How Late Into Pregnancy Is It Safe To Stop Taking Suboxone? (Page 2)
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I am almost 14 weeks pregnant. I want to stop taking my Suboxone completely, but have heard it can cause premature labor if stopped too far into pregnancy. My doctor also said that withdrawals can not cause miscarriage or hurt the unborn baby in any lasting ways. I have been taking 2mg of subutex (now Suboxone) for the past week. Am I okay to cease all Suboxone use, or should I wait another week or so?

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So how was the turnout? I too am in the same situation now

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How did things turn out? I'm in this same boat and want to hear positive experiences!!

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did you ever stop at the 25 week mark curious ? i need to myself wanting to stop but just scared of what might happen?

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I am trying to understand exactly how much you take. I waited until my last trimester to stop taking suboxone. I was on such a small dose because I don't have a high tolerance for opiates. One 8mg strip would last me a month that's how small of a dose. I went through withdrawals for about 15 days before I had the energy to do anything! My daughter was born 8lbs and 20 inches long and she is perfect. I would suggest taking just enough opiates to keep from withdrawing throughout the day. Stay away from sub altogether because the half life is 48 to 72 hours and your wd symptoms will last longer. You want as short of a detox and wd as possible. Wait until the miscarriage window is closed so I'd wait until you're into your 2nd trimester!!! Although the best way to wd is off of opiates other than suboxone they will pick up on your opiate usage at your objective. The panel they use doesn't check for Suboxone. That is a different more expensive 15 panel evaluation. The withdrawal will be longer but it will go undetected by your doctor. Good luck to you! I went through the same scary situation 2 different pregnancies. It will all be okay! Don't detox from a high level. Taper down to almost nothing over the next few weeks until you're into your 2nd trimester. Or you can wait until your 2nd trimester to taper down until the beginning of your 3rd trimester a then stop and withdrawal. The hardest part is after that's over and you have your baby they give you pain killers. That's what caused my problem all over again after delivery. And here I am again 5 weeks pregnant and about to do the same thing all over again. It's a struggle it really is and most just see you as just some addict. That's not always the case. I was never hooked on anything before I went to a doctor after having my first 2 children with the use of an epidural and now I have static nerve issues. I went to my doctor because of back pain and told him I didn't want to be put on any narcotic pain killers. I was them prescribed tramadol for 14 months taking 4 a day. I was then switched to a different medication and started experiencing wd symptoms. I went back to my doctor and he acted like he didn't know what I was going through. 7 days in and it was still getting worse! Later on I had to wd off percocets and by day 6 I was feeling much better. It's crazy to think I asked to be put on something that I wouldn't wd from come to find out it was a worse wd than a narcotic like hydrocodone or oxycodone wd. Never take tramadol/Ultram!!! Ever since that time in my life anytime I take anything for pain for even just a week I'm right back into withdrawal. I trusted my doctor and now I am stuck with this burden for the rest of my life. If you follow my advice you and baby will be just fine! Good luck and I hope this post helps you and anyone who comes across it!

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hi im in this same situation i need advice did u get off before birth i really need you to respond im going through it

