Pharmacist Refusing To Fill My Script Of Suboxone. What Do I Do??? (Top voted first)


I wet to my doc 7 days early because of running out early. I took my new script to pharmacy and said, this is early so I won't be using insurance. My doc said you can call him if necessary. Well no one wanted to. They filled two per day for three days. On the third day I asked to fill the rest on insurance for the next day. I was one day early. When I called the next morning to have my daily two filled the pharmacy manager said no we won't be filling it for another 5 days. Go to the ER for your withdrawals but don't come here because I won't give it to you. Has this happened to anyone else????

256 Replies (13 Pages)

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That's because you take a gawd awful amount daily and suboxone has an extensively long half life. That's why four days is a breeze for you. Give it a couple more days after that and I'm sure you'll "care" then.

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Thank u ash, i was feelin some kinda way about his post, i just didnt know what to say. Its like add kids n other peoples stresses and pressures to urself n see how well u do. Thats great if ur ok, but dont come on here boasting about it in that manner. I myself would do alot better if i was alone or could go somewhere else for the recovery, but this is life, i cant just leave my responsibilities.

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Getting suboxone filled is a chore. These pharmacists who fill the stuff have never had a problem with anything. They went to high school, then to college, and now they will be pharmacists for the rest of their lives. They've been "good boys and girls." So whenever someone comes in with a script that they know is for addictions such as, H, oxy, roxy, percs, Vics, morphs, whatever, they look at you like your a piece of s***. I've been treated like a straight up junkie so many times it's not even funny. I've been screwed around with the perfect 30 day deal that they follow by the book, which isn't a big deal. I never run out early, don't take more than I should. Especially in South Carolina. I'm from St. Louis. In MO you can fill any script up to 5 days early. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GO TO WALGREENS OR CVS OR ANY OTHER LARGE CHAIN PHARMACY. These are the places that will treat you like ur nothing more than a junkie off the street, not someone who is recovering. So f*** these pharmacists. Go to a local mom and pop pharmacy and build a rapport with the pharmacist. CVS and walgreens are awful drug stores. The pharmacists are rude (especially as walgreens) and they don't give a f*** about what you're going through.

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Of course I'll care then because I will start going into withdrawals. But I rather have a four day leeway period where I can survive those four days with no withdrawals in case I ever lose my pills or something else happens where I have nothing. That will give me four days to do something about it. Actually, I have been taking 24 mg. each day for 9 years. I have tried to wean down on my own just to see if I could. The first few days, I only took 16mg (one tablet less) - and I'd be okay on 16mg., but after like 5-6 days, I'd start feeling bad. So I'd go back to 24mg. and felt fine, So I guess I am stuck on 24 mgs. And yes, my Doc has suggested in the past 9 years that I wean down, but I always tell her "NO." And she accepts that. I am so afraid if I stop that I will start using H again, which I have NOT touched since I started Suboxone 9 years ago. Suboxone gave me my life back. Before Suboxone, I failed 11 rehabs and my life was in shambles. Typical story. I considered myself a chronic relapser. I admire those who can stop using H and not DO ANYTHING - like methodone and/or Suboxone. I am just not one of those people.


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Yes walgreens is horrible I on suboxene I only had one film left and the pharmacist argued with me saying I had 3 so I called another walgreens in my area who said I could have them filled cuz I was only day early so I went and made complaint about other pharmacist at other walgreens and now I go to a different pharmacy walgreens sucks and they laugh like its funny so rude

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Hey everyone. I just wanted to update everyone to let y'all know that I made it through. I don't know how. Prayers played a big part in it I'm sure. Thanks for all of y'all's advice and input. I finally got my prescription this morning. I substitute teach and had to e at work extremely early this morning but my "angel" of a mother went and picked them up and brought two of them to me. I am already feeling A WHOLE LOT BETTER. I am really rethinking even taking the full two after this ordeal. I actually think after this month I may try to start weaning off under my doctors and therapists supervision. We'll see. I'm in some pretty intense therapy right now to tackle the path of destruction my drug use has left behind me. So I'm just gonna take it one day at a time. But I definitely will keep my meds out of reach if my little one from now on. Thanks again.

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Excuse me "Questionable." I am a 2nd grade school teacher with a classroom of 26 students Mon. through Friday. And I am NOT boasting as you put it. My story is a successful one and I am proud that I have not used H in 9 years due to Suboxone. Now what? Rob

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I've had issues with pharmacists being incredibly rude to me once I ask about suboxone. The nicest people until you tell them what medication you're inquiring about, then I get looked at as a leper and was told that "this pharmacy doesn't carry suboxone because they don't want my KIND hanging there." Say WHAT?! I've never felt so humiliated in my life...

