Prolia Side Effects (Page 43)


I would like to know of any side effects others may have experienced after receiving Prolia infusions. Up to now I have none.

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RM-I just read what Amgen writes about Prolia and her symptoms. "Prolia may lower the calcium levels in your blood. It may get worse during treatment. …. but some people have symptoms such as: Spasms, twitches or cramps in your muscles. Numbness or tingling in your fingers, toes or around your mouth". CALL YOUR DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY." This means she needs to have a calcium test and the Dr. will prescribe the appropriate amount of calcium and Vitamin D she needs. She is apparently not getting enough. Hope this helps~Pood

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Hi Pood! She checked her calcuim and it was perfect! Heart...perfect, everything perfect. She was diagnosed with prreipherial neuropathy. I read about Xeneva (which has the exact same ingredient as proloa denusumab) and patients who received this drug reported side effects as peripherial neuropathy. Cardiologost
Says that it is the prolia in her blood
Causing thia reaction and when it gets out she will be feeling better back again. We are just hoping this happens. She feels alone! We are tryingn to look
For hope and making her know this will pass. Hopefully it does!

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RM, she is far from alone. Just look at how many of us are here plus 7 or 8 more threads on this same site about how horrid Prolia is. She will get through it but it's not easy or fun. It's a lot of pain, sickness, insomnia and infections. She only received one injection so she should start getting much better in the 5th month and when the 6th arrives, she will be feeling more human again. What does not leave at the 6th month, will eventually get out of her and it can take 5 more months. You have not told us how old she is as that may factor in also. I've had the cataract removed that Prolia caused and a nice new lens and am going for hip replacement next week. That must tell you that I am doing well or I would not have done those surgeries. The hip and knee replacements were put on hold until I got rid of the poison Prolia. Finally, at last!! Pood

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RM - I am having the same symthoms as your mother having. Numbness in my toes and fingers, itching skin etc. She is not alone fighting for these side effects. I took high dose vitamin d almost made myself poisoning. I had a blood test that my vitamin d is now 86 from 58, this improvement came from the worries, fears and tears, painful from stomach. I hope what Poodle said we would get through it soon.
Poodle - I wish you all the best on your hip and knee surgeries. Get well very soon!

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Hi Canadian! Im sorry for your side effects! Thanks for the reply! Its good to find someone who is in the same road as my mom so we can update and help each other with solutions we find! My mom is 56 yrs, totally healthy (even better than me) just this Prolia thing. She is having trouble now in winter with the shoes. She could only wear flip flops, everything else is a pain for her. She feels numb and tingling and cant stand shoes or barefoot. Have you find anything to wear confortable? She is about to visit a neuropathy clinic in san diego that says that they have the solution methos to improve neuropathy without meds. We will see. She is in her 7th month after prolia. We are hoping month 12 is the end of this mess! Hope you get better soon! Pood, keep us posted about you! Regards

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I have a question, I don't know if this is related to my Prolia shot or not but figured this is the best place to ask. My first shot was July 2014. Never went for another shot because I had all the symptoms, tingling hands, ares, legs. Thought better to be safe then sorry and I didn't go for my next shot in January. But in Dec. out of the clear blue, I started a urine leakage problem. Like I said out of the clear blue wasn't there one day but there the next. A test showed incontinence and they put a urethral sling. The incontinence didn't stop and only got worse. Yesterday I went to a new doctor who said it was not incontinence and this is a muscle problem and I will most likely have to learn to live with it :( Could this be a side effect of the Prolia shot. Has anyone else had this or something similar happen?

