Normaxin Side Effects
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What are side effects of normaxin and how effective it is for IBS ?.

17 Replies

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Sir, I am suffering with IBS for 25 years. Normaxin RT is very effective, but I am afraid for any other kind of problems in my body such as kidney or liver. So please suggest me how long I can take Normaxin RT for?

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Side effects .what are the sifeeffects of normaxin?

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Re: v k agarwal (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Hi u can take NORMAXIN it will help u with stomach pain. I use homeopathy and it cured me. I take NATRUM PHOSPHORCIUM 6x potency. It helps in improving my digestion. 2 CARBOVEG for gas, 3 MAGPHOS pentarkan for pain relief.

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Side effects of normaxin on kidneys.

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After continuous use of Normaxin RT for 3 months frequent urination started. Consulted urologist and found albumin in urine and pus cells increased. Also pain in lower abdomen

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I had typhoid on 30 Jan.After that I took antibiotics for 14 days.I did not had when I will overcome my weakness.

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i take normaxin rt 10mg last 15 day any side eff

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I m 55 year old and may be problem of ibs. I m under diagnose of Sir Ganga Ram hospital Delhi for last 8 months.
My main problem is I passed my stool in always liquid form after taking any thing. No pain, no blood in stool. Always I feel to go to toilet as feeling gas problem. Dr XXX MBBS MD DM is telling there is nothing.

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This is bala iam used normaxin tablets but a small doubt any side effect for kideny pls tell me

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i am 31 yr old have stomach problem by 2007 i have had been to many doctor but i didnt get any relief. I took aayurvedic also homeopathic etc but havent got relief.
I have to go for toilet almost every 2 - 3 hours. in morning i have to go 3 times for getting stool passed but still feel uneasy whole day then arounnd 1 pm and them 5 pm and then 7.30 pm and 12.30 at night. sometimes there is blood in stool dr said for ibs treatment but didnt got any relief.

one of friend said me to take normaxin tab twice day after meals so is it ok if i take that medicine.

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Hi I am 25 and recently got IBS started with gas issue and frequent loose motions. I am taking homeopathy medicine and it really helps. Try carbo veg 3 x, magnesium phosphorcium 2x and Gastro Aid liquid..

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Hi I am 25 and recently got IBS started with gas issue and frequent loose motions. I am taking home pathy medicine and it really helps. Try carbo veg 3 x, magnesium phosphorcium 2x and Gastro Aid liquid..

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please i think it will be another answer also

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I am a IBS Patients with flatulence stomach and stool contain often on mucous or muddy stool just like Dysentery Can I take Normaxin pls give me advice

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What are its side effects. How much dose we can take daily

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How long Normaxin can be taken for curing IBS .....
How excessive Gas formation after every meal can be cured?

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Normaxin contains the active ingredients Chlordiazepoxide, Clidinium and Dicyclomine, it used as an antispasmodic, which is commonly used to treat the symptoms of IBS.

As to its effectiveness, some people get great results with it and some don't, which is true of any medication, because it depends on the individual. The only way to know if it will help you is by trying it.

Some of the common side effects may include: drowsiness, altered sex drive, constipation and confusion.

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Is there anything else I can help with?

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