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So I have been reading these posts and I can only speak from my own experience. I am currently 10 weeks pregnant, and got off all of my medications. This included 5 different psych meds, suboxone and xanax. I started tapering myself down to a low dose of all medications, after talking with many, many doctors first. And I was NOT prescribed the xanax or suboxone. This is a HUGE issue once you become pregnant or if you are planning to be. Once you see doctors and tell them exactly what the deal is, and IF U ARE NOT PRESCRIBED controlled medications, NO DOCTORS WANT TO BE LIABLE, therefore you will keep getting thrown to the ground until someone helps. And what they could be liable for, is any birth defects, miscarriage, or anything that might happen to you yourself. So the xanax and psych medications were a smoother taper because they have very minor withdrawal symptoms. The xanax I was taking 2-6 mg a day and tapered off within a week by dropping 1mg a day or by a half mg a day. I had no panic attacks or major wirhdrawal symptoms. The suboxone I had been taking for 2 years and I had been going into a panic on how to approach the taper considering I had spoken to 20+ doctors all who had a different answer on what to do. I was taking 8 mg strip a day. Over the next few weeks, I had been tapering down and got stuck at 4 mgs. I was nervous about my baby's health more than my own. I called detox centers around the state and of course, they would not take a pregnant woman. So I had decided to go to a nearby hospital to ask to be monitored and detoxed off the suboxone. I had told them my situation and they simply said "we are not a detox center, we do not do this here." I was released that night and sent home. Frustrated that no one would take me, help me or give me a simple answer. I had decided to discontinue my dose at 4 mgs to withdrawal a little. So the next day I decided to drive an hour to a very well known hospital who had countless specialists for high risk pregnancy and addiction specialists. They had kept me there for 1 week, I was closely monitored BUT I had not gotten what I asked for, I had went in there asking to be monitored so I can detox safely. They had tapered me down to a low dose of 2 mg of subutex. Note suboxone and subutex are different medications. Suboxone has buprenorphine and naloxone (opiate blocker) and subutex is just buprenorphine without the blocker. So the doctors maintained me on the subutex for the duration of the stay. I was released with my last dose taken the same day. My options at this point were to get onto methadone or to get into a suboxone program. I did neither. I checked into a rehab having the promise from staff that they WILL get me into a program. That also did not happen simply because I was pregnant. I left the facility after a day. I had also been sober for over a year and did not need rehab. So I went home, I detoxed on my own. It has been incredibly hard. My symptoms the first 8 days were sweats, feeling hot and cold, minor shaking, yawning, muscle aches, back pain, rebound pain, depression, and nausea. It has been 10 days. I now sneeze around 60 times a day give or take, I still have rebound pain which is the hardest part for me but not everyone will get the pain, I suffer from depression so there is not much you can do for that except keep your positive sources close by. I try to stay busy but I have absolutely no energy but the will to get thru. For me and hopefully every mom out there is to remember every choice you make is now for your baby. Any controlled substance including suboxone, subutex, methadone, illicit drugs, morphine alcohol, xanax, whatever it is your baby will be in the hospital detoxing whether you are maintained on a low low dose or high dose that baby will go thru every withdrawal symptom once born, you will not be able to bring your baby home that day. You might not even be able to hold your baby. Watch a video on methadone baby's or any baby addicted to any medication or substance. Your baby will be okay if you detox the sooner and if you do it correctly. I'm sure you already know every body is different. So make a choice that is best for you and your baby! Also even if you are prescribed a substance, that baby still has to detox once born, you will be dealing with DCF! I am not a doctor but some people don't want to go to your doctor about it. Just before my most recent OBGYN appointment I had taken a home drug panel. I was still positive after my last dose for subutex and benzodiazepine after 7 days. They had given me adavan while detoxing at hospital. You can also look up the "classes" of drugs with Google or ask a doctor. That is how doctors go by what is safe to give a pregnant person. Many medicines are not safe including psych meds. Please also consider every states rules and regulations are a little different so ask someone and do the research. I had my last OB appointment which I got to listen to the heartbeat, the specialists said everything is normal and healthy. Sometimes you have to go thru some hell to find that happiness waiting for you. Hope I could help a mother in need with my story. Please be brave for your baby!

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Yes, they will check for any and all substances in your blood. You should only be taking narcotics under the supervision of a doctor (preferable and ob/addictions specialist)! See one right away! They can help manage your intake and symptoms throuought the pregnancy and keep children's aid at bay. Yes, they will call CAS if they find anything in your blood and if it is not under the supervision of a doctor, you WILL have your baby taken away from you. This is serious and no joke. Taking suboxone during pregnancy is extremely dangerous and cannot be done unless monitored for your safety as well as the baby.

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i am 34 weeks and tapered off subutex my dr said i should be fine and its better for the baby then to withdrawl after. im on myb2nd day without and its really not that bad. its worth it for my baby. i went down to 2mg a day then just stopped.hope this helps.

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I took suboxone with my youngest my OBGYN said the baby was perfectly healthy and he did not suggest me completely stop I did whein myself down to very little a day and only once a day... My son was born 6pounds 3oz 21inches and had absolutely no effects from the suboxone... Best of luck I just wanted to let you know what the outcome was for me since I was in the same situation...

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I had a cesearean on suboxen and was fine. Pain meds worked... after also.

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Hi there, were you still taking roxy when you found out you were pregnant? And if so, how far along were you when you found out you were preg? And when did you start subs? I just found out I was pregnant yesterday and am in a similar situation, I don't take any other drugs but am addicted to Roxy 30mg as well and have a dr appt set for 2 weeks and they are aware of my addiction but am nervous to keep taking these until then but don't want to go into WD so early on and something happen to the baby :/ I'm so scared of that but want to be off of these ASAP!

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How did things turn out?

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Okay this may sound weird but I only have my monthly every four months so I never really have any way of knowing if I am expecting or not , 10 months ago I was prescribed very low amount of pain medication for which I took twice a day every day until I realized I couldn't stop and then went to get help however I was only on 2mgs of suboxone the last two weeks and now am on nothing today I found out I am expecting and am currently between 2 and a half to 3 months will this hurt the baby or will the baby be alright?

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Did your baby you have to stay in the hospital during the two-week withdrawal.