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When I had my Dr. check my calcium, magnesium and potassium I came in a little on the high side but not dangerously high. I took 1200 mg Calcium 2 times a day and each had 1000 IU's of Vitamin D. At night to stop the cramps I took magnesium 350 mg as often as I possibly could. Amgen is stating that what doesn't leave in the 6 months will leave in 5 more months. On another thread we have a lady named Janey. She writes that the Prolia is gone but her side effects are not and she is warning everyone to stay away from this nasty drug. I know what your Mom's feet feel like. I didn't even like a sheet over them. It hurt. Finally went away. I have a pair of summer house slippers that I am using as all the toe part is open so the only thing really enclosed is my heel and that feels okay. I wanted to get a new pair but they quit making them. I would definitely state as a lay person that Prolia has done something to that muscle of hers that is causing the incontenence. Break up that muscle somehow by acupuncture, dry needling or however they can get to it and it should return to normal. Prolia LOVES TO HURT MUSCLES It EATS THEM. I would never allow any of the mesh/metal things as there is a huge legal suit going on right now against those people. Hopefully the new people can help her. Medical science just leaves us out on the clothesline to dry by ourselves. Also check for hypnotherapists in your area. We can do a lot of things that the medical community cannot. We could age regress your mother to before Prolia and her inner mind would then not allow any of the Prolia side effects or we can numb certain areas to take the discomfort away. Look in the back of your phone book. We are not numerous in the US yet like in Europe but we do exist. Never let her be fooled by someone that says they can do it on the phone, etc. It needs to be face to face. Facebook has some interesting information on this. Wishing her well~

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Poodle, these days there are more whitish skin bumps and black spots growing on my skins again, plus dryness around my lips, itching, numbness in toes and fingers still there again. Do you know these systoms related to too high magnesium and vitamin D or I should drink lots of water or I have too low of calcium and vitamin d in my body. Did you experience these before and how did you correct it? Or My body get allergy to these vitamin minerals? I noticed these sysoms are coming and going?
DM - Too bad that I still feeling very unwell and still looking for help from the people here.

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I am now into 3 months & 6 days since taking the first & "ONLY" prolia injection. The pain in my hips & thighs are still unbearable. A few days ago I began having pains down the sides of both legs. Not to mention the muscle spasms in both legs that keep me awake most of the night. Prolia is PURE POISON! I spoke with a nurse (questionable) @ Amgen & she listened but the only thing she did was read the results of their trial on same. Big Deal! Who cares what their trial states, I only want to be out of this miserable pain! The FDA has to be out of their mind to approve such a drug for humans. I am praying for the next 3 months to go by quickly so I can feel normal again.

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Hello you all! Wanted to let you know that there are special socks and shoes for those suffering with neuropathy and tingling numb feet. Look it up as diabetic shoes and socks. It helps, makes ur feet more confortable. Hope you can all post when you get to feel better! One improvement for one means a lot pf hope for all of us in this poisonous prolia journey!

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DM - did your mother experience itching skin after the injection? If yes, can you please tell me will that be gone after 6 months based on her case? I am also having the itching skin from head to toes. I haven't take any medicine for this problem. I am only at the end of 8th weeks.

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Hi Canadian. My mom did not experienced itching. A week or so after the injection the tingling feet began. Then they felt "electric", numb and rhen she couldnt wear any shoes but some foam flip flops. It dis got worse somewhere in between the 4th-5th month. The tingling went up to her legs and sometimes to her hand. Now legs and hand are gone and she is left with the totally numb, electric, tingling feet. As Pood says, we believe that prolia in her blood is causing all of the tingling etc, it is somehow numbing a nerve or muscle. We are hoping it will all get better once it gets out, like it did with Pood. Maybe the itching you feel is that your body is reacting still to the existing prolia in your blood. Some people can be allergic to it (but how would we know if we were allergic before taking the shot??)! Doctors are irresponsible, negligent. But it makes sence that qhile that thing is inside one person it will continue to upset the body! Either it goes out or the body learns to be inmune to it... Hope you feel better soon. Keep us posted

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DM, your mother still taking enough 1200 calcium and 1000 IU vitamin D everyday? Any magnesium she takes? My side effects is really confusing me whether I am lacking of these vitamins or I am overdose. Doctors won't help on this she asked me to try the types vitamins myself.True that the doctor is very inresponsible and negligent, and leave us deal with it fears and uncertainty alone.

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Has anyone tried STRONTIUM CITRATE inxstead of PROLIA for osteoporosis ?

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Poodle - we missed you! Hope you and everyone here are doing very well.

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Hey guys! Keep on posting about how you are! Hope everything will be back to normal!

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Hi guys - I am on two months and 9 days, still not feeling well: fingers and legs numbness and cramps, muscle pains and clamps,, skin irritates, taking vitamins problems, sometines the muscle cramps inside the body makes me feel going to die, so I take more magnesium, calcium and vitamin D immediately. This experience going in and out last 2 weeks. I am not sure this horrible cramp will attack my heart one day. I wish I can post a good news here one day. This Horrible Prolia really hurting my life deeply. I can't go anywhere as afraid of something gonna be happened to me suddenly.

