her hear that and she feels where im comeing from so i go to the doc on monday so im going to see if she fill it again for me but i wish i can help you i mean the mom and pop place fill it here where im at but they want 7 a pill crazzy s*** my brother does it but he has no other option i am looking for a mail order but there all bull crap medsfastfl sounded so good but im hearing there a scam well the only real thing is some doctor offices have where u can buy some insurance from them and they get u a mail order my doctor doesnt have it i wish he did ask your doc if he has it i am going to switch my doc if i have too i dont want to cause my doc is fair i get 180 30mg oxycodone 140 methadomes and 60 hydromorphome so i really dont wanna switch cause to many doc dont give that but ill keep trying to help you find a place that is fare u do the same lets work together if thats cool with u

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Can not get oxycodone filled in SWF. The doctor that wrote out my scripts last month was busted in an 18 month sting up in spring hill fl. nov. 1 2011 and his clinic hope pain management was shut down. He was signing blank scripts and giving to a women doctor who was not a doctor at all and was getting the scripts filled herself. I have called thr FBI and FDLE and CCSO and they have done nothing. If you want to get mad then we all need to be upset with all of the governments and not just the DEA. Although I do happen to think that they are not yet smart enough to do the right things to change it for the better. I take 40mg oxycontin twicea dayand take 30mg oxycodone 3times daily. I have been without any oxycodone since the 23rd of may and have been through all the withdrawels and I'm in a great amount of pain but walgreens will not fill it. Dr Sleight even told me when he gave me my scripts that my walgreens was boycoting his scripts in paticular my walgreens that I have had my scripts filled for well over two years. Both my knees are shot my lumbar spine has so many injurys I can't even list them here and my cervical spine has tomany to list. I also think now I was over exposed to arsenic in the 1980's and 1990's. I just took a 24 hour urine test to check for heavy metals. I believe it is the root to my inflamatory arthritis and mant other problems I face everyday. I pray that things get better with the medications or Imay not be alive much longer.

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By law, you are not able to buy oxycodone online... I already researched it and tried. No legitimate company will mail you this medication in the mail

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