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Hello Jaime and Verwon! How are you both?

As for you Jaime, I believe you and have an idea for you in which I will post when I get home.

And as for you Verwon- you're right re. federal laws on early refills of controlled substances. I don't think that it matters if a person has insurance or not- I am pretty sure that most pharmacists tend to do everything by the book. Otherwise they could get in trouble & lose their license(s?) & business(es?). Also you're right about being allowed to get our rx filled if our dose is increased due to legitimate reason.

Lemme get settled in and all- just got home! Talk to you soon, Jaime and in the meantime please let me know how you're doing?

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I tried that same thing were I live and it turned out into a disaster!!! Here in Florida we now have a database that doctors and pharmacists can (but don't have to) put your info into when you fill a controlled medication. So here is what happened. I have two doctors. A primary care doctor and a pain management doctor. My pain management doctor (I was in a car accident that crushed my spine) wrote me a prescription for Ambien 5mg, 8 pills. I filled it at CVS on my insurance. About two weeks later I had an appointment with my primary care, and I told him how well it worked, and he gave me a prescription for 30 pills. Because I already used the 8 I had, and because it was less than a month since I filled the first prescription, I knew my insurance wouldn't cover the new prescription and I knew the CVS would give me crap if I told them to fill a controlled substance and not bill my insurance. Instead I brought it to the grocery store across the street. OMG! I guess both CVS and the grocery store used the database. They told me they were going to call the police, and that I had been caught. I was never so embarrassed and humiliated. I called BOTH doctors and explained what happened. Turns out the pharmacy called them both too. Both of my doctors blew the issue off a what I would call a rookie mistake, and my pain doctor said never to use more than one pharmacy again, but other than that they were cool with what happened. Here is the issue though... the grocery store must have put some sort of flag on me, because I can't get a prescription for Tylenol filled to save my life. The pharmacists won't admit why they're blackballing me though - I had one tell me today that not only were they out of stock, but their supplier was out of stock, and the supplier's manufacturer was out of stock because the "raw materials" to make the medication weren't available! That's laughable. Look, I made a mistake once, but this is getting out of hand.

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I wish you lived near me. :). I could help you take care of the extra.

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No one has ever disrespected me in a pharmacy. Monthly I use the same pharmacy and I am always treated with the utmost respect. I am never looked down on as though I am a junkie. I am sorry for the people that have to go through this. If anybody dared looked down on me even an inkling, I would, by all means, say "What are you looking at? What do you think I'm a junkie?" and then I would say "This medicine called Suboxone that I obtain from you is for me to stop using Narcotics... And it doesn't make you feel high."so all of you out there who are disrespected by the technicians that work in the pharmacy, speak your mind to them and don't let them insult you and make you feel like a junkie because you are not a junkie. You are trying to stop using narcotics.

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Ash, And oh, by the way, I'd rather take 24 mg of Suboxone for the rest of my life then to be homeless using H on the streets. I am a chronic relapser and after 11 rehabs, I still could not stop using H. Suboxone gave me my life back, along with regular meetings of Naroctics Anonymous, working the 12 steps, getting a sponsor, changing people, places and things and most of all NOT PICKING UP H. Suboxone, along with that, is what got me through these past 9 years and enabled me to keep my job as a 2nd grade school teacher. So the choice was mine. Either continuing to use H. and watch my life spiral out of control until I am homeless - or take my Suboxone each day to enable me to function like a normal person. I chose the latter, and it's been 9 years and 4 months, and my life has been normal ever since I stopped using H. due to taking Suboxone! Am I boasting? Damned right because I am proud of myself. And it is hoped that my story will inspire others.

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I have to agree with you, I keep my Suboxone WELL away from my two year old's curious little fingers, I would never live with myself if he somehow took them. I don't know if it's true that her child threw them out...seems a bit convenient. I think sometimes people take more than their daily dose to try and feel better (or something)...knowing I will never run out makes me feel just fine!!! Keep to your daily dose and you shouldn't have to be hoping that some pharmacist will fill your script early. I live in Australia, and even though I get my Sub for free from a clinic, it's still VERY strictly controlled, no excuse under the sun will make them fill your script early here if you run out, too bad too sad. I'm going to be picking up from a pharmacist soon so will start costing me about $30 per month. From what I've been reading, we have it REALLY good in Australia, nowhere near as expensive as other countries. Suboxone gave me my life back, never again to I have to "chemist shop" or "doctor shop". I'm done with that behaviour and have been for years.