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My now 2 1/2 year old daughter was born while I was on suboxone. It was legally prescribed to me by my perinotologist (Specialty high-risk pregnancy dr.) I went on suboxone as soon as I found out I was pregnant, & I had never taken illegal street narcotics. I was on a very low dosage. My daughter was born at 34 weeks. The hospital where I gave birth DID treat me like an opiate addict, & doped my newborn up with morphine every three hours. She spent 29 days in the NICU. When she was three weeks old, I threw a fir about the entire situation, & threatened to have my daughter transferred to a different hospital. After she was home, I learned that the hospital was just inexperienced with the drug suboxone. Had I chosen the other hospital, I was told my daughter would've been released after 48 hours. I am now currently pregnant, AGAIN, with my third child. I am STILL on suboxone. My advice to you, just make sure you deal with EDUCATED drs & professionals!!!!

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I'm so relieved after reading ur story. I think that alone brought my anxiety down so much. How much were u on when u got off all together? I know exactly what u mean about not feeling it anymore. I think being pregnant and the increased blood flow and metabolism makes it leave the body faster. Your baby is over a year old is he doing? I am also having a boy. Hes been the biggest life changer that i could ever imagine and hes not even here yet! Oh by the way i never felt any symptoms when dropping my dose. Did u have any experience with that too?

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Yeah, I thought about it... But the excitement of my first baby trumped that. Something you really have to consider, too... If you remain on it, how will that affect labor? If you get an epidural, will it work? If you need a c-section, will the drugs work or will you feel it? I don't know those answers but that freaked me out. I went all natural at a birth center and had quit the Subs, but that's part of why I wanted to get off it so bad. I still think about it sometimes. Being on Suboxone, I didn't really even think about drugs. Now I think about them occasionally. But I've been clean long enough that I'd never go back. But the thoughts are still there. It's best to have a strong support system. Someone to keep you accountable. So you can tell them that you're having thoughts and they can remind you how far you've come, how much better your life is, and how much you have to lose now. Now that I have a completely clear head, I look back on things I've done with regret and disgust. I don't want to go back to that life and my son doesn't deserve that. Suboxone is a great stepping stone to a completely sober life. But once you're off it, you're there! You beat this awful disease! Pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself on how far you've come!!! You've got this! And what better motivator than the health of your unborn child? I don't necessarily think it would be the easiest to quit drugs while pregnant because I think you would have a higher risk of going back. But you already quit the drugs. Now just stop the Subs. {edited for privacy}.

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You have no idea how much reading that helped me. I feel the same way. I dont feel the effect from it anymore. Mainly the energy but its not like I can't function. Just figured id wait till I was home for a few days so I didn't have to deal with work or people if I wasn't up to it. But yea little runny nose sweats and chills here and there. Some insomnia and rls but I had the rls for a while from being pregnant. Nothing a heating pad cant fix. I feel so much better after reading ur post. Did your doctor know you were on the sub? How did the birth go? Did they test u and the baby for medication levels and what not? I'm sure all hospitals do but figured I would ask anyway. Im so happy for u that u have a healthy baby. That's my main and only concern at this point.

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Thank u for the response. How did u feel coming off it? My doctor knew I was on it in the beginning and hasn't mentioned it since. So far everything with the pregnancy has been normal. Perfect growth heart rate ect. I went 60 hours earlier this week before I took it again. Nothing i couldnt handle just some mild sweats and of course the constant thought on my mind about getting off of it. I'm sorry if i'm bothering u im just looking for someone who's been where im at now.

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When I stopped, it actually wasn't bad at all. I had weened to such a small amount that I wasn't even really feeling it anymore. I had a little bit of the hot/cold flashes, a little runny nose, some sleeplessness. But honestly, being pregnant has it's own pains that kind of mask the withdrawal symptoms. I felt worse when I was still taking it because it wasn't enough anymore but it was enough to produce withdrawals before the day was over. Does that make sense??? Once I stopped taking it at all, it only took a couple days to feel completely fine. You could stop taking it right now and if you feel too many withdrawal symptoms in a couple days, then take a tiny bit. Then go another few days and take a tiny bit but only if the symptoms are too much. If it's like mine, then it won't be too much and you'll be fine. But you just can't let it get too bad because the baby is feeling what you feel.

My son was born on 9/30/14, his due date. He had torticollis (tightened neck muscles on one side) most likely caused by how he was sitting inside of me. That made breastfeeding difficult but I pumped and bottle fed him. Otherwise, he was completely healthy. He's now a vibrant, funny, smart little 17 month old! He amazes me everyday with how smart he is! He never had any withdrawals or side effects of my Suboxone use. He's worth every ache and pain I had to get off. He's the most precious thing in the world to me. I'm so glad I was able to quit drugs for myself, then quit smoking & Suboxone for him. I would do anything for him.

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