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RM, I can tell you on another thread there is a lady named Janey, She is two years post Prolia and still having the same old problems. She did have more than one injection tho which could be why she is so very slow to get better. My 'magic' day was Nov. 5 and I still have a couple of problems -- the autoimmune disease and a muscle from my arm to my mouth. Will have to have dry needling to break it up. I already told them to expect me when I am allowed to leave the house on my own. The pain meds I am on keep it from bothering me but some day, I will have to quit them so I need to be WELL as in totally well. We know for sure that Prolia attacks muscles as that is the only place our bodies can store what Prolia needs to exist. We don't store protein in any other place in a human body. That is also what leads to the ONJ - Prolia eats the muscles that hold the jaw and then everything falls apart.
I don't believe I stated my calcium intake correctly 2-1200mg capsules two times/day with food with each containing 1000IU's of Vit. D. When tested, I just came in a little bit high, not not sufficient to worry about. When I started to get a muscle cramp, I took a large dose of Magnesium. One has to be careful with magnesium as it can cause loose stools if one takes the wrong kind. Again, let the net be your guide. Amgen states that spasms, twitches or cramps in muscles or numbness and tingling in fingers and toes or around the mouth is directly due to lack of calcium. Column 1, 4th Paragraph. I think it is from the insert sheet that comes in the package that we don't get to see but they do have it written for us to read. It's on page 3 of 3. Go to Amgen's site and print every piece of info they have on Prolia. This is the only way we can combat our ignorant MDs. Mine just took one look at me in about month 4 and went crazy about how horrible I looked and how much weight I had lost, etc. She then got busy and did more bloodwork to help discover what Prolia had done to me. I also know two people got Sjorns which is where bone is deposited where it should not be like on the face. They had to go to Mayo to get a proper diagnosis. It seems that with Prolia EVERYTHiNG is possible. Never, ever, believe it is just YOU. You are only the innocent victim. Learn everything there is about Prolia, other websites, many places have lots more info on Prolia than Amgen does. They only tell us what they want us to know. You should know by now that you are going through chemo even though you don't have cancer. Expect the worst. Know that your immune system is totally messed up and hardly, if, working at all. That means you can get certain cancers too so be very vigilant. Perhaps Canadian has been too vigilant but she knows the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I am not a nurse or a MD. I am just a person that has survived this poison to the best of my ability with a lot of pain meds and sleep meds too. I don't know when they will stop and that's the gospel truth. I'm hoping for next spring but I may be wrong. Maybe the Prolia will still be causing a couple of problems. We are in an unknown, uncharted world right now with a company that sent mice into outer space with Prolia in them. What that has to do with humans leaves me very confused. On another thread here a lady has started to have red, itchy eyes as in hay fever. Is it Prolia? Probably. Since it can cause autoimmune it certainly can cause immune histamine responses. Be well all~Pood

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Hi Pood,
Good to hear from you, sad to know not all side effects have gone away! But tell me, at least the tingling and numbness of your feet faded ornis gone?? How long did you have it? My mom feels her feet super numb, sometimes they burn. She hasnt found anyrhing as a solution. We lose hope somedays when she feels worse but I want to think that it will dissappear after 1 yr of prolia. How does prolia get out of the body? I need hope I am suffering so bad to see my mother struggle. She was super healthy, still is, just this thing thats on our minds 24/7. Best to you all!

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Hi DM - your mother besides has tingling and numbness in her feet, didn't she feel some muscle tightness and sprams inside her upper abdomiinal muscle. Was the super numbness happened right after taking calcium? If yes, she may need to take some extra magnesium supplement to relax her muscle. I just found out this solution today and look like it works for me temporary now.
Since this week, I had been experiencing very severce muscle cramp inside my body at night or day time, and especially right after I had the calcium and vitamin D intake. So I ate a magnesium bisglycinate capsule (fastest absorption) to relax the muscle. It was funny that My magnesium blood did not show deficient but I got this severce cramps.
Poodle - I really don't know what will happen to me.

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