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To the people saying suboxone isn't prescribed or made for pain that's absolutely false my wife is on suboxone not for drug addiction but for pain for her arthritis and it works well for her. So yes suboxone is used and can be used for pain I'm sure everyone is different so whether it would work for your pain or not depends on the person

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If you run out of suboxone too soon- you might need to increase your dose? That way you won't have to worry about being out of it too soon.

As for me- my doctor decided to make 16mg as my daily dose, but 8mg feels just a result I'd have like thirty (8mg) strips leftover every month- and of course I don't tell my doctor that I'm only taking 8mg instead of 16mg lol

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My pharmacy is in a small town and the pharm. Mab freaked out on me and voided my refill!! Can he do that??

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Especially seeing that Opioid Addiction is now looked at as Chronic Medical Condition..
And Pharmacists, are NOT M.D.s....I don't care WHAT they think. Some of them let it get to their heads that they CONTROL the situation...Withdrawals and misery, or give him or her their meds.

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I had a very rude pharmacist for years at my local Walgreens, then I discovered a small mom and pop pharmacy next door to my pain management building. Never any attitude, fills my script for morphine, norco etc. every 28 days no problem. Get away from the chain stores, they don't have a clue what it's like to deal with chronic pain!!! It's a shame how they treat us as customers. Same copay and much, much better service!!!Go small business!

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There isn't a set fill date, it's entirely up to the pharmacist. There are really no federal laws that say when a pharmacist should or shouldn't fill a also varies from state to state. I live in northwestern PA and the majority of pharmacies here won't fill your script of suboxone until 85% of your script is gone. I get 60 8/2mg strips and I can fill it every month on the 26th day the 26th-30th is 5 days. Some people have commented that "well if you used it as prescribed you wouldn'tneed to fill it early" that's b.s." stuff happens I'm bipolar and I have real bad insomnia that lasts about two weeks give or take and if I'm up for 24 to 72 hours at a time I take an extra half at night when I'm up by myself with nothing to do that way I don't sit here and think about the things I use to do and then on the days my insomnia isn't bothering me I can get by on one to one and a half a day to balance the script out... I've never had to fill early but I can see how or why some people would need to... it doesn't excuse the ones that abuse it and run out early because they abuse them on purpose though. It's a waste anyways because of the ceiling effect. I know people that take way more then they should because they think they need it but it's just a waste the more you take the less it works in a sense you're just wasting doses. I will say I wish I lived in Australia for a 30 day script is only 25 that's crazy for my script of sixty 8/2mg strips it's 372 thats only because my home town pharmacy is the cheapest everywhere else is 400-600. Luckily I have here to help paying for it. FOR THOSE WITHOUT INSURANCE LISTEN GO AND GOOGLE HERE TO HELP program AND CALL THEM EVERY DOCTOR IN AMERICA IS ALLOWED THREE PATIENTS EVEN IF THE DOCTOR KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT THE PROGRAM IT'S NOT UP TO THEM AND THEY DON'T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IT TELL THEM YOU HAVE NO INSURANCE AND YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING HERE TO HELP THEY WILL SEND YOU PAPERS FOR YOU AND DOCTOR TO FILL OUT AND THEY WILL NEED YOUR PROOF OF INCOME JOB OR UNEMPLOYMENT OR ANY OTHER way YOU EARN AND THEY WILL NEED YOUR MOST RECENT TAX RETURN. HAVE YOUR DOCTOR FAX ALL THE INFO TO HERE TO HELP WITHIN A COUPLE hours OF HERE TO HELP RECEIVING FAX UP TO 24 HOURS YOU WILL BE APPROVED AND CAN PICK UP YOUR SCRIPT FREE OF CHARGE FOR A YEAR AND AFTER A YEAR THEY WILL GIVE YOU AN EXTENSION. Sorry for the all caps but I wanted everyone who pays out of pocket for script to see this. Trust me its great, they will pay for a 30 day supply every month no charge to you at all. Its a suboxone program. It's worth it. Whether you get 15 a month or 90 a month they will pay for it. I know how frustrating it can be to not know if you can pay for your script or worry about how many you can afford and making them last so please call and they will help, they are very nice.

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